LCW Business Group - APSense help and tutorials

One Way Back Links

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
We all know that links from other sites are a vital part of getting a good Google rank.

The best back links are one way links, that means you get a link to your site without having to place a reciprocal link on your site.

Most of the time this is done by posting to one way link directories.

Today my partner found a site that allows you to get one way back links without having to go searching for these directories.

It is Free to join and you can get access to sites ranging from Page Rank 0 to Page Rank 3. But as we also know links from Page Rank 4 to 9 are far better and if you get just 3 referrals then they will give you access to these higher ranked sites.

More than 3 will give you NO extra advantage so here is what I propose.

I have set up a rotator and right now only my link is in there.
I want to help not only my own LCW group of sites but all of you as well.

To do this I want to ask you to sign up using the rotator link then post ONLY your id number NOT the full URL .

I will then ADD you to the rotator.

Once you have 3 you will then post again that you have them and I will remove you to give others the chance to get their 3.

Yes as soon as I have 3 I will remove my own link as well. Those that know me know I keep my word those that don't, well either you trust me or you don't, your choice.

Please note I know Page Ranks goes up to 10 but, I have not included 10 because as far as I am aware the only site with a Page Rank of 10 is Google and you are not going to get any free links from them.

Ok Its up to you we can work as a team and grow quickly or we can go it on our own and get there slowly.

There is no money involved, and no downline building involved in it.
I get nothing out of doing this except maybe some good will.

May 22nd 2007 15:36

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Brian Ockert Advanced  
1 view so far. Where and how do you advertise to get such a quick response?
Regards Brian
Jun 7th 2007 18:00   
Sheryl Advanced   
YEAH!!! My blog worked!! I got my last one & they already messaged me & they have their 3. They were not APSence members but they are coming!! They happened to find me on a Google Blog Search (submit your blog links free)!

Thanks Bj!!
Have a super day,
ps.Sorry I got off topic - just thinking of ways to help find more people!
Jun 7th 2007 19:36   
kkama67 Freshman  
I got my 3 so now I can be removed from rotation. Thank you so much!!!

Jun 8th 2007 08:26   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Kahea,

That is interesting news considering the rotator only shows 1 hit for you.

However I really appreciate you letting me know so I can take you out to give others a chance.

aka bjantiques aka Bill Brown

Jun 8th 2007 09:36   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Current situation update.

There are 11 people still in the rotator.

Those that have not given feed back and updated their situation. Please do it today.

the music hits showing 5 - reported sign ups - no report
Brian hits showing 5 - reported sign ups - no report
Las hits showing 4 - reported sign ups - no report
Krish hits showing 5 - reported sign ups - no report
Bob Riddell hits showing 5 - reported sign ups - no report
James K hits showing 4 - reported sign ups - no report
* Tom hits showing 4 - reported sign ups - 1
Damon hits showing 4 - reported sign ups - no report
* Monika & Wayne hits showing 3 - reported sign ups - 1
* rejoice hits showing 3 - reported sign ups - 2
* HTB-Brian hits showing 1- reported sign ups - 0

To be fair to all anyone that has 5 hits showing in my rotator and has not posted how many signups they have by midnight PST tonight June 8 2007 (server time) will be set to inactive until feed back is received.

I did not want to do this, but this is supposed to be a team effort which means we are supposed to be working together to help each other.
Not keeping me up to date and therefore possibly being kept in rotation even though you may have 3 signed up is not working together.

Those that are checking their stats regularly and keeping me informed will not be set to inactive naturally (marked with a star)

aka bjantiques aka Bill Brown

Jun 8th 2007 09:41   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hi BJ,
still only 1 sign up.Fingers crossed.
Monika and Wayne
Jun 8th 2007 19:42   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Monica & Wayne,

We will get there.
I appreciate your regular feed back.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 8th 2007 19:55   
jdamonb Advanced   
sorry it took me so long to report but I have 4 views and 1 signup.
I'll try to stick my head in here and holler more frequently.

Jun 9th 2007 01:01   
James K. Freshman  

I've gotten 4 views and 2 signups so far. Seems like I've been stuck on those numbers for a few days now but hopefully for not too much longer.
Jun 9th 2007 01:07   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Damon,

Thank you for your stats.
Now I know what you were at I know that you still need at least one more
as you had another hit since your report.
I hope it was a positive one and not a tyre kicker.
I also now know you need at least one more even though the hits say 5
so I can leave it active.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques
Jun 9th 2007 04:20   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
hi rejoice

Thank you for your regular updates.
fingers crossed that the next one is some one that can see the importance of having one way back links.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 9th 2007 04:27   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi James,

Yes hits have been very slow the last few days.
just hang in there and it you will get that last one.
You have also had another hit since you posted, so let me know if it was a signer.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques
Jun 9th 2007 04:30   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
I have noticed that when you make posts and get some activity going in this thread. the hits to the rotator start happening again.

So it is in your interest to make the regular reports not only to keep us up to date and let others see that it is working. But also to attract attention to what we are doing here and get more participating.
It is a good example of people helping people.
Working together even though there is no immediate financial gain.
That gain will come with time as you get more links leading back to your sites.

Long term planning is just as important as the short term actions you take with your active advertising, such as Traffic exchanges, safelists, classifieds, personal lists, and so on.

Tell your friends here in APS what we are doing. Tell them to at least check it out.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 9th 2007 04:47   
James K. Freshman  
Another view but no signup yet. Should be anytime now.

thank you
Jun 9th 2007 13:53   
Brian Ockert Advanced  
Still only showing 1 view in my referrals as at Sunday 10.30 GMT
Jun 10th 2007 16:28   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Brian,

Yes it has been a very slow weekend in general.
There have been no hits to the rotator and very little activity in general in sign ups.
Think everyone took a break for the weekend :-)

Lets see if monday brings more activity.

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Jun 10th 2007 17:12   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Jacob,

Great news and thank you for your consistant and regular posts keeping me upto date.

I hope you will continue to visit the group. As I get more things added.
I am not rushing things but planning how to present the best information in the best way.

Bill Brown aka bjantiques

Jun 12th 2007 03:33   
jdamonb Advanced   
Hey Mr B Brown,
This is Mr D Brown.
Monday morn. here and still holdinfg at 5 and 2.
Just wondering, is anyone advertising the rotator link outside AP or are we bringing others to AP first then here to this thread?
Jun 12th 2007 09:01   
James K. Freshman  
6 views and 3 signups!!

You can take me off the rotator now.

Thanks for the help
Jun 12th 2007 11:14   
Brian Ockert Advanced  
2 views now - thankyou
Jun 12th 2007 16:41   
You are not yet a member of this group.