
Beauty Revolution

by Marius Wlassak Business Media Consultant

ADONIA - TEAM Marius Wlassak - MWGBC

Monday, 23-rd of December 2013

  • Hello friends,

    Dear friends of wrinkle-free skin. ;-)

  • Very successful weeks are  behind us. Not only that our TEAM is permanently larger, but the sales are rising dramatically .
  • Many have already made sales forecasts , in which other networks would be pale. That's the way it should be . Keep it up. I think it's amazing how motivated go here some partners to work, so let's talk numbers.

    I would like to give a better image of an ADONIA tool that has been neglected by many distributors. I mean here the own shop. Inside the shop there are more marketing opportunities for both: partners as well as for the customers with the 3plus1 program .

    By popular request and because of the many new worldwide partners in my team and my wants to open very rapidly new countries in the near future ... I have created this article ..

    I would also like to invite you in this week final again today to the webinar at 19:30 GMT+1 (Berlin time). The access there is placed at the end of this info.

Below some special news,

Dear actual and future ADONIA partners ,

what is currently going on at ADONIA unbelievable . Customer orders without end.

The market for wrinkles is huge.

I am particularly pleased to obsev as a networker that there are so many customer orders. Not the typical Networker hunting along the lines saying: make sales. On the contrary . Customer orders , customer orders, customer orders nonstop . ;-)

We are now already in the group turnover 4.5 times higher as in the whole month of October .

And it's only the 23-rd of November .

Awesome, when I consider that the Christmas - time is yet to come .

Why there is so much momentum in the game?

• The products are top notch
• The products are recommended by customers
• enjoy luxury supported by TV advertising
• 24 hour online shop
• discount system for initial orders
• For distributors: no costs
• Power - affiliate system at no cost
• Timely payment of commission and free product delivery

Friends , I often see on different days sales growth in the 4- digit range in my Online-Backoffice. I am even sure that there will be in the future sales in the 5- digit range.

And all this ! per day.

Once again: This is primarily due to the excellent ADONIA products.

The market is huge and also the enormous purchasing behavior.

I want you to open your eyes as already or future ADONIA -Distributors or even as an affiliate and demonstrate to you using a small sample invoice what you can achieve with a minimal effort.

The compensation plan is the following situation:

You have only one distributor who markets the ADONIA products which has also understood the compensation plan and passes this information on to his own distributors.

You will be reimbursed accordingly to the following compensation plan:

1 Level 6%
2 Level 5%
3 Level 4%
4 Level 3%
5 Level 2%
6 Level 1%

This does not sound exhilarating and I admit that I was initially skeptical. The dynamics in practice then has taught me better.

Look for yourself on the following image and form your own judgment.

Before we start ...a short comment. This commission situation can arise from only one partner who has understood the principle and passes it on to his partners.


as you can see from the graphic in this example all partners make 1500 EUR in rest sales conversion, that's only 1500 EUR residual revenue and everyone deserves it, because the partner has reached the qualifying in Level 6. Your monthly commission is thus EUR 2,525.00 EUR net.

Second: consider the partners making more than 1,500 EUR residual conversion, making the customer dynamics described above.

But this example and their earning potential, I do not wish to describe in here now:)

...(more ideas coming soon)

Questions? Just ask me, details are then clarified in an interview.

Please consider the following: my time is very limited but after your first attempt we will certainly contact you within max. 48-96 hours and all questions you may still have will be clarified.

Marius Wlassak
skype id = mwtgbc

Here your personal web pages for the application of your ADONIA Business:

Your personal ADONIA Shop:

Your discount code for Offline / Online:

To register your business and customer portals visit the following site: and get there to open a business account, club membership and also an customer account

An important note for those who acquire strong in Switzerland or having a strong marketing focus on Switzerland.

ADONIA there has specially setted up a depot. This eliminates for customers and channel partners the unpleasantly high customs duties and of course cart Check waiting times.


For all important additional information here our available webinars details:

Every day, Monday-Friday WEBINAR for Your Business: ADONIA

Don't miss also tonight's breaking news at the Webinar!

So, if you have nothing else to do, you now can make a knot in the handkerchief and be on time at 19:30 clock (GMT+1 Berlin Time) in the Online Training:
Beginning: 19:15 o' clock (GMT+1 Berlin Time) Moderation
• Invite also please your TEAM partners and prospects.

For your success & a wonderful weekend.

"Never think about what you know at present,

never think about what skills you have currently.

