LCW Business Group - APSense help and tutorials

One Way Back Links

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
We all know that links from other sites are a vital part of getting a good Google rank.

The best back links are one way links, that means you get a link to your site without having to place a reciprocal link on your site.

Most of the time this is done by posting to one way link directories.

Today my partner found a site that allows you to get one way back links without having to go searching for these directories.

It is Free to join and you can get access to sites ranging from Page Rank 0 to Page Rank 3. But as we also know links from Page Rank 4 to 9 are far better and if you get just 3 referrals then they will give you access to these higher ranked sites.

More than 3 will give you NO extra advantage so here is what I propose.

I have set up a rotator and right now only my link is in there.
I want to help not only my own LCW group of sites but all of you as well.

To do this I want to ask you to sign up using the rotator link then post ONLY your id number NOT the full URL .

I will then ADD you to the rotator.

Once you have 3 you will then post again that you have them and I will remove you to give others the chance to get their 3.

Yes as soon as I have 3 I will remove my own link as well. Those that know me know I keep my word those that don't, well either you trust me or you don't, your choice.

Please note I know Page Ranks goes up to 10 but, I have not included 10 because as far as I am aware the only site with a Page Rank of 10 is Google and you are not going to get any free links from them.

Ok Its up to you we can work as a team and grow quickly or we can go it on our own and get there slowly.

There is no money involved, and no downline building involved in it.
I get nothing out of doing this except maybe some good will.

May 22nd 2007 15:36

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Damon,

thank you thank you thank you :-)

All i can say is its the lookers lose not ours.

They have been given the opertunity, we cant force them and those that have to be forced would never use it anyway so they are better off not bothering.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 15th 2007 11:23   
Brian Advanced   

Fantastic site you rock, no really it is a great thing you are doing and those that do not know the value of back links have a lot to learn.

Once again thank you.

Oh yeah I have my 3 so you can take me off the rotator.

"Never judge a book by the cover"
My I.D. 50122586
Jun 15th 2007 20:24   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Brian,

It is not my site it is a site my partner found and we figured more people could use it but as you only need 3 to get full access I decided to set up the rotator for all instead of having everyone fighting each other to get referrals.

And if everyone puts out their own url some will end with none and some with who knows how many when they don’t need them.

Taking you out right now thanks for the feed back and keep an eye on the group here things are coming together

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 15th 2007 20:41   
jdamonb Advanced   
still holding at 10 and 2.

Unusually short today arent I ? lol

Damon B
Jun 16th 2007 07:41   
Tom Show Innovator   
BJ, I've reached my 3. Time to retire my link!

Jun 16th 2007 14:58   
Steven Ouradnik Advanced   

Thanks for the find, will pass it on. My ID is 31952699.

Jun 16th 2007 18:03   
Las R. Innovator   Social Media Strategist, Photographer, Designer, M
THere were 5 views and 2 signups.
Sorry I am late in passing on the info.

Jun 16th 2007 20:11   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Damon,

weekends are normally slow i have noticed.

just need one more for you

it will happen

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 16th 2007 21:45   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Tom

your link has been retired :-)

I like that expression sounds better than saying
your link has been deleted or your link is out.

nice one

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 16th 2007 21:48   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Steve

you link has been added into the system

dont forget to keep me informed.
and thank you for participating.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 16th 2007 21:49   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Las

well at least you are reporting unlike 3 others that are set to inactive for not doing so.

you were in after them but you will probably be out before them by co operating and working as part of the team effort.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 16th 2007 21:52   
jdamonb Advanced   
still at 11 and 2 .
Slow an steady we goooo.
At least we can see that people are signing up under others.
It is like shooting dice, just need a 1......hmm ugh oh 1's aren't really goood there are they?

Jun 18th 2007 19:45   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Damon,

With just 4 active at the moment you get every 4th visitor, but yes its a bit like a craps shoot as to which visitor will sign up.

I will keep this going until everyone in the rotator has their 3
Providing they keep the feed back coming.

Current situation is

Las needs 1 ands has 9 hits
Damon needs 1 and has 12 hits
Nadeem needs 3 and has 4 hits
Steve needs 3 and has 0 hits

Suspended for no feed back
the music needed unknown hits 5
Bob Riddell needed unknown hits 5

If the music and Bob read this take note: If there is continued silence from you both and I have not had feed back by the time the other 4 reach their 3, and there are no new active members I will terminate the exercise, Even if you do not have your 3 each.
I am posting this for all to read so that I cannot be accused of failing to make every effort to get you to work together with the rest of us. My private messages have not worked so lets see if a public one will.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 19th 2007 04:52   
Bob Riddell Advanced   

Pretty new at this so bear with me. I filled out your form to be
included in your rotator but dont believe Ive receieved anything
back from you. Also how am I to know about getting one back
link much less 3 ? please explain.

Jun 19th 2007 07:47   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Bob,

I sent you a message on the 13th. which you did not reply to.
I have just sent another one.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 19th 2007 08:24   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hi BJ,
just thought you mite like to know that we have had 5 full signups
for our promotion this week! We have been averaging 1-3 per month
previously over the last 6 months. We just want you to know that we
appreciate everything you have done for us. You can count on our support
for any feedback you need for your promotions.
Warmest Regards,
Monika & Wayne
Jun 20th 2007 18:22   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Monika & Wayne,

Thank you for poping back in and giving me an update on how you are doing.

I hope the back links will help you get found a lot more when people are doing their searches in the search engines.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 20th 2007 18:38   
jdamonb Advanced   
I just checked my views,...... happy dance......... 12 views and 3 signups!~
yes you may send my link to New Smyrna Beach FL. ... it's time to retire it!

Thank you sir.
Waiting for our next fun,

Jun 21st 2007 16:41   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Damon,

Great news thank you for the update.
Took a little while due to lookers but we got you there eventually.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 21st 2007 17:00   
Pam Brossman Advanced   
Hi there

Thank you for showing me this, it was a real law of attraction moment when I came across your group as I have just launched a breast cancer awareness gift and I need to get into as many directories as possible to try and get traffic to the website to raise money for women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Below is my affiliate number can you please help me be able to access the Rank 4-9 directories by putting me in the rotation.

What a very clever idea.
Thanks so much id number is below. I have just downloaded your ebook and will provide some feedback once I have read it. Any other suggestions on how to best market my breast cancer awareness gift would be greatly appreciated.

Jul 16th 2007 23:08   
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