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  • Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

    Understanding Advertising Lingo- 101 :) And One Of My Own Classified Classics! LOL!
     Here are some great cliches in advertising that probably would slip by you if their meanings hadn't been spelled out here. So from now on, you f...
    Jean DAndrea  CHILDPROOF - Needs a child to open it. For adults, it's impossible to open.
    Jan 6th 16:23
    Cheryl Baumgartner  LIQUIDATION SALE- the manufacturer's suggested retail price was marked up 100% we are now going to allow you to buy it at 50% off which means you are ...
    Jan 6th 19:06
    Jeff Greene  AFFORDABLE MAINTENANCE PLAN AVAILABLE! Means that after paying three times what the damn thing is worth in the first place, you have to shell out ...
    Jan 15th 08:39
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 9 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 4th 2008 12:00
  • Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

    The World's Most Deadly Substance!
    The speaker from the Environmental Protection Agency was really on top of his game! He was extolling the virtues of protecting the Natural resources t...
    Jeff Greene   Keep the Pineapple- Lose the cake! :) I have a craving for some Fresh Pineapple now... Thanks Beth! :) Oh, and if you mean Pineapple Upside Down ...
    Jan 14th 17:36
    Jenny Stewart  Well then.........We're waiting...................
    Jan 14th 17:42
    Cheryl Baumgartner  Wow Jeff, you must have attended some of the weddings in my family!
    Jan 14th 18:05
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 14 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 13th 2008 14:51
  • Dominique G. Senior   HR

    1st Grade Teacher
    A 1st grade school teacher had twenty-six students in her class. She presented each child in her classroom the 1st half of a well-known proverb and as...
    Jean DAndrea  That last six year old certainly knows the facts of life! :-)
    Jan 13th 14:50
    Cheryl Baumgartner  This is my favorite one 24. When the blind lead the blind...get out of the way. There seems to be a lot of that these days
    Jan 13th 16:00
    Beth Schmillen   If at first you don't succeed...get new batteries. that's what's needed!
    Jan 14th 15:39
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 5 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 13th 2008 09:48
  • Beth Schmillen Professional   

    Humorous Visual Art
    This lovely art is visually humorous!
    Beth Schmillen  Three funnier comments than the pic? lol... rofl lmao....
    Jan 11th 22:31
    Cheryl Baumgartner  Well at least we managed to stay away from the toilet humor, just barely!
    Jan 12th 21:39
    Mike   Only If this was legal and non-lethal to get some People to jump into action. Definitely a way to get them to take action. I just got a taste for some...
    Jan 13th 07:09
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 6 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 10th 2008 02:02
  • Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

    Help Wanted! And Ads That Make You Wonder....
    WANTED:  Preparer of food. Must be dependable, like the food business, and willing to get hands dirty. ILLITERATE?  Please Write To...
    Jeff Greene  They don't get to make much money off of me... If I don't get 'em at the tables, I get 'em at the Buffet... You wouldn't believe how much food and dri...
    Jan 11th 12:00
    Beth Schmillen  That is one adorable puppy... I just hope that wasn't a COLD bottle of beer someone placed there! it seems to have the cap on still? wouldn't that ...
    Jan 11th 12:30
    Jeff Greene   Ya know, my Gizmo loved his icy cold beer... Dogs have a way of overheating themselves, even on cool days... They will, however snuggle to get warm, ...
    Jan 11th 14:42
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 16 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 9th 2008 09:47
  • Mike Senior   

    Recovering Thinker
    It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and then to loosen up. Inevitably though, one though...
    Jeff Greene  Egad! Thanks for re-inforcing my resolve to remove most regular TV from my Life forever! :)
    Jan 10th 13:12
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 1 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 8th 2008 18:44
  • Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

    Sherlock Holmes
    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the night, and went to sleep. Some hour...
    Cheryl Baumgartner  This is what you call making the simple complicated!
    Jan 9th 19:48
    Beth Schmillen  I just see this as plain old rotf lmao humor !!!
    Jan 10th 02:06
    Jill Davidson  Good one!
    Jan 10th 08:03
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 4 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 9th 2008 14:52
  • Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

