Nature- Remedies Galore

Posted by Kudrati Ayurved
Sep 25, 2019

Tweaking with nature and not following the day and night regime leads to an unbalanced mind and body growth. When the body is a deficit of something, it shows! when you are low on Hemoglobin, you lose focus and appear pale, similarly, if you are low on calcium, you will get tired easily and if you have less muscle mass, you won't be able to stand without support. So the body does speak in the form of these symptoms. As the owner of the body, it is our duty to respond and follow corrective measures. But most often due to busy schedules and lack of interest towards self, we ignore these and continue a reckless lifestyle, until we pay a heavy price for it.

It is time we slow down and ponder over the health issues. It is time we look back and remember how our parents lived. Did we all have air conditioners or late nights? Was fun only limited to pubs and loud music? You will get an answer, however, you might want to justify that but subconsciously you will know the truth.  

This has led to a striking rise in problems that were previously uncommon or absent. Diseases such as Parkinson and muscular dystrophy were not very popular, unlike today. Muscular Dystrophy can be observed in a child as young as 2 years old.  Although, Parkinson treatment in India and Muscular dystrophy treatment in Ayurveda is a possibility now, the diseases involve a lot of emotional issues.

Similar to this, there was never a deficit of Sunlight and the people always had enough time to soak up the sun. They inadvertently absorbed the sunlight, supplying enough calcium and enough Vitamin D in the body. But now we rely on medicine for Vitamin D deficiency. This deficiency arose due to the need for 'shade' from the sun.  In spite of India being the richest source of sunlight, Indians also suffer from Vitamin D Deficiency, because of the lifestyle that we have started to live in.

Let us embrace the science of living and earn ourselves a good life. let us follow the primitive dietary habits and the timing rituals to again, be healthy and get rid of Parkinson and other such diseases. A Parkinson treatment in India must not satiate you, you should look for the root cause and accordingly ply to Ayurvedic Science to heal your mind and body.

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