Are You Confused On How To Turn Your Browsers Into Buyers?
Don’t worry I was just as frustrated as you were with
this same situation for quite some time! But after doing some
researching & examining I realized that
my website needed some
serious tweaking…
One thing you have to understand about people is that
they always want to know what’s in it for them & that’s the bottom
line. This is just one of the main reasons why it’s very important to
have an “eye catching headline”.
So If Your Conversion Rates Are Low Here Are 5 Things You Need To Consider…
1. Create “Eye Catching Headlines”…
An eye catching headline should include the main benefits of your
product and service. In fact it should stress the solution that you are
providing, create curiosity and catch your audience’s attention.
Being clear in your headlines and including your benefits will keep your audience reading a lot longer.
2. “Building Up Your Credibility” Also Turns Browsers Into Buyers…
Building up credibility takes time so you need to provide ways to show that your credible and trustworthy.
Image also means a lot these days so you need to make sure you
understand what you are talking about. You have to be someone who is
believable and who knows what they are doing.
Let’s look at it like this everything you do reflects on your
products and services so when you talk about making it big with Internet
Marketing then you need to build up a good online reputation and
personal brand for yourself.
While connecting personally with your target market and building
relationships with them you always want to keep in mind that the person
behind the Facebook and Twitter account is very real.
Even the person behind all the email messages is real! So if your
market doesn’t feel an emotional connection to you, then they won’t buy
your product.
Now with that being said most purchasing decisions are based on
emotions rather than logic. This is why you need to connect with your
prospects on a personal and emotional level while building a
relationship with them. This is one of the fastest ways of building up
credibility and earning trust!
3. “Talking About Benefits” Turns Browsers Into Buyers…
When I talk about benefits I’m talking about what’s in it for them or how is what you are offering going to help your audience?
You should always use the benefits of your products to solve the
problems of your market. So STOP trying to SELL and start actually
helping your audience more.
4. “Capture Their Info”…
When you are attracting people to your site and providing valuable content then you want to get their contact information.
You can do this by using a pop up domination on your site or use a
web form asking for their first name and email address. I personally use
because it provides me with everything I need from scheduling my email
follow messages to personalizing my web form for my visitors to Opt in.
When you create your content make sure that it’s compelling you want
your visitors to be excited for sharing their information with you. You
also want them to look forward to the information you are going sharing
with them after they give you their information.
5. “Over Delivering In Value” Turns Browsers Into Buyers…
It’s very critical that you provide value first and foremost, before
you begin talking about your prices. Failing to allow your audience to
know how much your product is worth to them is priceless and you are
risking the chance of losing them for good. You want your audience to
feel like they are getting the
best deal ever!!!
So does your website compare to what I’ve just given you? If not
then you may want to go back and do some tweaking. If you can think of
anything better I suggest you work on it.
Besides the faster you start adjusting and making changes the sooner
you can start turning your browsers into buyers. Let me know how it
works out for you talk to you soon….
Social Media Management, traffic to website, searc
Thanks Toshiba nice article your right and well done for investing in such a useful auto-responder a great way of keeping in touch with clients. People skills and social networking was the category that I voted for this APsense Article and thanks Philippe for sharing on Facebook.
Awesome tips Toshiba. It seems that most of us have to first go through the frustrations you mention before we find out what works. With the benefit of hindsight, maybe the "frustrations" were not entirely a waste of time. They showed us what does not work and pointed us in the direction of what works.
Comments (19)
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
Aw thanks Roosevelt:)
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
Shared this excellent article on Twitter, Toshiba.
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
Thanks Philippe:)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I will add the link to this article in next issue of my APSense Business Builders ezine
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
@Paula wow thank you so much:)
@Manali Thank you so much for your nice comment
@Roger Thank you!
good article. thank you for sharing.
Manali Patel
SEO firm
You define very well article.The concept is very clear and logo graphics is also good.Thanks for giving this.
Paula van Dun
Social Marketing works.
An excellent article Toshiba that deserves a lot of attention. I have nothing to add. Will share this one.
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
@Anthony thanks!!!
Anthony T.
affiliate marketer
excellent article
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
@Roosevelt thank you so much for your wonderful comment & thanks for sharing:)
@Philippe thank you so much hopefully someone will get some value out of it lol
@Robert wow thank you for your support & thank you all for sharing again:)
Toshiba Burton
Social Media Consultant
Hey @ Fred you are exactly if we learn to work around your frustrations they will definitely make us stronger.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Is that how you saw it, Robert? On FB ? If yes, it confirms it's a good idea to share such a good headline on our FB walls.
Robert Bridge
Social Media Management, traffic to website, searc
Thanks Toshiba nice article your right and well done for investing in such a useful auto-responder a great way of keeping in touch with clients. People skills and social networking was the category that I voted for this APsense Article and thanks Philippe for sharing on Facebook.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Tweeted and shared on FB :)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Wow, dear Toshiba, this is a textbook example of how to write awesome articles: informative, graphics, great presentation, keep it up
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
PS, shared this great article on LinkedIn and Facebook.
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
Beautiful article of substance! Love the graphics and the concepts! Thanks for sharing, Toshiba!
Fred Mugone
Health, Wellness, e-Business
Awesome tips Toshiba. It seems that most of us have to first go through the frustrations you mention before we find out what works. With the benefit of hindsight, maybe the "frustrations" were not entirely a waste of time. They showed us what does not work and pointed us in the direction of what works.