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Just What Do The Administrators Do?

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
Just What Do The Administrators Do?

I was asked in a private message what exactly the Administrators do.
I had planned to respond privately however when I started listing all the different things I decided that this should no longer be a private reply but that the rest of the membership should also get to see just what we do as well. I am sure the pereson concerned will understand.

In The APSense Group ensure all posts and comments conform to the APSernse group rules as per the Group description and if they don't remove them.

Respond to all members requests for help with the daily run of the mill questions so as to leave the Founders free to concentrate on the development and testing of things they are working on to improve the site and its functionality.

Every time they release something or update it try it and test it out extensively to find bugs and then pass them directly to Wincer so he can fix them as fast as possible so that as few members as possible are affected. Naturally we don't get them all that is why threads are created for each new item so others can give their feed back as well these threads we watch very carefully and raise an alarm if it looks like a major problem has been posted.

Also figuring out between us how everything works so that we can then do support for them.
We do not get any advanced previews to figure things out, we start at the same time everyone else does.

Checking hundreds of post that we may have no interest in to ensure they adhere to the TOS and those that don't such as porn ads either let Wincer or Kristian know immediately or send in abuse reports to get them dealt with as fast as possible to prevent members being exposed to this sort of post/ad.

Going to bat on the side of ALL members (yes even those that rip the crap out of us) to get suggestions that will improve APSense implemented as quick as possible as an example to get extra categories like the arts and crafts implemented which at first were not going to be done immediately as the founders genuinely didn't feel they were urgent. We convinced them they were.

Observing and looking for potential problems such as spotting when someone is creating multiple accounts, and yes we can spot them believe me, and passing these sorts of things on.

Communicating with Kristian and/or Wincer practically daily

Spotting well presented points that have been raised in other threads but not posted in the suggestion thread and pointing Kristian/Wincer to them so they can see who suggested it and not take the credit ourselves.

Add to that lot the dozens of private messages we each handle daily giving private advice and passing on suggestions received privately that could be considered for implementation or If it is something that has been previously suggested and rejected telling the person that suggested it why it cant/wont be implemented. example mass messaging contacts to prevent abuse by spammers.

Spending hours talking to and helping people through Skype.

I unfortunately have to add one negative thing we do as well and that is
Take a lot of crap from members for doing our job and trying to keep APSense a decent and good place for all to be. The rules are simple enough to follow. They are laid out in the APSense Group Description for all to see and follow for this group.
General site conduct is laid out in the TOS, again for all to see and follow.
We apply those simple rules.

So that is our first 24 hours of the day filled up
Now add to all this we also run our own groups, blogs, Business Centers, and now Ichannels.

Then on top of that we also run our own personal businesses.

oh and don't forget have our personal lives also to take care of!

I hope this gives some insight into what we do although I am sure I have probably missed some out

Do we want public accolades for this? No All we ask is co operation and your help to make APSense THE PLACE" to be. We are a "Social Business Networking Site" populated by a multi national, multi lingual membership.

The common language used is english, which is not the first language of a vast number of the members. This alone will creat missunderstandings. I dont know who the person was that said it but they summed it up very well "The English and Americans are two nations separated by a common language"
Now we know that this is true as the way one (either American or English) words something can come over sounding (reading) totally different to the other.

If you think someone has said something that does not sit right in your mind dont start firing abuse in the posts. Send a message and clarify things before posting a knee jerk reaction.
Dec 8th 2007 14:24

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
This is great and hopefully will help create less mis-understandings around here. Thanks to the administrators and everyone else who pitches in around here!
Dec 8th 2007 14:30   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Great post Bj,

I've moderated at several sites like APsense and Forums and I know how tough it can get.

And the abuse received simply for "doing the job" is unbelievable...

Dec 8th 2007 14:33   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thank you BJ for explaining what it is that you do around here.
Dec 8th 2007 15:54   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hi BJ,
we tips our hat to you and all the admin.Great Post.
Warmest Regards,
Monika & Wayne
Dec 8th 2007 21:49   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
~ Hi Bj ~

This sure keeps you busy doesn't it.... I had no idea! Thank you for all you do...


Dec 9th 2007 08:45   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
And thanks to you for doing it.
You know, the vast majority of us here at Apsense value the work that's put in by the administrators. The only people who would have a problem I would think would be those who don't understand or don't want to abide by the rules.
Its a shame that you have to take crap for going out of your way to help people. And personally, I also think it's a shame that you have to defend the work that you do.
Maybe 'defend' isn't the right word I'm looking for. But I hope you know what I mean.
Thanks again.
Dec 9th 2007 10:47   
Franto Hruz Magnate I Pro   Online Income Systems Development
I had an idea that you have a lot of things on your plate - and you are doing a GREAT job! One suggestion I have which may help make your work a bit easier and the whole APSense environment more transparent is a bit more structure, which can help sort out the huge number of messages. Stucture can help sort out which type of GROUPS we are dealing with, it can help to put each discussion topic within each group into some CATEGORY so all topics within that category could be listed ... and eventually we may even get a grip on sorting out the real SUBSTANCE from the enormous amount of junk people are posting .... to creat a few good tools to sort things out requires some structure BUT we all - includingv the ADMIN - will benefit from it quite a bit!

Dec 9th 2007 12:24   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Bj - It's about time you came out of the closet and told us all about the stuff you actually do for us. (and this is a non sexually orientated remark - in case anyone is witless enough to think that it is!LOL)

I am totally amazed at the extent of the work that you are doing and are eminently qualiified for - and think you ought to be paid a very large salary for it!! And you find time to post your own topics as well and help us with our other technical stuff "off Community"

Now that we know what you really do - I hope that this will lead to a new era of great and two way communication.

More power to your elbow

p.s. As you are quoting the late great George Bernard Shaw on language - you 'd better lead by example - especially with the ladies!! LOL
Dec 9th 2007 16:50   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi to everyone that has reponded so far.

Although the post is in my name it is a joint post by Lynn and I as we both carry out all the things mentioned.

We both appreciate the support shown.

Dec 9th 2007 17:04   
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