Factors Affecting the Success of IVF

Posted by Joanne P.
Apr 8, 2019
IVF started in the Philippines back in 1995. It opened up opportunities for Filipinos to overcome infertility. Back then, these opportunities were only available to those who can afford expensive treatments. Years later, the IVF cost in the Philippines became relatively lower. 

Now, there are more options for couples to have children despite their infertility. IVF was made available to more people. The success of eac procedure, however, is still not a guarantee. If the treatment does not work the first time, the next one can be just as costly. 

There are a lot of factors that can determine the success of IVF. Here are some of them:

1. Lifestyle

No matter how advanced IVF has gotten over the years, its success is still influenced by the lifestyle of the people going through the procedure. If you're having troubles getting pregnant, smoking is not going to help. Women who go through IVF are recommended to stop smoking at least three months before the treatment.

If you're a smoker, you may need higher doses of fertility drugs. The doctors may even recommend that you go through more procedures. Most complications in the ovaries get worse with smoking. 

Overweight women may also suffer from infertility. Having an unbalanced diet doesn't leave so much room for IVF to succeed. 

This also goes for underweight women. If you want to help your chances of getting pregnant, maintain a healthy diet and cease all dangerous vices like smoking. 

2. Age
Younger women enjoy a higher chance of getting pregnant than older women. This is still true for people going through IVF. Older women have fewer eggs. The quality of these eggs should also be examined before it can be used. 

Age is also a complicated factor. If you're around the age of 35, there's a 40% chance that IVF would work. Seven years later, you can be looking at a success rate that goes as low as 4%. 

3. The Severity of Fertility Problems
IVF offers solutions that go around fertility problems. There are, however, some diseases that make things more complicated. For the male, things like fibroid tumors and uterine abnormalities complicate fertility. 

For women, the success of IVF depends on how well the ovulation goes. If there's a low ovarian reserve, the success of IVF may be affected. If the couple has been infertile for a long time, the chances of IVF's success is also reduced. 

Pregnancy history is also a factor. If you have a history of recurrent miscarriages, it can affect the success of IVF.

4. Your IVF Clinic
You're about to invest in something that's deeply important. Everything must go as perfectly as it can be. You need to make sure you're going to the best doctors to improve your chances.

Look into the clinic's track record before you trust them with your IVF procedures. Know about their training and experience, and ask previous clients about their experience.

These days, the in vitro fertilization success rate is greater because of its advancements. Much like in other treatments, you get the best results when you do your homework. Having a good grasp of what you're about to go through does a lot.
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