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Apsense Business Traffic Exchange - What's a website without traffic?

by Amy
Amy Advanced
To start receiving traffic to your Business center website, you must go to your "Setup My Business Center" and turn ON the "Publish to Business Exchange" option!

Having a good Apsense Business Center website is a vital part for an online business, however for a business website to be successful it needs plenty of quality and targetted traffic daily. This is why we have developed the Apsense Business Exchange. This carefully designed system is the final important feature to the Apsense Business Center. It is a traffic exchange and generating system that ultimately gurantee visitors to your business center website and stay there for 30 full seconds! It is GURANTEED and it is FREE!

Helping you Build a Better Business!

Traffic is a major perk with our Apsense Business Exchange service but we are also looking out for your business long term. Along with the targeted visitors running through your ABC website, visitors will also be rating on how your business is compared to others. In addition, vistors will also be posting their reviews and feedbacks to help you build a better business. It's a service you won't find anywhere else because our complete package offers unique visitors to your website and valuable advice on how you can improve and earn more money with your current business.
Jul 28th 2007 04:09

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Monika Fuchs Senior   Affiliti
Hi Jenny,
When a member adds their link it goes under resources. And yes you have the option to accept links or not. This is in the business center setup page. Even if you decide to let members add their links, you still get to approve them. Monika
Sep 12th 2010 03:05   
Les Stevens Advanced   A Blog for the Newbie
Thanks Amy. I am still trying even though at times my will weakens
Sep 12th 2010 13:17   
James Bonham Committed   tweetsmaster
Hello Amy,

Thank you for the how to start receiving traffic to your Business center website, you must go to your "Setup My Business Center" and turn ON the "Publish to Business Exchange" option!

I am new to this site but I really like it tweet tweet tweet LOL:)
Sep 15th 2010 09:31   
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