Different Types of Receptionist Jobs

Posted by William J.
Jun 28, 2014
Image The job of a receptionist is with very much of responsibilities. In our job market we see various types of business, service or industry and for that we see different types of men working as receptionists in different fields. A receptionist holds the image of the company or organization where he is working; he always needs to show a positive attitude.
The Varieties of Receptionist Job

According to the modern job trend, very much common is healthcare receptionist, popularly known as medical receptionist, who works in medical centers like hospital, nursing homes there he or she monitors the entire health care units by scheduling or rescheduling the doctors visiting hours and attend the patients call, satisfies the incoming clients by giving them proper reply. For becoming a medical receptionist, one needs to know the medical terms and coding, good patience and ability to satisfy the clients; in this field minimum high school diploma is considered to be the entry level qualification. The other industry based receptionists are receptionist in lawyer’s office, receptionist of salon, gym, receptionist of community center, insurance office, receptionist in banks; various corporate sectors employ the receptionists also.
Specification of Different Receptionists

Lawyer office receptionist, he is employed in a lawyer office or chamber, his main duty is to keep the files in right way and make the sheets of the ongoing and up coming cases that the lawyer will plead for the clients. The receptionist also makes the meeting schedules with clients for the advocate; the receptionist needs to be quite skilled in typing, shorthand and computer skill
The receptionist in a beauty salon is very common. He or she performs his duty in a very pleasant manner and politely, in the salon clients come for hair cutting or body care treatment, his duty is to greet them and clarifies the fares of the different treatment.
Receptionist in insurance office is also worth of mention. In insurance office the receptionist works quite skillfully. He fills the forms for the clients, in this clients come with demands for compensation for them he gives necessary information and fills the forms.
Receptionist in community center holds also the responsibility for letting the community center on rental basis, he is to keep records of the different years, he is aware about the current market rate of community center well.
In bank we also find a front desk clerk who is very much devoted to his duty, he is the communicator and coordinator without asking him we cannot get any clue regarding the bank or its working procedure, he or she guides us thoroughly or shows the another person whom we go for there.
There are also the receptionists who work in corporate offices, they work efficiently, and usually they possess the qualifications of business and marketing administration besides basic qualifications.
The Basic Qualifications for Becoming a Receptionist

Generally to be a receptionist one should have a minimum qualification passing of high school diploma, but degree will be quite upper hand in the market for the job. An aspirant for receptionist will have to know basic computer skill, fluency in English and any other regional language. He must be able to take pressure. Whenever his is performing, he needs to be very polite and positive minded. You must add your strengths in your resume. If you can't write in your own, take help from receptionist resume samples available online.

Photo credit: Renato Ganoza
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