
Changes to APSense Credit Campaigns

by Wincer Song Founder

Hi, Everyone!

There have been recent examples of campaigns using frame-breakers to bypass the credit allocation to people who have joined, and these have not been reported.

The use of campaigns to promote suspect and even illegal programs is also a concern that is difficult to manage as it is not practical to approve each campaign before it goes live.

It will now only be possible to create campaigns for things that have as their Ad Link (otherwise known as the Destination Link).

That means that the URL must be on APSense, e.g. Article, Revpage, Talent and Brand Page for example.

To create a campaign first create, or use a previous prepared item from APSense (RevPage, Article etc) and use the link as the Destination Link for your campaign.

That will give you the opportunity to tell everyone about the subject of the campaign, and perhaps engage them in discussions with you at APSense.

Thank you!

The APSense Team

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About Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe    Founder

3,256 connections, 119 recommendations, 11,618 honor points.
Joined APSense since, December 25th, 2006, From Shanghai, China.

Created on Dec 31st 1969 18:00. Viewed 0 times.


Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Not only articles, revpages and brand pages,but also our profile, a resource or experience, a group post, that's off the top of my head
Sep 29th 2012 21:54   
Sulistya D. Advanced  Blogger | Marketer | Writer
great article.. i am newbie here.. nice info bro..
Sep 29th 2012 22:02   
Corey Huetter Senior   CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
This will Result that no one will create a campaign, The campaign is used to tell the visitors about the products and services of the website and a probable sale. We cannot put a WHOLE site under apsense, this is a stupid and ridiculous idea. What about My earned credits (over 5000?) Either convert them to equivalent money or allow me hits to my website. Hits to website and presenting your website to various person is the MAIN reason for campaign other wise its USELESS.. Give it another though,
Sep 29th 2012 23:22   
Corey Huetter Senior   CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
Its useless now. Before making changes, you should HAVE a POLL and see what people are saying. You cannot Waste my HARD EARNED credits just like that. I PROTEST.....
Sep 29th 2012 23:24   
faii acy Magnate II   GPT Site Owner/Operator
Not good. I have over 14 000 credits I will probably never use now
Sep 29th 2012 23:33   
Vishwajeet Kumar Magnate I   Blogger
This will a great step to prevent frame breakers & other conflicts. Great work wincer
Sep 30th 2012 01:15   
Buy Great Products Professional   Affiliate Marketer
I think this is not good idea. Yesterday I created to campaigns with my blog links and now I saw that it's not active. I think this will not result positively. It's ok to prevent frame breakers but to limit the links at all, I think is not an option.
Sep 30th 2012 02:17   
Marlo Evangelista Professional   Online Marketer
How about for promoting TeamPromote link. Is it acceptable also?
Sep 30th 2012 02:51   
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Thanks for your comments. Does it mean a big waste for you if people only click your campaigns for earning credits, but never read your post? With new changes to Credit Campaigns, we hope it will help you to gain more attention. Also the LIKES to campaigns will be added to your posts.
Sep 30th 2012 04:15   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I think the idea is good. It will improve overall quality of content on APSense. This will attract more serious businesses and marketers that are willing to invest in products and services that are useful. It is time that people learn that social marketing and advertising is more than just copy/paste links and opportunities. There are many sections in APSense like the ABC, articles, your profile and Brand Pages that are great to brand both your business and yourself. If they are set up properly. There are plenty of free advertising services online where people can advertise affiliate links directly.
Sep 30th 2012 04:18   
Felikss Veilands Magnate I   MerchArts
Congrats to the first steps in regress!
Sep 30th 2012 05:37   
Felikss Veilands Magnate I   MerchArts
Better add one more voting system (like or dislike article)... I've clicked finger down, but then I realized that was wrong, because I recommend read this to all users but I definitely not like this idea (article)
Sep 30th 2012 05:52   
Sergio Criado Advanced   Director Trainer International
gracias desde malaga por este articulo¡¡¡¡
Sep 30th 2012 06:11   
Corey Huetter Senior   CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
faii acy, I agree with you, This is WORST Decision EVER made
Sep 30th 2012 08:34   
Corey Huetter Senior   CEO - Cheapest EDDM Printing
Probably no one will create campaign now!!! This is very very very BAD decision. What is the use of points when you cannot have hits to your website, The whole IDEA of campaign is to have hits to your websites and webpages. Otherwise its useless, very discouraging!!!!
I gets great ideas from other websites... !!! Will not have now!!!
Sep 30th 2012 08:39   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Corey, as you are posting this, I see campaigns up there
Sep 30th 2012 08:40   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
APSense is a business social network, not a Traffic Exchange, although there is a TE in the add-ons. I believe it's better for long term results to build relationships, and the change allows you to become creative in advertising
Sep 30th 2012 08:44   
Charles Whitlock Professional   #NetworkGPS : #Media : Marketing
Thanks so much for the Valuable information!
Sep 30th 2012 08:52   
Abraham Van der Linde Committed   Online Entrepreneur
This is both a good and bad change.

Let me tackle the bad first.

We will lose traffic to our own websites...VERY BAD.

Umm.. That's about it for the bad.

Now let's take a look at the good.

You can create Revpages, posts or articles inside Apsense about your product, website, opportunity and then create the campaign. This means we are subject to the rules of Apsense for creating those Revpages, posts or articles.

This means the Revpages, posts or articles NEED to be VERY GOOD, so that people click on your links inside those posts to give you some traffic to your websites. This means you are growing a MUCH NEEDED marketing skill.

As Philippe said, APSense is a business social network. This means that the change will grow the social-ability of Apsense.

My verdict...

This change is overall a good change.

Way to go Wincer.
Sep 30th 2012 10:07    Edited in Sep 30th 2012 10:08
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
lol awesome, Abraham :)

One thing about what you said is supposedly bad. Yes, you might get less traffic, but you will get more targeted traffic. Now tell me this is bad. We don't want hits, we want interaction and conversions. Let's not forget Alexa also considers how long visitors stay.
Sep 30th 2012 10:15   
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