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One Way Back Links

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
We all know that links from other sites are a vital part of getting a good Google rank.

The best back links are one way links, that means you get a link to your site without having to place a reciprocal link on your site.

Most of the time this is done by posting to one way link directories.

Today my partner found a site that allows you to get one way back links without having to go searching for these directories.

It is Free to join and you can get access to sites ranging from Page Rank 0 to Page Rank 3. But as we also know links from Page Rank 4 to 9 are far better and if you get just 3 referrals then they will give you access to these higher ranked sites.

More than 3 will give you NO extra advantage so here is what I propose.

I have set up a rotator and right now only my link is in there.
I want to help not only my own LCW group of sites but all of you as well.

To do this I want to ask you to sign up using the rotator link then post ONLY your id number NOT the full URL .

I will then ADD you to the rotator.

Once you have 3 you will then post again that you have them and I will remove you to give others the chance to get their 3.

Yes as soon as I have 3 I will remove my own link as well. Those that know me know I keep my word those that don't, well either you trust me or you don't, your choice.

Please note I know Page Ranks goes up to 10 but, I have not included 10 because as far as I am aware the only site with a Page Rank of 10 is Google and you are not going to get any free links from them.

Ok Its up to you we can work as a team and grow quickly or we can go it on our own and get there slowly.

There is no money involved, and no downline building involved in it.
I get nothing out of doing this except maybe some good will.

May 22nd 2007 15:36

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Sarah Pritchard Professional   CEO, Angel Cuddle Publishing
Hello Bill,

I've come back and I don't know if you got my message.

How do we tell if the message has happened?

In case you didn't get the message:

I joined up and the ID# is 14304009

Sarah Pritchard
May 25th 2007 10:42   
Sarah Pritchard Professional   CEO, Angel Cuddle Publishing
OK Bill,

I'm getting the hang of this now.

I was looking for the message at the bottom and it was at the top!

Excuse me, still got my learning plate on.

May 25th 2007 10:50   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
sorry for dely in replying sarah.

Having some browser problems.

in your account you click on the regerals link and it shows two colomns
Hits and signups. when it says 3 under signups then you will get the access to the link for higher ranked pages.

At that point you do not need any more referrals so post here that you have the three. I will then deactivate you in the rotator thus letting those that stil need 3 have more chance to get them.


May 25th 2007 11:52   
Inga Ozolina Senior   Manual Traffic Exchange Owner
21528205 I think this is my ID , lol that link looks weird so I am not sure...
May 25th 2007 16:50   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi IngaOz

the id is everything after the = sign
the end of your url loos like this
so in this case the thing to post would be the 123456789
or id=123456789
i do not need more than this.


May 25th 2007 17:52   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Wham Bam done!

3 Views, 3 Signups.

Thankyou Bill!!!!
May 25th 2007 18:40   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Thank you Lisa,

You have been deactivated.

This is the way to do it, check your account regularly and report back as soon as you have your 3 so that others then get their turn.


May 25th 2007 19:01   
Julie Tallent Advanced  Independent Researcher
Hello Bill,

Thanks so much!
My ID# is 75636158

May 26th 2007 00:25   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Julie

noted and added to rotator.

May 26th 2007 01:15   
Kathy Clark Senior   Internet Marketer, Consultant, Social Media Manage
Thanks Bill. my id is 19834286

You are awesome,
Kathy Clark
May 26th 2007 01:30   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Kathy

Noted and added.
Awsome ? Not really when you think about it.
It does us no good tohave more than 3 referals and ding it this way we dont have everyone promoting their individual url and fighting each other to get referrals.
This way will help all get only what they need and leave the rest for others.
Working together and pulling in one direction for a change. instead of the usual me me me.

May 26th 2007 01:50   
Jay Shaffstall Advanced   
I'll join id is 37949622 .

By the way, here's a link to a list of high PR sites:

There are 19 in the list with PR 10, but as you say good luck getting links from any of them.

May 26th 2007 02:53   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Jay,

Noted and added.

It is good to see Google is not the only site with PageRank 10.
Trying to get a link on any of those pages would need personal negotioation with ithe site owners and then IF they agreed it would probably cost an arm and a leg.

May 26th 2007 08:47   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
5 views, 1 sign up. Will let you know when I have three. Just keeping you posted! :)
May 26th 2007 11:42   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Thea

Thank you your post is an excelent example of co operation and working together.

May 26th 2007 11:51   
Lorraine Lake Advanced   
Thanks Bj,

This is a great idea! Thanks to Dave too, 'cause I learned about it from him!

Add me in, my id is 16758151

May 26th 2007 13:14   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Lorraine,

noted and added.

Yes Dave said he would post it. Thats team work.


May 26th 2007 13:23   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Bj

Seven views and two signs ups and sticking! This us driving me crazy - Maybe tomorrow!

I''ll try to spread the word!!

May 26th 2007 17:30   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Again Bj,

That's it - i've cracked it! Views 8 . Sign ups 3

Time for the next person's turn!
May 26th 2007 20:47   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Jenny,

Thank you for your prompt update.
You are now out of rotation so others get their turn.


May 26th 2007 21:25   
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