Home Biz Mania

Do you have a Website?

by Lisa Lomas
Lisa Lomas Professional  
Hi Biz Manias,

Do you have a website?

Do you have a brand?

I would love to see it in this forum. EVen if you have a biz centre come & post it here, it would be great to see what you all do.

Please don't start a new thread, just pop it in this one & lets share. This is the only place I am allowing more than a signature in this group.

I want to show everyone how important it is to have your own domain and website, common you serious entreprenuers show us!!!

Url, Name & Explanation of site would be cool.


Lisa Lomas
Oct 21st 2007 03:02

Sponsor Ads


Divyang Joshi Advanced   
Z7 Online


Well this site has practically everything you will ever need...lolz
Socializing, making money, chat, forum, shopping & much more...
Oct 21st 2007 03:18   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Lisa,
Here are a few of mine that everyone is welcome to review.
www.2getsales.com - Wordpress Blog on the front end. Complete membership/affiliate management package and shopping cart\payment processor system on the backend - www.2getsales.com/sitemgr to register.
www.mkw-ind.com - Corporate business blog and passive revenue genrator
www.giveawayforyou.com - Quarterly giveaway site for list building and Joint Ventures.
www.ebookreserve.com - ebook shopping cart (currently reworking the database, so images do not show for the ebooks but sales and downloads do work.)
www.articlereservoir.com - Private Label Articles for sale - monthly membership providing 400 fresh articles written by our own ghostwriters each month.
www.artcletreasure.com - passive revenue generator with a wide selection of informative articles.
www.articletreasure.info - Closing eBay auctions with articles and tools for eBay users.
www.plr-riches.com - Private Label products that you can do what you want with - NO RESTRICTIONS!!!

That ought to be a fair start - I have quite a few more, but these are the most active right now.
Oct 21st 2007 14:41   
Ed Dono Innovator   Pastor/Dean of Students
Hi Lisa!
Mine is http://realfoodforlives.com
Sign my guest book!

Oct 21st 2007 16:17   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Lisa
I have my own website where i am also the admin:

I am also admin of a great new networking site, free to use & join
Then I have my 2 Estores ( I do business with them both on and off the net)
Both of the above sites offer Natural alternatives to Health, Home & personal Care. Plus JDPremium also has all natural Beef & Fruit Snacks

The following are two businesses I just got into
You can create your own professional looking ads & store up to 300 of them with this system:

With this system you get access to JUST released Ebooks & Software to help your business etc or you can sign up to be a free affiliate. Most of the Ebooks & software are 7.00 ! And alot of them come with resale rights!

Thanks for letting us post here!
Oct 22nd 2007 06:58   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hi Divyang,

Great to have your site here, I just signed your guest book.

Oct 22nd 2007 18:35   
Lisa Lomas Professional   

Wow how do you keep all of those going, are they run by themselves revenue makers, set up then thats it?

Yes it sure was a fair start then some, lol.

Do you make your own? Or is it somethign you purchase, very interesting.

Thankyou for sharing

P.s the stars were a cool feature!
Oct 22nd 2007 18:40   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hi Collette,

Wow what a reference site you had, a great job for combining
lots of content. The ads revenue looked quite cool, you should
come & see to promote this at my biz, cmu7. I think you would
get a great response.

Thankyou for sharing its always great when you share!
Oct 22nd 2007 18:44   
Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Hi Here are some of mine

I have many more and just got 2 more domains for my GBG Business
Cant resist

Pete Balasch Jr.
Oct 22nd 2007 19:27   
Kathryn Maclean Advanced   Social Media Marketing Consultant
Hi Lisa - great idea
Here are some of my sites
All having to do with working at home

Oct 22nd 2007 20:43   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hi Peter,

One thing that screamed (not literally) at me when reading
your sites and looking through is Content is King with you.

Thankyou so Much for sharing.
I know I could learn some tricks off you!
p.s commented on Wiener dog, that made me laugh just had
Oct 23rd 2007 02:34   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hi Kathie,

I really love the personal touch you give your pages,
you have a nice way to present information.

I do however wonder how you are getting on with
tripod & free webs. When I did Tripod the links took
away from my content constantly, do you find that

I think the blog has to be your winner for marketing,
am I right??? Isn't it amazing having the blog as
a free tool to use for making money. so cool.

Thankyou for sharing!
Oct 23rd 2007 02:40   
Nannette Caina Innovator   
Hi Lisa,
Glad to be in this group. Just starting my way to be an online marketer. I'm inspired by you to be a fulltime Homebased Working Mom. Very soon...we will have our own domain and paid hosting...working on it. I'm sure to visit this group from time to time and would love to learn from your tips to be succesful in this field...Thank you! :)


Oct 23rd 2007 18:04   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Lisa,
Most of my sites and graphics are home made and I write alot of the scripts. With the exception of the Membership\Shopping Cart\Affiliate Management script at 2GetSales.com/sitemgr/ that is Fantasos (JV Manager 2) written and copyrighted by John Delavera of Turbo Marketing fame. I have the utmost confidence in his scripts, which is why I also sell them on my sites. He has his own team of programmers and has been one of the founding fathers of IM since way before I started. Whenever I have a problem, I submit a ticket and it is handled within 24 hours or less.
Many of my sites are built using Source Code that I have purchased and then reworked to do what I want it to and make them a little more secure.
Oct 23rd 2007 18:28   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hi Dennis & Nanette,

Great to have you here. Congradulations on knowing a website
is the way to go, its very important peice of the puzzle.

I would hope you learn something here saying that however I
can recommend going to the free training at CMU7.

Tomorrow at 8PM EST our top coach is covering the subject
HTML basics. Should be really helpful as its important to get
those links active as much as you can.

Glad you visited. I will do all I can to help. Just message me if
needed. Also starting a blog is one great step.

Oct 23rd 2007 21:52   
Lisa Lomas Professional   

I am a big believer in not reinventing the wheel. If you find a service or product
that is outstanding and saves you lots of time its the smartest way to go.

You have done some really clever work here MKWeb. You would be an asset
to any community.
Oct 23rd 2007 21:54   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Thank You Lisa, I'm blushing :-)
Oct 23rd 2007 22:27   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Lisa
Would be glad to check your site out. Thanks so much for wonderful review. Please send me your website link ASAP! : )
Oct 24th 2007 06:46   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community

Just thought I would drop by and congratulate
you on showing interests in what others are doing.

No wonder why you star is rising so fast!

Also to mention the great programs you offer over
at www.CMU7.com

To your awesome success
max2work -caring, sharing and mentoring

Oct 25th 2007 13:53   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
I have a web site, but still sitting on it, never set it up.
For now, I have set up my business center here. Well, it's a start anyways..lol.
I found it verye easy to set up the Apsense Business Center. Apsense sure made it very user friendly.
Nov 3rd 2007 21:51   
Lisa Lomas Professional   
Hi Max,

Great to have some positive feedback.
Always nice to see!!!
Nov 3rd 2007 23:07   
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