About our Business

  It is our aim to have My Local Gazette in every town in the world.

There is no point in trying to explain a concept that is as individual as the editors that will run them but we are looking for people who can see the benefits of becoming central members of their local community.

Don't look for programmes, matrices or opportunities. This is a solid, home based,  licensed business that will reward you financially while enabling you to work within your community to help businesses reach their customers, help N.P.O.s to get their messages across, create a public resource and enable your neighbours to have their say in local affairs.

You will also be able to create an open forum in which your neighbours can present their own work, publish articles and generally communicate. 

We also offer My Local Journal and My Local Hotels as well as various web site services with hosting aimed at those who simply want to be on the web rather than work on the web but with a corporate image..   

Now that ill health has finally put paid to a lot of my activities, I have decided that I must concentrate as much as I can on developing a marketing business. I am in the process of building a web site with various software and ebooks for sale.

Being a total newbie at creating ecommerce sites, I have been very pleased to have received valuable assistance from Mark Hultgren. 

While the site is very much a work in progress I hope that you will find time to visit Arts Software Solutions and give me some `pointers.

My latest attempts to improve my knowledge base has led me to a programme that is very much a guide to building an income on line. This does not set out to show you how to earn $'000s in your sleep with little or no effort - instead it shows you how to start small and build on your success by the simple simple expedients of repeating what has already succeeded 5 Bucks A Day 

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Hi Arthur, I can't say what a pleasure it is to know someone like yourself who will tell it to you exactly as they see it at every turn. Anyone would be well advised to work or consult with you and never would have to worry about being fed BS, pap or Hype, period.
 - glnagy April 24th, 2008

Looking good Arthur. I also took the time to visit My Local Gazette. Here's to your success!
 - pplcheryl63 March 18th, 2008

Arthur My Friend you rpage is coming along nicely Looking forward to seeing what else you are going to add to it Wendy
 - wenfri February 8th, 2008


Arthur Webster
Coin, Spain
Someone who has made achievements with something to offer whether they are new ideas, experiences, products or services. View Profile


Business Industry

  • Spirituality
  • Society & News
  • Pets & Animals
  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Business


Additional Info.

It may be that you are looking for your own first business or the information that you need to expand the one you already have rather than start something so comprehensive. Feel free to visit my blog http://www.stayathomenewsblog.com where there are over 400 posts a month of valuable information about what to do, how to do it and the available opportunities - on line and off. Alternatively you can go to http://www.earningathome.eu for some of the very latest latest opportunities.