Twittering For Lead Generation 5 Tips That Will Help Build Your List

Posted by Toshiba Burton
Oct 3, 2011
Monday Madness: Tweeting For Lead Generation 5 Tips To Help Build Your List

So you call yourself tweeting for lead generation to help build your business but you have this strange uncomfortable feeling of tension because you're not quite sure exactly what you should be doing and for some reason you just can’t seem to get focused!

Well don't worry because this was exactly how I felt a while back until I learned how to use Twitter to my advantage. Today I am going to share 5 beneficial tips that will help you get started on the right track!!!

Did you know that a lot of entrepreneurs don't quite understand how to use Twitter to their advantage? They may have the other Social Networking Sites down pat such as Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter but for some reason they are puzzled when it comes to using Twitter.

If you stop & think for a moment Twitter is just like a huge socializing event where you can join in on the action whenever you get ready. You will run into a lots of different people in which some of them could make a great acquaintances for you to connect with and become a prospect.

You are also gonna run across some that you won’t make much of a connection with & that’s fine to. Learn how to keep your mind on what really matters being attentive, being confident, being able to relate to others, being helpful and being persistent.

Tweeting For Lead Generation

1. Being Attentive: Create yourself a Twitter account if you don’t already have one. Now is the time to start tweeting regularly, remember we are looking at this as a socializing event so if you don’t attend regularly and start communicating and interacting with others then you won’t make any connections.

2. Be Confident: In the world of Social Media it’s all about socializing and interacting with others. This is why you must learn to be confident with who you are therefore you won’t be uncomfortable while networking with others and sharing things about yourself. It may not seem as if others are paying much attention to you but if you do this continuously then you will start getting feedback.

3. Relate To Others: Who in the world do you know that always wants to hear about your business and what products you are selling? Nobody so always tweeting about this will make people ignore and unfollow you.

You must learn how to get personal with others by letting them know that you enjoy some of the same things they do such as sports, hobbies, movies, etc relate and show interest in others and I guarantee you they will do the same for you.

4. Be Helpful: It’s not about you it’s about them so you may be surprised at the support you get just by helping others and when you tweet about things that you are doing your followers will in turn support you and this is exactly what you want.

5. Be Persistent: If you were attending different social events then you couldn’t just show up every once in a while and connect with just a few people, this will not allow you to really establish long term relationships which is the backbone of building any business no matter which one you may be in.

The same rule still applies when you are tweeting for lead generation you have to interact with others consistently. The easiest way to do this is to make sure you communicate everyday or at least 5 times per week.

Twitter moves at a very fast pace so only tweeting just a few times per week is like going to a socializing event every once and a while.

Always keep in mind that the more you get involved with others, the more credibility you will build and the more long term relationships you will establish, the more you support and share with others you will get more of what you want.

Click Here To Download Your Free Twitter Bonus!!!

Toshiba K Burton

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Comments (8)
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

Hey @Roosevelt I agree with you Twitter can be very powerful but a lot of online marketers don't understand it, thanks for your comment
@Vishwajeet, @Blurbpoint @Sandeep Thanks for sharing :)

Oct 4, 2011 Like it
Sandy John

Data Center Consultant

Thanks for sharing the knowledgeable post.

Oct 4, 2011 Like it
ketan p.

SE Marketer & Internet professional

Nice article Thosiba, its surely helpful at all...would be interested in twitter.

Oct 4, 2011 Like it
Vishwajeet Kumar


Very nice article toshiba! I also think that twitter is now become a vry mportant part of social media & social advertising.

Oct 4, 2011 Like it
Roosevelt Evans III

Home Business Entrepreneur

Great article, Toshiba! Great to see you around! Twitter is social media that is very under appreciated when it comes to online marketing. Tweet it like a social network and it pays. Treat Twitter like a spamming platform and you fail.

Oct 4, 2011 Like it
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

@Jeffrey thanks for your comment & I'd love to follow you on Twitter also
Hey @Gregory as always thanks for your wonderful support my friend:)

Oct 3, 2011 Like it
Gregory Osborne

Online Marketing Entrepreneur...

Right on target once again Toshiba, twitter is a great way to expand your networking reach. You have provided some very informative information to our network here at Apsense... Looking forward to your future posts...

Oct 3, 2011 Like it
Jeffrey Meade


Very Nice article, I do believe you are so right about Twitter, I really love the information that is here, would you like it if we could follow each other on Twitter? If so here is my profile: hope to see you there, and again, great article!

Oct 3, 2011 Like it
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