How to raise Vitamin D levels naturally?

Posted by Kudrati Ayurved
Sep 21, 2018

Vitamin D is an important nutrient with amazing disease-fighting properties which can work wonders in strengthening the bones, preventing skin cancer, osteoarthritis and many other health disorders. On a daily basis, a person below the age of 70 requires 600 IU of Vitamin D for a healthy living while the ones above this ageing line will need 800 IU of the same. But due to irregular and stressful work schedules, most people aren’t able to get the adequate amount of Vitamin D nutrient. The Vitamin D deficiency could further lead to the asthmatic attacks and multiple sclerosis or cognitive impairment. Here are some easy natural ways to deal with the Vitamin D deficiency:

1.      Sunlight

The widely available and commonly referred natural source of Vitamin D is the sunlight. In a day, a normal human body can absorb around 80 per cent of Vitamin D from the sun. The colour of the skin plays a crucial role in deciding the adequate amount of daily sunbathing time to maintaining healthy vitamin D levels in the human body. While fairer people need only 30 minutes of exposure on bright days the people with dark skin will need around 2 hours of the sunlight to absorb the sufficient amount of Vitamin D.

2.      Cod Liver Oil

Although many deny having this great natural element in their daily diets due to its odd taste, there are immense health benefits linked to the same. A daily intake of 1 tablespoon of cod oil or 2 capsules of the same can infuse around 340 per cent of Vitamin D in the human body along with maintaining healthy levels of Omega-3 fatty acid. 

3.      Milk

Milk, whether whole or skimmed is a rich source of dietary Vitamin D intake. A single cup of milk consists of around 100 UIs of this powerful nutrient. Other than this milk holds some great medicinal and anti-bacterial properties which are essential for a healthy human being. 

4.      Mushrooms

According to some medical studies by reputed health organizations, Vitamin D element of white mushrooms increases by 400% when kept under ultraviolet B light for a stipulated period of time. These food products hold in a very minute amount of fat and calories and loads of Vitamin D benefits, hence don’t pull aside the mushrooms from pizza, burgers, omelets and salads instead consume them with a smile.

5.      Soy Milk

It is obtained from soaking dry soybeans, grinding it with water to finally obtain milk. This product is extracted from the plants only without harming any animal and is thus considered the best source of Vitamin D for vegans. Other than the Vitamin D benefits, this amazing nature’s product is also rich with the benefits of Vitamin C and iron.

6.      Orange Juice

Fortified orange juice is another great source for daily dietary Vitamin D intake. Similar to milk, a glass of fortified orange juice holds approximately 100 UIs of Vitamin D. But not all juices deliver the same nutrition of Vitamin D, so before buying forget not to check the nutritional description of the content on their packaging.
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