APSense's Corner Cafe - Advertising Free Group...

Are we living in a world where the only communication is advertising?

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
Are we living in a world where the only communication is advertising?

So many members have made comments about the amount of advertising that is going on and the lack of real communication.

The Corner Cafe was set up as an advertising free group to provide a venue for those that want to get away from the advertising for a while and be able to have genuine exchanges without getting slammed in the face with ads.

I have not been so active to date due to workload and I have just had a pretty rough week health wise on top of that.

Lynn has posted several threads yet the lack of interaction just leaves me dumbfounded.

Where are all the members that have commented on the lack of communication?

Have we reached a point where we no longer know how to communicate without using an advertisement?

Are we so wrapped up in getting advertising posted that we have no time to spare for real conversation anymore?

Is it a case of the world is going to blazes and we don’t care as long as we can tell someone about the latest "Never before seen program compensation plan" which, by the way, we all know is just the "same old same old” in a different wrapper with a new plethora of hype and BS.

Have we come to a point where we have totally detached ourselves from real events and happenings to the extent that they leave us totally cold and uncaring?

Were none of our American members affected by the tragic collapse of the bridge over the Mississippi in Minneapolis, Minnesota?

Were none of our European members affected by the recent flooding in the UK, and other European countries?

Enough about bad news what about good news?

Has no one recently become a Mother, Father, or Grandparent?
has no one, or none of your family, overcome a health battle? (Note: no ads for an MLM product please).
Has no one, or none of your family, won a sporting prize?

We can’t shut out topics about the Internet nor do we want to.

Do you have a general opinion, without naming any specific program, about various Internet subjects?

I hope that those that take the time to read this will think about the questions I pose and give them some thought before replying rather than post a knee jerk reaction. Lets get some interaction going.
Aug 12th 2007 11:14

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Garnet,

You raise a good point.
At the time this was originally posted I was interacting all over the place, but as you see from the lack of responses there was no return.

Cuts both ways dont it.

Dec 2nd 2007 18:28   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hi Bj,

Yes it can, whether it makes sense to point fingers or not is another issue.
Personally I prefer to point them inwards most cases anyways. I'm sure things will come around sooner or later as more people start to grasp the concept of bs networking..lol
Dec 2nd 2007 18:35   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Arthur,

Never a truer word spoken.
I have a intense dislike for the so called Guru's ( spit - washing my mouth out with saop)

They tell us all to do the things they dont do and know dont work to keep us away from the things they do do and know work.

List building programs are the biggest crock of c**p they came out with.
Bust your butt to get a few people in your list downline and what they really have you doing is building their list.

They have an inner circle and they take it in turns to release something that is supposed to be new and the inner circle are all signed up before its ever released. then thye all promote it to the lists you helped build so they make the money and the suckers (us) make doodle squat.

You want to build a list build your own that you control exclusivly.
Takes a long time but at least its yours.

Dec 2nd 2007 18:39   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi again Garnet,

I couldt point fingers if i wanted to as i cannot remember all the places i was posting and interacting.

Right now I need at least 48 hours in a day. It is actually 2 am here and to catch up and just go through all my messages and respond to posts I need to will probably take till around 9 am at the earliest.

so as they say "onwards and (hopefully) upwards" lol

Dec 2nd 2007 18:47   
David Schupbach Senior   
It's all been said here so well that I can't add anything. I keep waiting for the spammers to burn themselves out, but new ones seem to come in as fast as they go out.
It is my priveliege to know you non-spammers!
Dec 2nd 2007 18:48   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
I hear you Bj...you can only do what you can do, at least this worthwhile post has sparked a little life again...except now David says that it's all been said..lol

Could it be, could at long last there finally be nothing left to say? Doubtful.
Dec 2nd 2007 19:13   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
It is time consuming, no doubt, attending to "internet chores".
I'm thankful for a little social time, such as Apsense.

I make sure that I have "real" social time too, in the "real" world. Not that we are not all "real" people, and I highly value my freindships here too, but face to face socializing remains a healthy human thing.

I'm afraid that more and more kids are growing up in a world, where social skills will be foreign. I have limitations for myself, and my boys as to how long we do spend behind the screen.

As far as advertising goes, there is a time and a place. After all, we are all here to promote our business, but being bombarded with ads, without knowing the person from Adam, can be a bit overwhelming. Personally, I have not had any problems here on Apsense though.

Dec 5th 2007 09:48   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I've realized that they actual number of "participants" here on APsense is very low. We know who we are. We trip over each other constantly. But then again we get to know each other too and that's a good thing. We are the ones who post blogs, start and take part in discussions etc.

Then you have a group that's not really spammers but everything is an advertisement. Don't get me wrond they put it in the form of a discussion or blog and there's good information, they make a good cause but there is nothing you can find that isn't "Advertising" They have never posted anything just because it interested them or to get a discussion going. I don't call them participants because it's still about them selling you something.

