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Apsense Business Traffic Exchange - What's a website without traffic?

by Amy
Amy Advanced
To start receiving traffic to your Business center website, you must go to your "Setup My Business Center" and turn ON the "Publish to Business Exchange" option!

Having a good Apsense Business Center website is a vital part for an online business, however for a business website to be successful it needs plenty of quality and targetted traffic daily. This is why we have developed the Apsense Business Exchange. This carefully designed system is the final important feature to the Apsense Business Center. It is a traffic exchange and generating system that ultimately gurantee visitors to your business center website and stay there for 30 full seconds! It is GURANTEED and it is FREE!

Helping you Build a Better Business!

Traffic is a major perk with our Apsense Business Exchange service but we are also looking out for your business long term. Along with the targeted visitors running through your ABC website, visitors will also be rating on how your business is compared to others. In addition, vistors will also be posting their reviews and feedbacks to help you build a better business. It's a service you won't find anywhere else because our complete package offers unique visitors to your website and valuable advice on how you can improve and earn more money with your current business.
Jul 28th 2007 04:09

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Barbara Eyre Advanced   
I'm wondering - what does it take for your site to be seen? I have 228 credits just sitting there. Everything is turned "on". My site was seen last week as I got a rating - finally!

When I made a post early last week about the ABCs, there were a lot of responses saying they rate sites frequently. That tells me sites are being seen.

I do know that I have to keep resetting the industry choices, even when I do not edit my ABC. Is this why my site isn't being seen and my credits aren't being used? Anyway to fix this problem?

Hate that I put effort into my ABC and it's not being seen.
Oct 1st 2007 23:33   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Barbara,

The problem of having to reset the categories for your BC was fixed last week.

If you still have a problem then you need to put in a support ticket.

It was also said last week thart there is nothing you bcan do to get your site seen except make sure it is active in the BC exchange.

As for putting in so much effort not to get it seen, just hope that your effort is not rewarded when it is seen by pathetic small minded people that rate you with a 1 or a 2 as mine has been again today.

These childish games with the BC voting really are starting to pee me off.
It is not the best BC and there is always room for improvement but I challenge anyone to justify giving my BC a 1 or 2

Oct 1st 2007 23:51   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
Oh wow, Bill! I'm so sorry people are treating your hard work in that manner. I'm taking a peek at your BC right now and if I saw it in the exchange, I would easily rate it a 9 or 10. Definitely doesn't warrant a rating below a 7 on a bad day.

I guess everyone has their own idea of what is good or bad in their eyes. *shrugs*
Oct 2nd 2007 00:11   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
D'OH! I forgot to thank you, Bill, for answering my inquiry here. *grins*
Oct 2nd 2007 00:11   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Perhaps time to look at accountability again Bj. You BC has always been an 8 from me.

I have over 700 Credits and going up. I get about one vote every 3 or 4 days so the'll last me a while ;o)
Oct 2nd 2007 01:01   
Marko S. Professional   Web Presence Provider
From my perspective, something must change with AdSense Business Center Traffic Exchange. We all have a lot of credits unused and I suggest that there should be a somekind of activity to spend/change/sell this credits.
I suggest once (and I still mean the same) that the role of Apsense traffic exchange should be the same (or improved) as the role of classic traffic exchange sites For your credits you should get views from other members.
Nov 22nd 2007 05:22   
Ben Ferm Committed   Manager
I have had two views at mine since I started. Not that my Business Center is much to look at, but anyway.

If the few of us are looking at hundreds of pages, getting credits for no use, why should we keep doing it? The interest will eventually fade, as always when something is not working properly.

I think there is a problem here, hopefully to be solved.
Dec 12th 2007 04:48   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
I would very much like to see the option of voting for a specific Biz site without having to surf them all. I have been looking out for some which impress me a lot - but they never seem to come up - ergo - I cannot vote for them and others come up constantly, including some I would prefer to pass on - rather than give a bad vote.

Over to Official Suggestions again?

The greatest value that I can see for the Biz Centres is their search engine friendliness for people OUTSIDE ApSense
Dec 12th 2007 08:26   
Kimberly Freshman  
I'm new to this, and would like more info on how to do this. My personal site is under construction, but should be up and running this week. I would like to know exactly how this works.
Dec 16th 2007 21:44   
Raylene Murray-Macgregor Innovator   
If someone replied to my message, where can I view my message that I sent as you cannot always remember what you said.
Jun 22nd 2008 16:34   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi richwinnerz

To view messages sent go to messages then click on the sent messages tab
Jun 22nd 2008 16:43   
Selya Rollins Professional   Creative Imagery
Did things pick up a bit on the Exchange, or is it wishful thinking?

Jun 23rd 2008 10:29   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I just spent a little time browsing through the business exchanges and for the life of me I can't understand how totally blank ABC's are boasting ratings of 4+. Also annoying is the fact that unavailable pages are coming up to be rated. We really do need a way to rate these things by going to them directly. I've seen great ABC's but cannot give them the ratings they deserve.

At this point the Biz Exchange either needs a major overhaul or to be totally scrapped.
Jun 23rd 2008 11:25   
Justin R. Advanced   Music is Life
Overhaul, don't scrap it, the ones that are complete, are really good.

Jun 23rd 2008 13:34   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Not the ABC's themselves but the exchange. People are rating ABC with nothing on them high enough that they can reach a 4+ Then the ABC's that people have put a lot of work in are getting 5-6 ratings, there's something seriously wrong here.

Also the fact that many great ABC's cannot be rated because they don't come up. I'm all for being fair to everyone but this just isn't working. I personally put a lot of 1's out there only because I cannot give a 0. If there is no effort put into the ABC and all someone did was activate it, then why should it be seen and take the exposure from those ABC's that are actually being worked on and updated?
Jun 23rd 2008 13:48   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Cheryl,

I am pleased to see you have the courage to give them a 1 if they have not done anything.

There are many that are of the mind that if they give a BC a 1 it will hurt the member.

It is my opinion that if the member cared they would have made some effort and done something with their BC

I also rate 1 if there is no content and I wish others would do the same.

Jun 23rd 2008 14:24   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I know that people don't want to give a low score but ABC's that are blank should not be rewarded at all. Many people put a lot of thought and effort into their ABC's but do not get seen because of all the empty ABC's simply taking up space. Like you I feel that they would do something with it if they cared.

I think it is a shame that many who have great ABC's cannot get the exposure they deserve.
Jun 23rd 2008 15:43   
Krushna Sathua Junior   
A proper evaluation of ABC is being done and the right one be rewarded, so that they put more genuine effort. also in this way the site could attract some quality member and encourage them to contribute more and more.
Jun 23rd 2008 22:06   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
I like the Traffic Exchange here. I was contacted by a woman from Microsoft who coordinates a womens entrepreneurial venture convention of some sort and we have begun emailing info. She contacted me thru my ABC here at APSense!

that was a surprise.

I get contacts every now and then

as I was skimming thru the responses I thought I saw something about scrapping? ABC or the TE way of doing things? I definitely hope not

I am trying to reach 1,000 views and keep it above that for good luck!

Jul 2nd 2008 22:40   
Jan aka Jaz Green Senior   
Hello Community,

I have taken the time to activate some of the promising tools in this community. The widget is one of my favorite tools.

Gettin' Better by the Tic' Toc;

Oct 19th 2008 05:54   
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