In today?s post I will be sharing some information I got from Michael Oliver on Business principles. These techniques will help you to build your business, remember it?s not about fire hosing your prospect?s its about building relationships. I have had the opportunity to work with some great mentors to build my business. Tom ?big al? Schreiter, Bob and Anna Bassett, Michael Dlouhy, there are not many things to learn but the few that there is are vitally important. Two things to look for would be the 10k question and the five pillars If you have some struggles in your business I will freely give you the information I have learned. Feel free to contact me at, you might also enjoy this free ebook that started me on my road to success after a few failures.
Imagine knowing how to talk with anyone, anywhere and at anytime
about your business, never having to say much about who you are
or what you?re doing, unless you are asked, and during the
dialogue find out:

1. Precisely where the other person is coming from; what they
have, what they want, what?s stopping them from getting it and
how they feel about it?

2. The depth of their desire to change their present situation.

And then, having discovered that, knowing precisely what to say
that will inspire them to look at your products or income

If you could do that do you think talking with people, making and
returning calls would be fun and anxiety free?

And what do you think would happen to your business? It would
soar wouldn?t it?

Well, you can do this! You can do anything! It?s simply a matter

1. How you think

2. How you talk with people, using a way of communicating that
resonates with you, your inner truth and with others.

How You Think and Communicate

By observing and if necessary, changing two things ? the way you
think and the way you communicate ? you can achieve the success
you?re looking for without the anxiety normally associated with
selling.  You can bring harmony into your life, and the lives of
others in a way that assures every conversation you have will end
with something positive.

It could be an agreement to partner or become a customer, an
agreement to continue the conversation later or perhaps just a
conversation that leaves the other person and you feeling good
about each other.  This is what we mean when we talk about every
conversation being anxiety free and having a successful outcome.

The Natural Selling Approach was designed to achieve this outcome
for you and to overcome the problems of rejection and objections
we discussed in lesson #1.

The Approach is based on 4 principles and uses a way of
communicating called Dialogue.

(You can read more about Dialogue by downloading a free chapter
from my book ?How to Sell Network Marketing Without Fear, Anxiety
or Losing Your Friends!? ?simply click on this link?

You can apply this approach to any relationship, not just
business.  Its application is universal.  Dialogue allows you to
relate with people in a way that puts all the focus on them, from
start to finish.  As a result, people feel good about you and
respond to you positively.

Techniques versus Principles

The Natural Selling Approach is not about techniques or a new age
thing that only fits the times of today.  It?s a way of
communicating that?s been with us for a long time and will stay
with us forever.  It goes beyond selling ? it?s the essence of
building relationships. It?s where the R word ?Rejection? is
replaced by ?Relationship?.

Techniques in communication can be transient.  They can work for
one person and not another, or in one situation but not a
different one.

On the other hand, methods based on principle-based communication
can be transferred and will work in all situations.  The
following poem illustrates the point:

?Techniques are many, Principles are few.
Techniques will vary, Principles never do!?

Selling is to Serve ? to Help ? to Exchange

Unlike the modern way or conventional selling practices of
Selling by Persuasion, if you were to look in the old English
dictionaries you?ll find that the definition of selling was ?To
Serve? and ?To Exchange?.

This is the Natural Selling Approach! Instead of trying to
persuade others to do what you want them to, the Natural Selling
Approach is an approach that allows you to help and serve others
in a way that allows them to motivate themselves to change their
present situation!


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