The Importance Of Link Building Strategies

Posted by Toshiba Burton
Mar 3, 2011


Everyone's looking for ways to boost their website or blog, link building strategies is an excellent source for this and must be considered a long term strategy not an overnight one. Google loves it when you build backlinks to your site.

link building strategies


You also have to keep your target market in mind when drawing traffic back to your site. What is also important is to know which keywords your audience is looking for in the search engines and you find this out by doing keyword research.

Building backlinks is a very strategic list building strategy used for google search engine ranking because the more websites you link back to yourself the higher your results will become with the search engines.

You have to consistently keep your site updated with good quality information so you can keep your readers interest and they will continue coming back for more.


Other Link Building Strategies


Blog Commenting:


Commenting on others blogs is a great source that builds backlinks back to your site because the more people see you commenting the more they want to know more about you. Remember when commenting make sure you have actually read the blog posts and write something down that's valuable and worthwhile.

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The site owner can always tell just who read their blog posts and who didn't just by their comments. Also if you see a facebook like or share button and a retweet button on their blog then use it eventually the favor will be returned back to you again.


Social Bookmarking Sites:


Social bookmarking sites is a place where you share your blog posts, articles, videos and photos. It also shares your websites with others especially when keywords are used in the right way. Of course you do have to use other bookmarking sites to post your information because it's all going to link back to you in the end.

Articles Directories:


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Writing good content articles and submitting them to different article directories is great it allows people on google to be able to read your articles that you have written when they type in certain keywords that is if you do your keyword research the correct way then you have a pretty good chance of your article appearing on the first page of google.

I suggest looking into getting a good article submission software when submitting your articles because it creates all your profiles and does all the submission work for you. Basically all you have to do is create the article, edit it, save it then submit it.

Video Marketing:


Video Marketing is one of the best and easiest link building strategies you can use. It's also one of the fastest ways to promote your business or products online and get backlinks to your site. The fact is that 2 billion people view YouTube everyday and its the fourth most viewed site on the internet so that should tell you something.


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Videos allow you to position yourself as a leader in front of the camera and if you are camera shy there are other ways around this like power point presentations and slide shows all you have to do is use your  voice.



No matter which form of video strategy you use the focus here is to create the video and get your information out there to as many places as you can like facebook, twitter, yahoo, google, bookmarking sites, tube mogul, traffic geyser etc.

Using link building strategies is an excellent source for building backlinks and traffic to your site it also raises your alexa rankings in the process which is very important while building your online business.

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Comments (10)
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

@Debbie12 you are very welcome thanks for your comment.

Mar 4, 2011 Like it
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

@ Coircat I agree with you if you have a blog back links are very important & it's not a very hard strategy to do.

Mar 4, 2011 Like it


very nice and interesting love this thank you fro the information and the time for writing this

Mar 4, 2011 Like it
Shirley-Ann Pearman


Thank You! You are cordially invite "Notes" at

Mar 4, 2011 Like it
David Morley

This is an essential service for people who have a website, building back links is very necessary.

Mar 4, 2011 Like it
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

TePuridewa I am glad you have found this beneficial I hope this helps you. Thanks for sharing.

Mar 4, 2011 Like it
Teten Puridewa

Pro Entrepreneur

awesome tips for me.thank for support sister.

Mar 4, 2011 Like it
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

@ Philippe, Wow thanks I appreciate your input

@ Peter Hi thanks for your comment

Mar 3, 2011 Like it
Peter M.

Pro Internet Marketer

great information and tips which i like best. I also think that will those who are really in MLM programs

Mar 3, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

WOW !!!

What a great presentation. Awesome article, Toshiba. The use of all the pictures adds immensely to the pleasure, and the article is very informative too.

Way to go, girl!

Mar 3, 2011 Like it
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