LCW Business Group - APSense help and tutorials

One Way Back Links

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
We all know that links from other sites are a vital part of getting a good Google rank.

The best back links are one way links, that means you get a link to your site without having to place a reciprocal link on your site.

Most of the time this is done by posting to one way link directories.

Today my partner found a site that allows you to get one way back links without having to go searching for these directories.

It is Free to join and you can get access to sites ranging from Page Rank 0 to Page Rank 3. But as we also know links from Page Rank 4 to 9 are far better and if you get just 3 referrals then they will give you access to these higher ranked sites.

More than 3 will give you NO extra advantage so here is what I propose.

I have set up a rotator and right now only my link is in there.
I want to help not only my own LCW group of sites but all of you as well.

To do this I want to ask you to sign up using the rotator link then post ONLY your id number NOT the full URL .

I will then ADD you to the rotator.

Once you have 3 you will then post again that you have them and I will remove you to give others the chance to get their 3.

Yes as soon as I have 3 I will remove my own link as well. Those that know me know I keep my word those that don't, well either you trust me or you don't, your choice.

Please note I know Page Ranks goes up to 10 but, I have not included 10 because as far as I am aware the only site with a Page Rank of 10 is Google and you are not going to get any free links from them.

Ok Its up to you we can work as a team and grow quickly or we can go it on our own and get there slowly.

There is no money involved, and no downline building involved in it.
I get nothing out of doing this except maybe some good will.

May 22nd 2007 15:36

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Julie Tallent Advanced  Independent Researcher
Hello Bill,

I have my 3...thanks!

May 29th 2007 22:16   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider

Please read before posting.

look for and read this post which is lower down the page.
bjantiques - 05/29/07 15:36

I may well not ansewer every one individually all the time.


May 29th 2007 23:06   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Jay and Julie,

Thank you.

Julie ok I have removed you.


May 29th 2007 23:08   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Damon,

you are added.

As for your question a post in another thread was made pointing to the rotator by mistake instead of pointing to this thread, but please and this is for everyone, "PLEASE" dont post it anywhere else. We need it kept central. If you want to tell your friend send them here.

May 29th 2007 23:25   
Chris Howell Advanced   
3 views and 3 signups

Thank you very much for your help

Until next time

Chris Howell

May 30th 2007 08:19   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi chris,

you struck luck y, not having any window shoppers lol

Thank you for the update and I have removed you.

Do keep any eye on the group I am sure I will be doing something that will interest you.

in the coming months.


May 30th 2007 08:38   
Sarah Pritchard Professional   CEO, Angel Cuddle Publishing

8 views and 3 signups

Thank You and au revoir,

Or should it be adieu, as you will be deleting me?

Sarah P
May 30th 2007 14:07   
Sheryl Advanced   
Hello BJ,
I have 2 views & 0 sign ups - I will keep watching!!!
May 30th 2007 14:55   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Sarah,

Well its Adieu to the Rotator for you, but I certainly hope you will keep visiting as I get other threads going.

I am in the process of preparing some things, that I hope will be equally uesful information wise to everyone.


May 30th 2007 15:42   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Sheryl,

Thank you for the update.
I have noticed the hits seem to go in waves so we just keep on keeping on. :-)

We will get there eventually.


May 30th 2007 15:46   
Jay Shaffstall Advanced   
Holding steady at 4 views and 2 signups.

May 30th 2007 23:11   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Jay,

Yes hits have slowed right down during the last day or so.

We will keep on trying for everyone.


May 31st 2007 09:45   
Jay Shaffstall Advanced   
5 views, 3 signups, you can take me off now.

May 31st 2007 15:10   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
ok Jay

thank you i hope you will continue to frequent my group.
I know I havent really started yet but give me a little time i am still feeling my feet.


May 31st 2007 15:33   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hi BJ,
I linked through Dave C who gave me the link to you.
My id is
Warmest Regards,
Monika & Wayne
May 31st 2007 21:20   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Monika & Wayne,

ok will have you added in a few minutes.
please make sure you check your signups regularly and keep me posted especially the instant you have 3.


May 31st 2007 21:36   
Tom Show Innovator   
I'm "thrilled" to report that I have "1" referral today, 2 to go. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Jun 1st 2007 07:32   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Tom,

thanksfor the report back
some times it takes a while
hits to the rotator have been sparse
the last couple of days.


Jun 1st 2007 07:49   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Rejoice

Ok your added to the rotator.

lets see if we can get a few up to 3 this weekend.


Jun 1st 2007 20:40   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Bj
I have my sign ups. Actually I have 4, sorry but couldnt get on line until today to check it. My computer went back down last night.

Blessings and thanks for the Submitter!
Jun 2nd 2007 14:18   
You are not yet a member of this group.