Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Blog Optimization?

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
Here are the steps for 'the blog ranking system'

You can try this in 2 different ways; either on a new blog, or by modifying a blog you have already written.

NOTE: anything you have written in QCWG, or SF, will not benefit from this system, as they are private groups, and traffic will not be able to access the post without becoming a member.

Start with the blog keywords you are going to use.
You will need 3 free tools to make this work:

Step 1: 
 go to google keyword tool. 
(bookmark page into your browser under favorites as you will want to return each time you write a new blog.)

  When you enter a keyword, you may enter several words or phrases related to the subject matter you want to write about, and the tool will return a list of related terms and phrases, as well as the results for your primary search terms. 

When the tool returns with the list:

 pick keywords

       The Keyword Tool will return a list containing short bar graphs showing you the latest info on your search terms as well as a list of related keywords.

     The first bar graph on the line indicates the advertiser competition.  If the bar is all or nearly all green, forget using the keyword because the competition will cover you up, and you will never be found by the search engines.  What you are searching for here is a keyword that has very little or NO advertiser competition.

     The easiest way to find a term with little competition is to use 'long-tail keywords'.  To give an example, the term 'depression' has a LOT of advertiser competition, but a long tail phrase like 'tips to overcome depression' has very little.  Another example: blogging has competition but 'blog ranking' has little.

     Moving to the right on your Keword Tool you will see 2 more bar graphs.  These indicate the search volume for the last 2 months respectively.  In an ideal Keyword search, your best keyword would have NO advertiser competition, and the search volume would be "Ginormous"!  However it rarely happens that way.  If there is a huge search volume there will be huge advertiser competition to go with it.  So you need the Keyword Buzz tool to tell you just how many searches there were on the three major search engines; Google, Yahoo, and MSN.  

     When you find the keywords that match  the criteria you need, ( you may have to dig a while, depending on how popular the subject you wish to write about) you can use the "Add" feature located to the far right of each keyword.  This will create a list for you in the far upper right hand corner of the page.  Don't forget to save keywords as txt file on your desktop before you close your search tool.

Step 2

The Keyword Buzz Tool

    Open keyword buzz, and  enter keyword list.  You can start with a main keyword, and then click 'add more keywords' to enter your whole list.

     Then click 'Gather Data'.  Keyword buzz will then go to work and search all 3 of the biggest search engines for your terms and will bring back the number of searches on each SE for the last month.  This is sometimes surprising.  A keyword that doesn't show a very high search volume on Google, will sometimes have a MUCH higher search volume on Yahoo or MSN.  If you only relied on the Google data, you could miss several thousand searchers.

Once again, you will want to go down through the list of terms and pick keywords with the most searches.  Ideally you will probably want to keep your list of primary keywords to one or two as far as keyword density is concerned, but including all of the keywords in your article won't hurt anything, as long as you can work them in without detracting from the 'readability' of your blog.

Step 3

 apply keywords to blog

  in text (bold)  when you write your blog, type your highest value keywords in bold text.  Search engine spiders love this for some reason.

  in title (main kw)  And of course, you will want to have your main keyword/s in your blog title.  This is one of the ways the SE will judge the relevancy of your article.

Step 4 

Keyword density

     Keyword Density is another way that Google judges the relevancy of your article, not only to the title, but to the keyword or search term.  Several years ago, all you had to do to get found was include your keyword 97 times, or at least more times than your competition.  But of course, the gooroo's sold this 'secret' so many times it's usage became a plague on the web.  This p.o. a lot of people, Google not the least of which.  The most popular search terms, such as 'golf' or 'free' were being included in sites that had nothing whatsoever to do with golf, just because that term got millions of hits.

     Eventually keyword relevancy became a major issue.

     There are 2 things to remember about relevancy.  1. Keep your keyword density (how many times it appears in the content) somewhere between 2 - 5%, and 2. include your main keyword/s in the title of the article/blog.

     This is where Dupe Free Pro comes in handy.  Dupe Free Pro has a number of handy features that are invaluable for blogging.  Not only does it let you rewrite an article while avoiding the duplicate content issue, it also allows you to check your keyword density, look for duplicate content on the web to see if someone has been copying your material, and it will even let you check for words related to your content!

