When I first started out in Network Marketing I had two weak points and they were writing and my phone technique. People discount these two techniques but if you ignore them you'll regret it at some point down the road. Its like I always say, there was a time when I would rather stick a fork in my hand than write a sentence or get in a phone conversation. Below are a few things that helped me with my phone techhnique.


1. First and foremost you have to learn how to differentiate between an authentic call from someone who wants more information about your business or the weasels who try to make you believe they're interested in your business only to sell you on theirs.


2. Ask them how they found your number and website, thats a key component on where you should be focusing your attention on. That's what analytics are all about, what's the use of having a conversation with someone and you don't know how they found you?


3. Learn to listen, once you learn to listen people will tell you what they want.


4. People don't always know what they want.


5. Train yourself to paraphrase, or Parrot a conversation. In other words, at the end of the conversation repeat what the customer or prospect said so you and them can hear it and be clear on the terms.


6. Make sure the customer or prospect can afford your product or service, no need putting someone in a financial bind just because you want to make a sale.


7. Don't oversell, at times when you know you have the sale something comes over your mind and you run the risk of talking yourself out of the deal from talking too much.


8. When you do finally talk, make sure you ask the person what they're doing now as far as Network Marketing. This will assist you on their skill level.


Of course there are thousands of techniques on qualifying folks on the phone, I learned my phone techniques from a system called, Natural Selling. They do have a paid section but they also allow you to learn from reading their blogs and articles.



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