    One Way To Make Driving Less Stressful Is To Creatively Re-Interpret Traffic Signs...
    Don't just sit there behind the wheel and fume! Let your creativity bring less stress to your driving experience! :) Funny Videos
    Jeff Greene   I have given up driving until I can afford a Private Road on my Estate... There's NO WAY that I'm going to risk driving my Porsche Cayenne amongst th...
    Jan 9th 18:58
    Beth Schmillen  I saw this at first as sexist... until it was just silly and well received! LOL I don't think we here in the states have such titillating traffic sig...
    Jan 10th 02:26
    Jeff Greene  There are trends toward more International signage and our population changes and changes-- I already see a lot of those signs above in some areas... ...
    Jan 10th 07:47
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 7 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 9th 2008 10:53
  • Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

    They walk among us!
    I was at the checkout of a K-Mart. The clerk rang up $46.64 charge. I gave her a fifty dollar bill. She gave me back $46.64. I gave it back to her and...
    Rae Steinbrink  I said something stupid over the holidays and my brother wanted to know if I was taking "dumb" pills. Do you suppose someone has mixed up vitamins wi...
    Jan 8th 13:31
    MasterTikitak  Hi Jenn...Your comment about giving an "odd" amount is probably why a McDonalds' located where I live has a SIGN POSTED: "Please pay in BLLS; it takes...
    Jan 8th 18:04
    Cheryl Baumgartner  I happen to find those change dispensers on the cash register hilarious. An idiot can work for McDonalds. Change dispensers, pictures of food on the...
    Jan 8th 18:28
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 12 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 7th 2008 22:27
  • Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter

    What to do ...when you HATE your job!
    When you have a I Hate My Job day, try this: On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rect...
    Susan coils  Somehow, my job doesn't seem so bad. Maybe I will stick it out for a while longer.
    Dec 21st 03:05
    jeszica  Lol. I don't hate my job, but the people are not so nice. I'm thinking of finding another job that pays more.
    Jan 4th 07:19
    Jeff Greene   It just goes show you that there are jobs for even a-- holes... Keep poking around until you find a suitable fit... A Positive Attitude will help...
    Jan 6th 15:38
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 10 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Dec 20th 2007 17:04
  • Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

    Going out of your way to avoid a speeding ticket
    A policeman was sitting on the hard shoulder watching the traffic go by when a car zoomed past him doing at least 120 mph! The policeman chased him...
    Cheryl Baumgartner  Well the speeder had proven his point by producing his license and registration!
    Jan 2nd 20:15
    Beth Schmillen  This was a spellbinding read for me... I now know what to do if I ever get pulled over... LOL .... Beth
    Jan 5th 19:14
    Jeff Greene   That's at least a little bit more creative than most idiots could probably dream up! :)
    Jan 6th 15:33
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 4 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 2nd 2008 06:40
  • Beth Schmillen Professional   

    On the first day, God created the dog...
    On the first day, God created the dog and said: "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I wi...
    Jenny Stewart  Nice one Beth! LOL
    Jan 4th 17:21
    MichaelAp Clayton  HI Beth Great story. Sounds a bit like my life. I was born in the Chinese year of the dog and I'm at the stage I sit on the front porch and bar...
    Jan 5th 01:17
    Beth Schmillen  Thank you , Thank you Thank you... awe Rexie.... how could you be out on the porch barking if you're always online being a good friend ???
    Jan 5th 19:05
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 7 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 3rd 2008 20:05
  • Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

    Some Very Funny Classified Ads!
    2 female Boston Terrier puppies, 7 wks old, Perfect markings, 555-1234. Leave mess. Lost: small apricot poodle. Reward. Neutered. Lik...
    Beth Schmillen  This was the funniest thing I've read in a very long time! THANKS much! Beth
    Jan 3rd 20:08
    Jeff Greene   I have fits of laughter from reading this and I'm in the advertising business! :) There are ads from professionals that are just as funny, and I...
    Jan 4th 11:42
    Orlsend  Thanks for making my Day!
    Jan 5th 09:10
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 7 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 3rd 2008 15:01
  • Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter

