Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity

Posted by Vedas Cure
Oct 8, 2019

Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity

What is acidity?

Acidity is a term used for a set of symptoms caused by the overproduction of acids by the gastric glands in the stomach, which secretly secrete hydrochloric acid (HCl) necessary for digestion of food. Clinically, a person is diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) when acid reflux occurs more than twice a week. Acidity causes symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, gastric inflammation, and peptic ulcers. Sometimes constipation and indigestion are also seen in people. It can be treated with antacids and mainly by changing eating and lifestyle habits. The acidity therapy of Vedas provides effective treatment for every person.

Symptoms of Acidity:

Acidity is a common health disorder experienced by most of us. This can be due to many factors such as an unhealthy lifestyle, diet, eating habits or even certain medications. These are the early signs and symptoms that indicate that you are suffering from acidity problems. To reduce Its symptoms, Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity is given in the last of this blog. List of the most common Symptoms of Acidity are given below:


Heartburn is characterized by a burning sensation in the center of the chest or throat. It starts in the upper abdomen and gradually spreads to the throat. Spicy or oily food is consumed late at night or if you lie down immediately after eating, heartburn may worsen.

Acid reflux

Symptoms of acidity can be managed through a healthy diet.

Acidity occurs when there is backflow of stomach acid into your esophagus, the part that connects your mouth to the stomach. In a typical scenario, the lower oesophageal sphincter is closed to prevent stomach acid from entering the throat.

However, repeated reflux of acid can cause dilution and damage to the esophagus. It can cause irritation in the throat and chest area, which may last for a few minutes or 1-2 hours.


Acidity makes you very restless and restless from inside. You may feel discomfort in your stomach or even experience chest pain. Heartburn is a common symptom of acidity that occurs late into the night. This may be the reason for lack of sleep or disturbed sleep at night. This, in turn, can make you feel heard and deficient throughout the day.


Indigestion is one of the major symptoms of acidity. This is often more than the first major sign that you are suffering from the condition. When food is not digested properly, it can cause constipation, inability to pass proper and solid stool. Individuals with acidity are more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as stomach irritation.

Sour taste

When you suffer from acidity, you may often have a sour taste in the mouth. This is mainly due to indigestion and the occurrence of acid reflux. This taste can make you feel nauseous and feel like you are about to vomit.

Keep believing

Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of acidity. Indigestion is a major reason for regular flatulence. Frequent hiccups are also another common symptom of acidity.


Causes of Acidity:

Stress: Lifestyle factors play an important role in how a person affects a health issue. However, you can get relief from acidity by adopting healthy habits. For example, try to relax as much as possible after your meal, listen to some soothing music or play a game!

Causes acidity: Obese people are at risk of suffering from excess acidity because excess abdominal fat can cause pressure on the stomach, leading to the development of herbal hernia, which causes acid backflow.

Stomach diseases: Most of the people have problem of abdominal pain at one or the other. Indigestion and heartburn are common problems. Major stomach disorders such as various types of stomach ulcers and stomach tumors can also cause GERD. These problems require medical attention.

Medication: Medications such as non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs that many people take frequently can also cause acidity.

Overtighting: A stomach full of too much food causes a burning sensation in the stomach, causing symptoms of heartburn. Fatty foods should be avoided if you are suffering from heartburn, as they settle around your stomach for a long time.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Aidity:

There are many home remedies for treating acidity, which are natural, quick and effective in treating its symptoms:

Bananas: Ripe bananas are a rich source of potassium. Bananas help control stomach acid levels. It helps in digestion through its high fiber content, relieving acidity symptoms. This is the best treatment for acidity.

Basil: Acidity, a well-known home remedy for basil, helps to stimulate stomach acid and encourages the production of mucus, which strengthens digestion. It also has antiscular properties, which reduces the likelihood of stomach ulcers.

Cold milk: Milk is a rich source of calcium, which helps prevent acid build-up by absorbing excess acid; In reducing the symptoms of acidity. Useful Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity to reduce its symptoms.

Fennel: Being rich in fiber, it has anti-ulcer properties, which improves digestion and relieves constipation. One teaspoon of fennel after meals cools the stomach lining, reducing symptoms of acidity.

Cumin Seed: It has the properties of encouraging saliva production, which aids digestion, improves metabolism and greatly relieves gas and gastric troubles.

Clove: The pungent taste of cloves emits excessive salivary secretion, which benefits digestion and regulates stomach acid. It is a useful Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity.

Cardamom: Ayurvedic medicine for acidity and other stomach ailments, cardamom stimulates digestion and relieves stomach cramps.

Peppermint Leaves: Peppermint reduces acid content and digestion. It has a cooling effect on the irritation caused by acid reflux.

Ginger: Absorbs and assimilates essential nutrients, and protects the stomach from ulcers.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla has a high amount of vitamin C, which fixes the lining of the stomach and esophagus, thereby reducing the effect of acidity. Since ancient times, it has been used as an Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity.

If you want to know about Ayurvedic Treatment of Acidity, you can visit our website or you can also call on +919015100300. Vedas Acidity Cure provide best natural treatment of acidity.

Resource: https://bit.ly/31UPpLr

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