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Share your tips on APSense. APSense justed added new feature "The Start Wizard". Now you may share your tips here, we will add the proper ones into ...

by Wincer Song Founder
Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Share your tips on APSense.

APSense justed added new feature "The Start Wizard".

Now you may share your tips here, we will add the proper ones into Wizard module.

Thank you!

An example tips:
Title:Write an article to share your knowledge, experience or idea.
Link: http://www.apsense.com/home.php?action=createblog
Jul 3rd 2011 22:09

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Udo, you are right, it's useless right now, it will be dealt with.
Oct 4th 2011 20:14   
Rob aka Cerberus Magnate III   Better World Partisan
I believe setting up the A.B.C (APSense Business Center http://www.apsense.com/home.php?action=setupbc ) and promoting it webwide fits into both "Brand Yourself" and "Promote Business".
Btw, did I do anything wrong to have group role "Subscriber" (allowed to comment only) here? :-s
Nov 23rd 2011 18:06   
Dr Don Yates Sr PhD Magnate III Premium   Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
Great to be here again with you Wincer and friends, but where is "The Start Wizard"?
Nov 26th 2011 18:56   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
It's on your homepage. Those links under the menu bar where it says "Get started". That is the start wizard.
Nov 26th 2011 19:34   
Vps Malhotra Magnate II   Free Lancer
I am also in search of the "start wizard"The discussion about "privacy concerns and contacts " is interesting Though i support full tranparency and am fully tranparent myself and open to reveal every thing desired about my self with in the llimits of decency,yet for those who want to confine themselves I agree to protect their right to do so and what Mosian says about hesitancy due to horror litretuer by newbiews there may be truth in it but I have found veterans and even people with good longstanding on the Apsense refraining from opening contacts and deny though they are perfectly alright in doing so in their on right All he best PPLchery
Nov 26th 2011 20:24   
Waqar Ahmad Advanced  Education Consultant
Wincer Song really informative i like it bcoz APsense give me a best friends.
Jan 11th 2012 04:17   
Vps Malhotra Magnate II   Free Lancer
Mosian Says"My reasoning is that some of them are tipping their toes, they heard horror stories about privacy invasion, they are new to online marketing"
pplcheryl63 rebuts"This is a business social network not a personal social network, businesses do not hide if they want to grow"
And what for those who refuse to hav contact Giants included ?
I rhyme with Dr Don for his search for the Wizard "Great to be here again with you Wincer and friends, but where is "The Start Wizard"?
Did you get me ? or I have missed ?
Jan 11th 2012 08:43   
Michael Carmona Senior   Making Money Online Rocks!!!
I am looking forward to see apsense ads on other publisher's website
Jan 12th 2012 09:51   
Abid Hussain Advanced  Data Entry Professionlist
Apsense should create user guideline book
Jan 17th 2012 09:15   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Check the APSense wiki and you will find information and user guidelines
Jan 17th 2012 11:24   
Salim Benhouhou Professional   IT Support
Title: Add Contacts to your network
Jan 24th 2012 03:08   
Emma Stone Magnate II   Seo Specialist ,Smm,logo designer,
I have joined apsense since last 2 months. I like apsense very much and I have made lots of friends here like Philppi, Dave, Chirstain, Radek, Shahid and Usman.
I am very happy today because i have done my 1st project of logo design and earn 7.00$.
I am logo and web designer and I am working on freelancer. My main point is this that the cast to freelancer for making 01 logo is $50.00 to $60.00 but apsense pays us for making 01logo is about $7.00 that is why I m quitting my talent from apsense.
I have lost of clients in freelance and i wish to let them come to apsense but for that low bids I could not do that.
My suggestions to apsense owner are that please cost at least $100.00 for talent and please also increase the bids from 16 bids to 100 bids. So it will be easy for us to work with apsense.
Best regards
Wasif Malik
May 5th 2012 11:11   
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