Gastric Ulcer: Natural Methods

Posted by Shir G.
Nov 3, 2020

Basic Rules

The first recommendations are to completely avoid smoking, alcohol consumption, fried foods, coffee, poor quality oils, white sugar spicy spices, white flour, and chemicals in food.

Another guideline is to avoid or replace medications such as aspirin, steroids, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Herbal Medicine
Herbs encourage the regeneration of the mucous membranes and walls of the stomach, work to reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, and help balance the level of acidity in the stomach.

The herbs contribute to reducing stress and anxiety in a natural way, and encourage a process of cleansing the body of toxins, neutralizing bacteria, and are highly effective in treating ulcers/peptic ulcers / gastric ulcers / gastrointestinal ulcers.

Acorn Oil

Acorn oil is known for its antibacterial properties and has been used for decades to treat digestive problems, ulcers, gastritis, and also to strengthen the energies and strengthen the immune system.
The oil must be used carefully and moderately.

Organic pine oil is especially effective in slowing down the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and reducing symptoms.

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