Best Way to Treat Symptoms of Acidity

Posted by Vedas Cure
Sep 27, 2019

Symptoms of Acidity

Symptoms of Acidity can occur when the Stomach acid returns to the Esophagus. This is commonly called heartburn or acid reflux. Symptoms of Acidity can be very painful and can cause many kinds of health problems. If you are suffering from chronic heartburn, it may be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD.

Are the symptoms of acidity heartburn or GERD?

The cause of pain is stomach acid, acid that helps digest your food. Stomach acid flows into the esophagus, or "food pipe". Normally when you eat food, the food travels from your mouth through the lower esophagus (LES) to the esophagus. LES is the opening for your stomach. It usually only opens when you swallow, allowing food to enter the stomach, and then quickly closing.

If there is too much acid, or if LES does not function properly, food and stomach acid can flow or flow into the esophagus. Acid reflux irritates the lining of the esophagus and can causes heartburn. If the muscles in the stomach do not work continuously to keep food and acid from slowing down digestion, the Symptoms of Acidity can worsen.

What is GERD?

If you experience symptoms of acidity such as Heartburn more than two or three times in a week and discover that nothing seems to assist the pain, then your condition may become more serious. Chronic heartburn can be a symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Among chronic heartburn victims, some 1.66 million of them have GERD.

Stomach acid is very strong. Generally, stomach acid is contained in the stomach by the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). LES is the barrier between the stomach and esophagus. GERD occurs when LES is defective, allows stomach acid to flow or flow, and often irritate the esophagus due to symptoms of acidity.

How does GERD affect you?

Living with GERD can reduce your quality of life. A study showed that:

People who live with untreated GERD have a quality of life that is similar to those who have had heart attacks.

People who suffer from GERD have lower quality of life than people with diabetes, cancer or other serious diseases.

Symptoms of Acidity at night can keep you awake and reduce the quality of your sleep.

Can Acidity Symptoms be GERD?

If you answer the following questions, then your acidity symptoms may be GERD. Do you often have one or more of the following?

An uneasy feeling behind the breasts that appears to be moving upwards from the belly?

A Burning Sensation in the back into your throat?

A bitter acid taste in your mouth?

Do you often experience these problems after the meal?

Do you experience acidity or acid indigestion symptoms two or more times per week?

Do you find that antacids only provides the temporary relief from your acid reflux symptoms?

Do you take the maximum dose of over-the-counter heartburn medication?

Are you taking prescription medication to treat symptoms of acidity, and still have symptoms

Do you have trouble swallowing or persistent stomach ache?

If you suspect your acidity symptoms to be gastroesophageal reflux disease and do not have symptoms of general heartburn, then you should be prepared to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet.

What if your acidity symptoms stem from GERD?

I know it can be hard to accept that you are suffering from a dangerous disease, but if you want to be free from jealousy and live a healthy life then you need to learn an easy secret that does a surprisingly good job.

Home Remedies to Reduce Symptoms of Acidity:

One or two teaspoons of Chulbul Miroblan, taken daily, is a very useful and effective home remedy and also prevents heartburn.

Almond milk made from almonds is a very effective home remedy for acidity as it supplies good quality protein and also prevents excess stomach acid. Regular intake of this milk is very beneficial.

Water melon, banana, and cucumber work well to reduce acidity.

Take raw spinach and grind them. This juice is also useful for reducing acidity from smoking.

Plain milk also provides relief during acidity pain.

Take tender coconut water three to four times a day.

Pumpkin juice is also very effective. Add a little sugar to it to taste.

Take a small piece of jaggery regularly. Just put a piece of jaggery in the mouth and slowly suck it till you get rest.

Take cumin seeds and boil them in a glass of water. This home remedy is safe and effective.

Sprinkle sugar with black pepper over a piece of pineapple; This remedy provides quick relief.

Drinking carrot juice is also beneficial to get rid of this problem.

Take equal amount of amla with green leaves. It is an effective home remedy for acidity.

Take ginger and coriander in equal parts to get relief from the Acidity. Add Equal quantity while preparing the solution.

If you want to know about Symptoms of Acidity, you can visit our website or you can also call on +919015100300. 

Vedas Acidity Cure provides best the natural treatment of acidity.

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