    The Half Wit
    A man owned a small farm in Indiana . The Indiana State Wage & Hour Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his help an...
    Jennifer Underwood  Maybe they are just telling us to be Network Your welcome, I thought it was really cute!
    Jan 3rd 19:26
    Beth Schmillen  Considering there's at least 3 new jokes posted here... as of the 3rd of January... I think everyone's recovered their sense of humor from the trials...
    Jan 3rd 20:12
    Jill Davidson  I know it's supposed to be a joke, but knowing some of those farmers personally, it rings true!
    Jan 4th 07:51
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 10 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Jan 3rd 2008 14:39
  • Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

    How a Smart Old Man Scores!
    An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young gal at his side. He told the jeweler he was looking f...
    Cheryl Baumgartner  Actually the man is desperate. As long a there is a greedy woman in the world the most desperate of men has a chance....if he can afford it.
    Jan 2nd 23:31
    Jennifer Underwood  LOL Right! But here this man got even tho...have to say!
    Jan 2nd 23:32
    Gerry P.  There's a very close similarity between the old man's scheme and what's being done on the Internet to sell fraudulent programs. Almost everyone I know...
    Jan 3rd 00:53
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 12 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Dec 27th 2007 10:34
  • Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

    Red Wagon
    It was the day after Christmas at a church in San Francisco. Pastor Mike was looking at the nativity scene outside when he noticed the baby Jesus was ...
    Jean DAndrea  Great stories, people! Keep them coming. :-)
    Dec 25th 17:52
    Cheryl Baumgartner  The Hickory Farms sampler was a tradition in my house, the one with the little cheese wedges. I haven't seen one of those for years!
    Dec 25th 18:10
    Tina Gsi  aha LOL ! thats funny .
    Dec 27th 01:48
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 9 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Dec 25th 2007 09:01
  • Beth Schmillen Professional   

    Snowman humor cartoons laugh
    Snowman humor cartoons laugh  
    View  -  Promote  -  Comment  -  Dec 26th 2007 17:07
  • Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter

    Santa's Naughty List....SHOOOT I WOULD CRY TOO!!! LOL
    MERRY CHRISTMAS Add to My Profile | More Videos
    Cheryl Baumgartner  At least one of those Santa's looked like he needed a trip BACK to the bar LOL!
    Dec 25th 22:57
    Jennifer Underwood  I noticed that one too....LMAO!
    Dec 25th 22:59
    Jeff Greene  LOL! There's always a Town Crier in the bunch! :)
    Dec 26th 13:35
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 3 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Dec 25th 2007 22:20
  • Mike Senior   

    What Women Dont want to find in there Stockings on Christmas Morning
    The One Thing Women Don't want to find in there Stocking's on Christmas Morning is there husbands
    Mike   As beautiful as you are lisa why would your husband need a sancha
    Dec 24th 22:11
    Lisa G.  Lol...Why thankyou! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Made my Christmas EVe!!!!! BIG SMILE!!!!!!
    Dec 24th 22:12
    Jean DAndrea  Don't think I want the sancho or sancha in my Xmas stocking, thanks! :-) One partner is enough for me.
    Dec 25th 21:41
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 6 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Dec 24th 2007 21:21
  • Beth Schmillen Professional   

    Cats ~ quotes about Our Cats
    When you learn to know my ways, my ways will be your ways, in tune with the universal principals of the fullness of living in harmony with...
    Eric Smith  "...I love cats - mind you.. I couldn't eat a whole one..." Col Elliott
    Dec 14th 15:46
    Beth Schmillen  Hi Eric! I just saw that you added a quote! LOL.... I'd not heard that one before! Beth
    Dec 25th 15:00
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 2 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Dec 14th 2007 11:56