Quality Content Writers Group

The Four-To-One-Rule

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
December 14, 2007

The Four-To-One-Rule.

If you have not had a chance to read the comments on this blog and you have some extra time........actually a lot of time on your hands you will be totally confused but very impressed by this debate..........

For every criticism you make of someone's job performance, make sure you give the  person four compliments....

Makes perfect sense would you not agree with the above statement, but how many of us ever think this way or use this formula to our advantage.  What would happen if we used on a daily bases.  The results would be countless from our co workers......read the short example l used to describe the statement.....

When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce.  You look for reasons it is not doing well.  It may need more fertilizer, or more water, or less sun.  You never blame the lettuce.

Yet if we have problems with our friends or our family, we blame the other person.  But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well, like the lettuce.  Blaming has no positive effective at all, nor does  trying to persuade using reason and arguments.

That is my experience.............

No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding.  If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change...........

Dec 14th 2007 14:54

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Are some people hypersensitive? Yes. Do psychoanalysts and other idiots have something to do with it? Yes. But there are cases, America is one, where there is a historical need for some legislative balance for minorities.

You have to understand that until the 1960's, blacks in America enjoying the wonder legal status of being 3/5 of a man. Legislation (Jim Crow Laws) legally created a class of inferior beings and we have not progressed that far from it. Segregationists used the phrase "separate but equal" which is one of the biggest lies ever told. All you had to do was to look at the two separate educational systems to see proof of that. Many of the problems we are seeing in public schools today were the normal state of things in segregated black schools. Overcrowding, teacher apathy, inferior or or less than needed educational materials.

Some blacks have taken hold of the opportunity, many are still stuck in the mentality that was forced on them for generations. So it is understandable that there is some caution in dealing with them. However while blacks in America are dealing with these issues, look at some other countries and you see a shift to the other extreme blacks attempting to establish dominance over white races. The racial issue is a hornet's nest of its own. It took centuries to get to this point and it's going to take generations to work out the issues.

As far as the correction issue, everyone is not going to react the same. Most of the people you have contact with have never even been under any type of treatment. It is the personality of those involved and sad to say if you want to correction to stick, by stick I mean it becomes part of that person's operating system and not something he does when you are looking over his shoulder, Your correction must be in a manner acceptable to them.

Yes you may have to be nice that means you cannot call them a flaming idiot (as much as you would like to), You have to take into account their feelings and their personality or you have done nothing. If they do not take your correction to heart, you will be doing the same correction again and again. That does not mean they are an idiot, that means that you have not reached them and the only way to do so is to change your tactics.
Jan 14th 2008 10:47   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
But there are cases, America is one, where there is a historical need for some legislative balance for minorities.

Now there is a whole new bucket of worms you have brought into this discussion.

The last time that there was a significant minority in America (not Central America) they were white and treated the indiginous population like live-stock. When the indiginous population had been decimated, several times, they imported fresh live-stock from places like Africa.

I think the white minority demonstrated VERY ABLY just how successful a determined and ruthless group could terrorise and dominate a much larger majority.

The determined and ruthless group we need to face, now, is the one made up of crapologists, psycoloonicologists and limp wristed, lisping nonentities who are so blind to reality that they feel every wrong doer is in need of sympathy. When it comes to the victim of the wrong doer - serve him/her bloody well right! They shouldn't have been there in the first place inciting the poor human malignancy to cause them grievous harm.

I read, once, a report about the causes of delinquency.

The major cause was, surprise, surprise, the expectations of parents.

It's about time the pendulum started swinging the other way. Delinquents are so because they enjoy it and because it is fun and because they do not have to answer for their deeds.

Who can blame them? I have just heard the most vile stream of foul language describing what was to be done to somebody called Mutha Fukha (obviously a minority member) - I would have stopped it but my incredulity got the better of me and I actually listened to this crap rapper crapping over the airwaves.

Now, now, Horatio. I have tried to explain that this sort of language is not acceptable on the radio where children might be listening and I am more than a little disappointed that you persist in using it. However, in this case, it is not your fault because if we, the majority did not allow you to crap on our airwaves, you probably wouldn't (at least, not until you won your case of restriction of your civil rights).

