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How I Built the Leading APSense Group!

by Valerie Hasara Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
How I Built the Leading APSense Group.

You are reading this right now because you want the details of how to make your own HOT group! The Headline caught your attention right.

Headlines are absolutely essential for grabbing the attention of your reader. Headlines are what people read to see if they have any interest in what you have to say.

Your headline must hook the reader. Here are a few tips to writing a hook of your own.

> > > The word “secret” is an attention-getter - People want secrets

> > > How To . . . is a good way to start your headline

> > > Try to create mystery and intrigue

> > > Tap into peoples fear or anxiety

Now I don’t want you to feel like you were misled in anyway by the headline and I didn’t tell you how this group got to be so great. The truth is I just did.

Do me one quick favor! If you are reading this right now because you were Hooked by the Headline. Scroll down and leave the comment
‘I got Hooked’

I want people to see just how powerful headlines can be.
Jun 24th 2007 10:12

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Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
‘I got Hooked’

Now just how many addicts have you created? :)

Douglas Wolfe
Jul 4th 2007 17:51   
Dj Koolbob Innovator   Smooth Jams Radio
you are my hero.....
i really hope to duplicate your success
Jul 6th 2007 22:55   
Coletha Browning Senior   Runner Blogger
I know I have already responded to this, but totally got me hooked and love when you send this message out. It gives me an oppportunity to see just how many people respond. It's great having you as a contact. I wish I had thought of this first.
Jul 7th 2007 13:11   
Kris Innovator   
I am new here ..and when I came to the groups ...of course 'writing' caught my attention, and then, yep, I got hooked by you! ;)
PS...what does UBBCODE mean?
Jul 8th 2007 10:15   
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Hi Kris Welcome to apsense,

Basically UBB Code is a way to format text , add links, add images and change the look of what you post.

UBB Code is a simpler format to use than HTML It is more limited in what can be done than HTMl. Many sites restrict the use of HTML and only allow UBB due to security concerns. Others use UBB for different reasons such as its ease of use a smaller code sizes..

I have listed below the most common UBB Codes with their basic uses


[ b] & [ /b] makes text bold
[ i] & [ /i] makes text italic
[ u] & [ /u] underlines text

[ code] & [ /code] allows you to show ubb or other code on a page instead of the page reading the code and formatting it.
It allows someone to show code examples as I have done here

[ url][ /url] makes an active link
[ url=] APsense [ /url] makes an active link to but shows the link as APsense
[ img][ /img] inserts an image in page
[ quote]Quote Text[/quote] use to quote what another has said

[ ulist]
* makes an unordered list
* use asterisks for list items
* (third item)
[ /ulist]

[ olist]
* makes an ordered list
* an ordered list numbers the items from 1 to whatever
* (third item)


Hope this helps
Douglas Wolfe

Jul 8th 2007 13:53   
Linda Oliver Innovator   
Jul 8th 2007 17:16   
Kris Innovator   
Thank You Douglas :)
and wow....I've not heard of UBBcode before! But it doesn't surprise me because I truly am a very challenged tech dummie!!! Up until a year ago I only chatted and did email on the computer :) I definitely learn something new every day!
Thanks again,
Jul 9th 2007 04:42   
Douglas Wolfe Committed   Web Designer & Developer
Your welcome Kris,
If you have any other questions, ask me anytime & if I can help I will. There are more UBB codes but those are some of the most used.
Douglas Wolfe
Jul 9th 2007 05:00   
Bridgette Porter Advanced   
HOOKED from day 1 thanks val.
Jul 10th 2007 19:53   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Yes, your headline caught my eye, not once, not twice, but many times!

I'm convinced that a "How to" statement is a great key word!

Jul 11th 2007 19:37   
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