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Open Source Windows

by Jenny Stewart
Jenny Stewart Professional  
Recently I decided to try and find out a little more about the various open source programmes available, to try to get away from some of the Microsoft programmes.

I have been looking at the Open Source Windows site

and wanted to get some feedback from anyone who uses Open Office or GIMP as alternatives to Microsoft Office and Photoshop, the FTP programme  and any of the other options that they suggest.

I already use Firefox  as my browser and wouldn't return to IE if you paid me to (well if they are very large offers, please send me a pm! lol) but don't know any of the rest of the software

Are they really compatible with the standard programmes for Windows?  are there any problems using them.  Does one to have a higher level of computer knowledge than with the standard ones commonly used?

Please let me know what you know about them.

Jan 7th 2008 18:48

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Jenny,

I recently downloaded Open Office, and have used the Word Processor,
and the Calculator a little. (Word and Excel are the equivalents)

Both use pretty much the same tool bars, and offer you the option to
save files in Excel and Word format, so you can interchange them
with MS files if necessary.

So far, I haven't had a problem, but haven't used them that much.
Perhaps there will be someone else with more experience to give
advice. I've heard good things about them though.

Jan 7th 2008 21:30   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Open Office is a great suite of tools and anybody using Windows Vista will find it especially helpful because it cuts out a lot of the Vista 'permission' screens.

For anybody who has bought a laptop with Vista loaded but without Microsoft Office, Open Office presents a truly viable, free, alternative to the expensive Microsoft Office.
Jan 8th 2008 05:18   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
GIMP is a great open source alternative to Adobe. The code writers are coming out with more and more tools to really make it a viable product. If I didn't already have Photoshop, I would use GIMP. (I have both, but just have more actions for PS)
Jan 8th 2008 08:59   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Thanks for the advice so far folks.

I am going to try the GIMP first. I downloaded it last night - but am finding a little odd as there seem to be several windos and it is very different in format from Photoshop. Am going to study the help section or look for a How to Guide.

And then I guess I will see how some of the open office programmes work. I am getting sick of the big monopolies and their inflated prices.

I use a pdf writer called pdfactory. It is a small firm and has a free option and the support is tremendous. I have the paid option but it was very cheap. and compared to Adobe's option - a super bargain. It compresses better than Adobe too.

Doesw anyone use the ftps?
Jan 8th 2008 12:37   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jenny I knew I had just been reading something somewhere about OpenOffice, and I just found it. Frank Haywood, is a big fan, so much so that I have been thinking of looking at some of the open source programs myself.
Jan 11th 2008 18:05   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Jenny,
I use FileZilla for my FTP program.

But there are quite a few out there for free.

The difference between The Gimp and PS is PS puts all the dialogs into sidebars and pulldowns, where The Gimp gives you either option (although the default is 'modeless' (outside the working window) to make it easier to keep your workspace cleaner and easier to see.
Jan 12th 2008 09:06   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Jenny,

For ftp, I use acefpt - the free version, it's very easy to use.
Jan 12th 2008 16:30   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Thanks for the advice - I am going to look again at CIMP and see ifI can get the tool bar on the same screen - I find it too distracting to have to keep clicking to get back to it. There's prlenty of space!

At present I have a paid version of Start ftp - but when it runs out will go for an open source one.

And next I have to see if I can manage the alternative to Excel!

Anymore programmes that people use out there that are open source - as opposed to the free version of something that only has half the options if you dont pay?

I am using KompoZer now as my html editor - seriously free - ande it seems to allow me to do most of what I want to do. So I will recomend that.

For making pdf documents I use the paid version of pdfactory. But it is cheap and they are a small helpful company so I dont mind. I just dont want to pay Adobe, who, in my view overcharge excessively.

The free version is very good, but has their name on the documents at the bottom.
Jan 17th 2008 09:21   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
One of the most remarkable pieces of freeware out there is Nvu.

This is a wysiwyg html editor with which you can also publish your web pages without a separate FTP client.

I have been exploring the flexibility of this software together with peter Heavy to create the business in a box that we offer. We have now got it down to a fine art so that no other programme is needed to create and publish web pages. Once the web page is published, editing is a breeze with tremendous flexibility in the use of graphics.
Jan 17th 2008 09:28   
Jenny Stewart Professional   

Nvu downloads as KompoZer in softonic!

Jan 17th 2008 12:16   
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