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How I Built the Leading APSense Group!

by Valerie Hasara Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
How I Built the Leading APSense Group.

You are reading this right now because you want the details of how to make your own HOT group! The Headline caught your attention right.

Headlines are absolutely essential for grabbing the attention of your reader. Headlines are what people read to see if they have any interest in what you have to say.

Your headline must hook the reader. Here are a few tips to writing a hook of your own.

> > > The word “secret” is an attention-getter - People want secrets

> > > How To . . . is a good way to start your headline

> > > Try to create mystery and intrigue

> > > Tap into peoples fear or anxiety

Now I don’t want you to feel like you were misled in anyway by the headline and I didn’t tell you how this group got to be so great. The truth is I just did.

Do me one quick favor! If you are reading this right now because you were Hooked by the Headline. Scroll down and leave the comment
‘I got Hooked’

I want people to see just how powerful headlines can be.
Jun 24th 2007 10:12

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Dave Fullmer Advanced   Internet Marketing Mentor/coach

You always get me hooked on anything you post.

Jun 24th 2007 17:01   
Mary Leedy Innovator  
Yep Yep, me too! It's usually the creative headlines or the play on words that get me to click or a sense of humor where I have to click to see the punchline. LOL :-)

Jun 24th 2007 17:10   
Eddy Abdul Hamid Freshman   
You're right
"I got Hooked"
Jun 24th 2007 17:20   
April Weston Advanced   
Great headline I got hooked.
Jun 24th 2007 20:18   
Heather Tollison Senior   
You caught my eye i'm hooked too! It's just like catching fish right out of the water your the bait and now your hooked!!!
Jun 24th 2007 20:21   
Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Ok I was tired of flopping around on the hot cement and got hooked


Jun 24th 2007 21:32   
Schanie K. Senior   Social Media Marketing
I got hooked much earlier.. so this wasn't a surprise
Jun 24th 2007 21:35   
Mick Hunt Professional   Marketing Consultant
Good job. I got hooked. You are 100% correct. People MUST open your email before anything happens. The best list in the world is useless unless the email is opened.

Suggestion: Do not automatically delete emails that show up in your box. Read every subject to determine the ones that catch your eye or raise your curiosity. Test, test, test.
Jun 24th 2007 23:32   
A S Kumar Committed   Netpreneur
Great,you always come up with headlines that turn heads
Jun 25th 2007 01:07   
Bob Howson Innovator   
Hooked On APSense, cool :-)
Jun 25th 2007 03:30   
Sher :) Innovator   
You got me too.
Jun 25th 2007 07:51   
Green Man Advanced   Web Consultant
Nice One. I got Hooked
Jun 25th 2007 13:15   
Kenneth McPherson Advanced   Social Web Marketing
I didn't get hooked, I got really really hooked. One millisecond to register is all it takes. Congrats.
Jun 25th 2007 14:30   
Jonathan E. Rudd, II Senior  IBO, Total Life Changes
NAAA! I wasn't hooked at all!
Jun 25th 2007 17:28   
Jonathan E. Rudd, II Senior  IBO, Total Life Changes
Ok, Maybe I was!. Afterall, if I didn't I probably would not have even opened the link or sent my reply. So yeah I was hooked.
Jun 25th 2007 17:28   
Koli Bandyopadhyay Senior   Free Training on promoting your business using our
Yeah I was hooked.
U r 200% correct.
Jun 25th 2007 19:28   
Rocky Pacley Senior   
You want the ups on your competition?

When you are looking for ways to produce in your online marketing
methods you are always wanting an upper hand. This is a concept
that wil generate a pro style along with a competative edge.

Any time you want to show your creativity you will have all you
need to exhibit top quality.

Have any style you want and gain the image you want with little
work involved. As you implement your products or service far and
beyond the competitors image. Take a creative thought and convert
that thought into you style. This is not your everyday ad it is an
edge above the rest.

This is the transformation of the way you used to be. The new image
with the professional twist. There is good and there is great. Get in
now and your option to pay is up to you. If you wait you will be late.
It all about quality and with out that touch you will miss the ride.

Spruce up your image right now:

Gain that edge and no looking back. Longer you wait is going to make
you too late.
Jun 25th 2007 21:54   
John Leat Advanced   Webowner
I am new to the net,I read all my emails too.
Have not learnt to ignore them yet. I am in a
lot of safelists
Jun 26th 2007 04:40   
Paula Gaon Senior   
Beautiful post, Rockyp. I'm not sure why the "Report Unrelated Comment" has a 2 by it. Your post in right on--it's all about exploiting who and what you are without becoming totally self-centered and reaching out to others. A matter of balance--life's biggest challenge.

Jun 26th 2007 05:01   
gharold Freshman  
I got hooked
Jun 26th 2007 07:31   
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