
You Are All WRONG - We Must Change

by Not Here just want my account deleted

Most of us here are marketers.  How many times have you heard your upline or some company tell you that you Have to Change yourself?  Your not GOOD enough!  No, don't even bring up your OWN ideas, we know what works best!

What a bunch of BULL!  Don't they really mean to say "we know what works best for us, the company, screw YOU!!

I am so tired of MLM's or whatever else Lying to people, telling them they have to totally re-arrange their lives, telling them to stuff their opportunity down the throats of their friends and family, telling them to stick to their plan, whatever you do, don't be an individual!  In fact, don't think...your a friggin idiot!!

Just what the heck is the matter with you anyways?

Is there something wrong with you, your ROOTS, where you come from, who you are and what you stand for?

Don't buy their BS!

You are a unique and wonderful human being, a geniune masterpiece!  Only you can decide what is right for you, not some jerk who only cares about stuffing you in his or her downline!

Change, can be and is a good thing.  Just as long as you are the one making the changes, you are the one deciding...what is right for you!

Can't you see?  It's all about you!

Live life by your own terms!

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About Not Here Committed   just want my account deleted

555 connections, 18 recommendations, 1,300 honor points.
Joined APSense since, June 3rd, 2007, From Canada.

Created on Dec 31st 1969 18:00. Viewed 0 times.


Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
I want icons... I want to be able to just select the applauding icon and leave it at that... cuz Garnet my friend - this deserves APPLAUSE - no, it deserves a STANDING OVATION. Let's all rise and applaud Garnet! <and the crowd goes wild!>
Nov 8th 2007 12:13   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Jeunelle, get the heck out of here and don't even bother coming back until you change..HA heck..I love you just the way you are girl! Give em HELL!
Nov 8th 2007 12:14   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Karen...your a character yourself..thanks for changing
Nov 8th 2007 12:15   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Too funny? Hey, I put that in my wait, I changed that!

You have you fun? I don't doubt ANIMAL!!

oh, and I disagree...we have to all agree..LOL
Nov 8th 2007 12:31   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
For a lion!! come come now.....don't you know I'm King(s of t island)?
Nov 8th 2007 12:37   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Well, I gotta go for a while :-(

You people just keep being you'll inspire me!(to change?)
Nov 8th 2007 12:42   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Since my Life is structured by the very Machinery the runs The Omniverse, i have learned to listen to Humans bleating instructions for "change" with a grain of salt that's the size of Kilamanjaro! LOL! :)
Nov 8th 2007 12:54   
Wendy Senior   
Clap, clap,Clap, clap,Clap, clap,Clap, clap,Clap, clap,Clap, clap,

No icons LOL

But, but, But, but, But, but, .....

I don't wanna change OMG

I like me just the way I am

Excellent I agree to disagree


Nov 8th 2007 13:35   
Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
Change is inevitable.
It is the only constant in our lives.
Every post I read, everyone I meet changes me in some way.
The thoughts I think, the dreams I have while I sleep change me.
We all change each other.
We have to decide if the changes are for the best or not.
If you stop changing, you’re dead!
(You might change a little bit even then)
I hope people are better off for knowing me.

Nov 8th 2007 13:49   
Wendy Senior   
"If you stop changing, you’re dead! "

OMG I am dead

On NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry funnin ya

Nov 8th 2007 14:35   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Playing devil's advocate just cuz that's what I do...

There are some people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves... you know the ones... if they are not making the money they think they should, it is the fault of their upline or their sponsor or the company... to those people I would say they need to take a look in the mirror and consider some changes... but then again, that is exactly what you are saying in the original post which is we need to take control of our own lives.

Reminds me of the song by Trooper:

If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it
If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it

Nov 8th 2007 15:12   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
G...I will be back with something soon....just no time to think right now
Nov 8th 2007 16:34   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Great blog. Kudos!

I am enjoying the comments here too.

Nov 8th 2007 17:31   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Dammit! You guys keep changing me, just what the heck am I supposed to think now? LOL

Be back later,

Jenn, it better be something SASSY!

Jeunelle, I've got just the drink for you, ya at peaceful's!

Karen, Now you've got me racking my pea-brain for more song lyrics I know!

Wendy, I DISAGREE!!!

Lee, I hope we are better off knowing you too, at least until the worms and maggots are helping me change!

Lisa..I agree, no wait..I wait...I wait....

Nov 8th 2007 18:48   
Coach Steve Toth Advanced   
Hi Garnet;

It isn't about the up line, or some company telling you this or that. It is not about the MLM, corporate America, government or any other illusion we can come up with why we are not fulfilled and satisfied in our lives!

It is about only one thing-95% of us are running around being upset like we have a boobo on our leg and we constantly bumping into a chair, a table or something and hurting it even more.

And the chair, table or that something usually ends up to be our wifes, husbands, boyfriends, know people we love the most! if you want to find out what I am talking about tune in to Real Coaching Radio and listen to todays show about "I am Not Good Enough"

To Your Success,
Nov 8th 2007 20:49   
Coach Steve Toth Advanced   
Oh, I forgot the show is called :Mind, Body and Soul"
Nov 8th 2007 20:50   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
only killers call killing progress

Mattew Good, he's a Canadian like me, 'Nuff Said..LOL
Nov 8th 2007 20:51   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Cool..Thanks Steve.......
Nov 8th 2007 20:53   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
OK we are ALL wrong! BTW announcing to everyone...DON'T EVER type yahoo faces in the dark....(lol...)
: plus ( and : plus *
mean two different things....
try it and see.... on yahoo....UGH! Cause I kissed G instead of making a frowny face (which was the gesture I was meaning during our conversation)...Could of been horrible..but thank goodness he understood it was a typo...
I am using this scenario just because yahoo thought they OWNED me!

Well since this is a business social network...we are ALL marketers....but unfortunately only a few of us are true business owners! All of us are marketing...but only a few are owning!

If the Company you telling you how to run it? Well RUN faster than the Ginger bread man does! Cause I know we all...are in this for the same reason. To RUN THINGS OUR OWN WAY WITH OUR OWN MINDS....


And if you ruin the integrity of that company...well you are threw period!

First of all. There are always suggestions on 'how to do things'. A majority makes sense! But everyone breathes and lives a whole complete different life! So how can you REALLY tell someone to RUN their business?

Do you think Bill Gates....Donald Trumph.....Or better yet...OPRAH....had someone TELLING THEM WHAT THEY NEEDED TO BE OR DO??? They know what they are doing!

YES I need to change, but my changes is for me to decide...with help from 'suggestions'!
Not being 'TOLD'...
Comparison= 'criticism' OR 'constructive criticism' ...(he he ...getting poetic over here) which do you do better with...ha
Or help me....;0) I am right with ya!

I don't know Bill, Donald, or Oprah personally...obviously. But I could imagine that they took upon MANY suggestions! But do you think they are successful because they were TOLD?
They have built an Empire. And it was built on help.....which was made from relationships(friends, family, ect).....
I am not trying to get into a debate on who they are or what they sell....and there are so many more like them.
I am definitely a BUILDER...(take a look at my family)! Ethics are far and between anymore...
Just build your empire! Don't let someone else tell you how to build it! Cause will never happen.

If you believe, go for it....but dang it.....BUILD IT!!!!!
Show the world WHO YOU ARE!
Getting even more personal...sounds like I follow today's builders...but look at Jesus....
I love him....
:0) My life and family =constructive criticism and most of all JESUS!
Nov 9th 2007 03:47   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Sorry I changed this a few times....
Perfectionist over here......changing that part too :)

BTW....G 'Sassy' enough for ya?

Nov 9th 2007 03:49   
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