Now, please go away for a little while so that I can think of four nice things to say about your performances.
Jan 14th 2008 11:27   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Guys,

As far as this debate is concerned - I am betting on the Rabbi! The Spiritual Advisor is quite clearly OUT as they both agree on that one.

Great stuff you two - we are hear reading your every word. Lots of good stuff coming out here.

Just dont post a blog about a 5 to 1 rule about anything will you Joseph!
Jan 14th 2008 15:43   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

You are one hell of a very creative writer, you sure know how to get involved in a debate, conversation, you have some very interesting points and some of the words you have used has blown me away cause l have no idea what they mean.............Your right to the point when you say that the police will focus on the vehicles as in traffic.............

Imagine this ALL who have been following this debate.....Let's say for an example we are all police officer doing our job we come upon a vehicle that is travelling we to slow..........We decide to pull him over to see what the problem is or even perhaps we have an idea that we might just give him a ticket.

We pull the vehicle over, before we can say can l please have your drivers licence and insurance information. The man inside the vehicle "GLARES" at you and starts to go into a verbal debate on why are you pulling me over...............Well the person we just pulled over is Arthur, Can you imagine how long you would be there trying to give him a ticket he would wear you out. That you more then likely just want to forget about giving him a ticket and send him on his merry way....................But no way, he starts a new argument with you on why your not giving him a ticket now so you decide to give him a ticket he turns the table again back on you.......................He starts using words that most people have no idea what he is talking about and send us into a different frame of mind...................We start to wonder why "ME" of the nine billion vehicles on the road l had to stop this one.........................

This would be my biggest nite mare in life if a l was a Police officer and pulled him over...............You can't win, you can't lose you just have to put up with him..............The last thing you want to do is bring him to the station cause then you have just pissed off the whole police station...........




Jan 14th 2008 21:08   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
How To Kill a Good Debate.....................:(
Jan 22nd 2008 13:16   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Actually it's not dead just slowed down. It will pop up again. We have to pace ourselves!
Jan 22nd 2008 13:38   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hey now l feel much better.................and l am sure the two of you will pick it up from you left off..............Not really sure where you left off but l am sure the two of you are.............and that is all that counts.......
Jan 22nd 2008 17:28   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Today has been one of those days when I have been busy being busy. I haven't really achieved anything but I'm really bushed.

First I was really hacked when the postman called me Artoor Wester - I was feeling a little wilted and that really sent me over the top - I completeley lost all sense of identity.

I was still grumbling when I got back into my apartment and the look I got from Scamp simply crippled my self esteem.

I created a short story for my club members, posted it to the bulletin board but it got lost in the ether. I was crushed when they blamed me!

Chap wouldn't let me sit in my own chair and I really wanted to. He has no respect for me and just lay there.

A telephone caller hung up on me because I was supposed to be a woman.

A telephone call from a client who was really having a bad day left me battered and bruised as I reeled from feeling sympathetic to antagonistic as this client sprayed me with words that were very hurtful to me in my weakened psycological state.

Needing to refresh myself, I went next door to the coffee shop and ordered a 00% beer. It didn't take me long to realise that all the customers were staring at me and I had to rush the beer in order to escape. In doing so I forgot that I can't see out of my right eye and walked into the door.

By this time I really, really needed picking up so I went to visit a friend. She is one of those intuitive den mothers and listened as I explained that I was feeling very down because everything was getting to me but nobody in Spain has heard of then Four-to-one rule.

"Your hair looks nice - had it cut recently?"
"Judy told me she had a lovely time with you over Christmas."
"Laura says she might come to visit soon - she really thinks you are great."
I like your jumper, did Judy buy it for you? It really suits you."

It didn't help!

I'm just not cut out to be a wimp. I suppose.
Jan 23rd 2008 11:47   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Arthur, Arthur

You're having one of them days today where everything you touch hits you we all have had them before. But when you walked into that door was because you couldn't see or it had something with what you where enjoying this morning either way better things on the way..........
Jan 23rd 2008 11:51   
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