Just do the things that make you fun."
Marius Wlassak

~~~~ LVEvolution ~~~~

"Share your knowledge with your relation and help him / her become better.

# Coach people! Go from competence to confidence.
# Care more than others think you should.
# Risk more than others think is safe.
# Dream more than others think is practical.
# Expect more than others think is possible.
# Surround you with the best people you can find.
If 2014 is going to be your best year ever – NOW is the time to make important decisions and commit to your success!

Personally, I don’t even want to know how many people are slacking on their health, finances, relationships, happiness
– and really, themselves in the final months of the year because “they’ll do better in the new year”.

Then, they inevitably slip back into old patterns and make little to no progress or change from year-to-year, despite their good intentions each and every January 1st.

Think for a second …  this is your life; you can’t wait for one day a year to give your best to yourself, you deserve your best each and every day – all year long.

Let this be the year you take your BIG ideas to the next level and create lasting success. 

We know exactly how to help.



Hallo Freunde,

liebe Freunde der faltenfreien Haut. ;-)

Überaus erfolgreiche Wochen liegen hinter uns. Nicht nur das unser TEAM permanent größer wird, sondern die Umsätze steigen dramatisch an.

Viele haben bereits Umsatzprognosen abgegeben, bei denen andere Networks blass werden würden. Aber so soll es auch sein. Weiter so. Ich finde es Klasse, wie motiviert hier einige Partner zu Werke gehen und Zahlen sprechen lassen.

Ich möchte Euch ein ADONIA-Tool vorstellen, dass von vielen Vertriebspartnern vernachlässigt worden ist. Ich meine hier den eigenen Shop, in dem es weitere Marketing-Möglichkeiten gibt, sowohl für Vertriebspartner als auch für die Kunden mit dem 3PLUS1 Programm.

Auf vielfachen Wunsch, weil es viele neue Partner weltweit in meinem Team gibt und ich bereits sehr rapide neue Läner eröffnen in naher Zukunft möchte, habe ich diesen Artikel erstellt..

Gleichzeitig möchte ich zum Wochenausklang heute noch einmal auf das Webinar um 19:30 einladen. Die Zugangsdaten am Ende der Info.

Ab hier der gestrigen News

Hallo liebe ADONIA-Partner,

was derzeit bei ADONIA abgeht ist schier unglaublich. Kundenbestellungen ohne Ende.

Der Markt gegen Falten ist riesengroß.

Es freut mich besonders als Networker, dass es so viele Kundenbestellungen sind. Nicht das typische Networker-Jagen nach dem Motto, mach Du mal den Umsatz. Im Gegenteil. Kundenbestellungen, Kundenbestellungen, Kundenbestellunge. ;-)

Wir liegen jetzt bereits im Gruppen-Umsatz 4,5 x so hoch wie im gesamten Oktober.

Und das am 22. November.

Genial, wenn ich bedenke, dass die Weihnachtsgeschenke-Zeit noch vor uns liegt.

Warum aber ist hier so viel Dynamik im Spiel?

  • Die Produkte sind erstklassig
  • Die Produkte werden von Kunden weiter empfohlen
  • Ersklassige Unterstützung durch TV-Werbung
  • 24 Stunden-Online-Shop
  • Rabatt-System für Erstbestellungen
  • Für Vertriebspartner keine Kosten
  • Power-Affiliate-System keine Kosten
  • Pünktliche Provisionszahlung und Gratis-Produkt-Zusendung

Freunde, oft sehe ich an verschiedenen Tagen Umsatz-Zuwächse im 4-stelligen Bereich in meinem Online-Büro/Backoffice. Ich bin sogar der Meinung, dass es in der Zukunft auch Umsätzzuwächse im 5-stelligen Bereich geben wird. Und das pro Tag.

Noch mal: Das liegt in erster Linie an den ausgezeichneten ADONIA-Produkten.

Der Markt ist riesengroß und das Kaufverhalten enorm.

Ich möchte Dir als schonoder zukünftiger ADONIA-Vertriebspartner bzw. auch als Affiliate die Augen öffnen und anhand einer kleinen Beispiel-Rechnung aufzeigen, was Du mit einem Minimal-Aufwand erreichen kannst.

Der Vergütungsplan gibt folgende Situation her:

Du hast selbst nur einen einzigen Vertriebspartner, der die ADONIA-Produkte vermarktet und den Vergütungsplan ebenfalls verstanden hat und gibt dies an seine eigenen Vertriebspartner weiter.

Du wirst nach dem Vergütungsplan folgend vergütet:

1. Ebene 6%
2. Ebene 5%
3. Ebene 4%
4. Ebene 3%
5. Ebene 2%
6. Ebene 1%

Das hört sich nicht berauschend an und ich gebe zu, dass ich anfangs auch skeptisch war. Die Dynamik in der Praxis hat mich dann eines Besseren belehrt.

Schau selbst das nachfolgende Bild und bilde Dir ein Urteil.

Vorab noch ein kurzer Kommentar. Diese Provisions-Situation kann durch nur einen by Plus-HD-2.3" style="background-color: transparent !important; border: none !important; display: inline !important; float: none !important; font-style: normal !important; font-variant: normal !important; font-weight: bold !important; font-size: 13px !important; line-height: 16px !important; font-family: Arial !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; text-decoration: underline !important; background-position: initial initial !important; background-repeat: initial initial !important;">Partner

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About Marius Wlassak Magnate II     Business Media Consultant

2,819 connections, 96 recommendations, 11,180 honor points.
Joined APSense since, May 18th, 2007, From Munich, Germany.

Created on Dec 31st 1969 18:00. Viewed 0 times.


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