Then we have the large group of spammers that plagues every site.

BJ it's not that we've become a community that only knows how to advertise it's just that those of us who think more of internet marketing than just a quick buck are in the minority. That's all.
Dec 5th 2007 13:00   
David Schupbach Senior   
Could the problem be a basic lack of reading comprehension? The first page says "...Business SOCIAL Network"! :-) I think about this, because ever since I started one of my groups, I get several applications a week from people who can't read the description...
Dec 6th 2007 06:03   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Thats possible David,

Could also be laziness. People seem to just say an avenue to flog their wares and apply accordingly without even reading the description or rules.

Dec 6th 2007 14:02   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
geeze I wish we could edit these replies... lol... or at least i wish i could proof read better :o)
Dec 6th 2007 14:03   
Tim Fulcher Junior   
YES it is sad that people can think of doing nothing more than advertising

But I think this is because many people do find it very difficult to advertise effectively online

Of course they are doing it the wrong way, but they have to make lots of mistakes before they work out how to really bring in those sales

For me I'm happy to chat - I learned long long ago that posting links like a madman is pointless - no one will ever take up your product, when they want to sell you theirs - a kind of jealous catch 22

Far more effective to build relationships, which of course is all about building your list, and developing your products, building credability etc, this is what works anyway

So I guess Im kind of saying - forget the links and the advertising - go for the conversation!

Feb 19th 2008 07:49   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
I believe we are!
Mar 9th 2008 05:19   
MichaelAp Clayton Magnate I   I Earn My Income Online ...Join Me
Hi Bill and All

Bill the heading for this community is a business social group so members are here to talk business, also to seek answers to other online business problems, like how to get web page traffic, free advertising, many also want advise on affiliate programs and others are just here because; being inexperienced at promoting web pages, they think you do it by sending company supplied spam to everyone. Hopefully they will learn something here.


Bill remember this is a business social group. Most people do not come here to play games or for non business related activities.
Mar 9th 2008 10:27   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Michael,

I just find it very sad to see how desperate or is it illiterate (this could explain the lack of originality in ad posts) some people are.

The title of this group is

APSense's Corner Cafe - Advertising Free Group For Making Friends

Yet we still have to delete posts that are ads on a far too regular basis.
It is the same in other groups that state clearly not to post ads in them.

Mind you on the other hand it does help us see who we should not be doing business with as they apparently will not read, and if they do, have no respect for other peoples group guidelines, and are only interested in trying to fill their pockets at the expense of others.

Mar 9th 2008 13:21   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Rexiedexie,

"Bill remember this is a business social group. Most people do not come here to play games or for non business related activities."

What a sad and defeatist attitude.

If there were no places to advertise, I might be tempted to agree with you - but that is not the case. There are loads of places to advertise.

What stands out, though, is that these, so-called, business people are nothing of the sort. They are generally self centred and semi-literate.

In another blog I have already pointed out that the advertising blogs don't get read. This is only because (generally) nobody reads other peoples' ads but everybody expects other people to read theirs. Indeed, I have discovered that advertising on Apsense is a waste of time because, as we can see from the number of active contributors to these blogs, the vast majority of members only visit to spray a few more ads around.

It is very sad and rather questions the claim of many to be 'network' marketers.

WE have a good, solid nucleus of active contributors who are benefitting, I am sure, from the relationships they are building here. For the uninitiated, that is the social side of business.
Mar 9th 2008 17:22   
Dave Hugh Innovator   
well, v can make frens too btw....
May 14th 2008 05:21   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
If you want to see what a business/social network is supposed to be go to a BNI or local chamber of Commerce meeting. It's not about selling to the other members but building relationships. As BNI puts it the other members of your chapter are your unpaid sales force.

You are there to get to know the others and share information about who you are, what you do and how you can help people with their problems. Then as you all go about your business and you come across someone that needs something the other members can provide you pass them the referral. Meanwhile they are doing the same thing for you.

Besides what internet marketers need to realize is that business gets "don" in social settings. This is where the ideas germinate, the plans hatch and the connections are made. What happens in the boardroom is simply ironing out the final details and finalizing agreements.
May 14th 2008 08:07   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I recently did a test advert to see how much notice internet marketers take of bargains.

On offer was a $12 per year package of web site, content management system, full training and hosting together with a gifted share in a Euro Millions lottery ticket each week.

Over 800 people have now seen the ad, nine people have asked for a url - nobody has taken up the deal or even asked for details.

The price has now gone back to $195 one time licence fee and $29.95 per month. It seems we are advertising - but we sure are not communicating!
May 14th 2008 10:28   
Jacki m SeiWell Innovator   
I have just recently, like today....gotten back to this and realized, "v8" moment that it's another resource...so now I'm looking around and it's another information overload because there is so much here. I do look forward to trying to keep up with a few and maybe even meeting a few to talk to here. Good luck to everyone...Lady J
May 31st 2008 15:02   
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