     Once you have written your article in Word, Word perfect, or notepad, and saved a copy to your computer,  open Dupe Free Pro and paste a copy into the left-hand window. 

     Now enter your keyword or keyword phrase in the little window beneath your article and click the "Calculate Keyword Density" button.  For instance, everything in this article prior to this sentence has a keyword density of 4.072% for the term 'keyword'.  So if I wanted searchers to find this article by the search term 'keyword' I would be right in that perfect range!  However, if I wanted the searchers for the term 'blogging' to find it, I would be out of luck as 'blogging' only has a KD of 0.189%.

      So you will want to tweak your article until your main keyword density is between 2% - 5%.
(also, note that if you want to post the article on multiple blog sites, but avoid being penalized for duplicate content, you can paste another copy of the same article in the second window, and then start rephrasing and rewriting copy number two until your duplicate content is under 75%.  You can determine this by clicking the 'Compare' button.  The percentage of duplicate content will show in the little box at the bottom center.)

Step 5: Social Bookmarking

     Once you have your blog up and posted, you can start on the final steps to getting it popularized and getting your traffic.  I have started getting traffic from diggin a couple of ways.  First of course, you have to submit the article.  Then if you have a friends list on digg, send them a shout about the article.  There are some people who spend all their time on digg, and if you can get them into your friends list, and digging the articles you submit, your hits at your blog will continue to increase.  Of course, the best way to do this is to digg their articles, as most of them will return the favor.

     To Date, most of my SB efforts have been concentrated at digg.  However, this is where your beta testing comes in.  I would like to know what your results are from your SB efforts, and which site you find to be the most productive.

 any more you can find

Step 6: Ping your blog.

           Pinging is simply a way to let the various blog services know about your blog.  It is very easy and quick to do.  Simply go to one of the various ping services, (I have listed a couple below) and enter your information, check the services you want to ping ( I always check 'ALL') and hit the button!

Step 7

     This is the last and final step (to date) And I am sure Mark could make a fortune if he could write the software to automate all 7 steps!  (I want royalties Mark!!)

     You may or may not want to use this step, although I think it is worth the extra time and trouble.  I have included this because I know Garnet has a blog at WordPress, and some one else may want to start one.  However, I would like to see the system tested on APSense blogs as well, or anywhere else you would like to use it.

     One of the pieces of info I have aquired is about underground link building.  It is one of the so-called "Dark Arts" of creating traffic, and WP has a unique feature that makes it easy!

Simply write a post at your WordPress account, and before you hit the 'publish' button, note that at the bottom of the editing page is a little bar that says: send pings to--- click on the plus sign and it opens to a box that will allow you to enter multiple URL's of the various blogs you want to ping.

     What this does, is send a comment link to the blog you have entered.  Right above is an area to include an optional excerpt.  You can enter whatever you like, such as "Thanks for the info", or "Great blog!", or whatever.  The purpose here is to create links from other blogs back to yours.

There are a couple of ways to locate relevant blogs to send pings to.  One is the WP 'tag surfer' option you will find in your WP dashboard, or you can use 'BlogBuzz' which you can download from the site.  Both let you search for blogs related to your own based on your primary keyword.

     The one thing I haven't been able to figure out, and Maybe Mark can help with this, is how to ping the blogs you find with the Blog Buzz tool if you don't have a WP blog.  The great thing about the Blog Buzz tool is it shows you the Page Rank of each of the blogs it finds for you.

Note: it is probably best to send no more than 20 pings per day, starting with the highest pr on down, in order to appear natural.  If a blog shows up with a thousand backlinks the first day, Google might become a TAD suspicious, and Sandbox you for being a spammer!!

OK Ladies and Germs!! I appreciate your willingness to help me test this system, as I know we can learn more together than I can by myself!!  Please leave frequent updates concerning your progress here in the comments, and PLEASE ask all the questions you need to.  If you are new to all this, bear in mind, this has taken me about 6 months to get this far with it, and bring it into some sort of workable system! 

Keep in touch.... D
Jan 7th 2008 17:20

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Dave,

More traffic is always a good thing so count me in as a tester - providing
I can find the time, of course! And that there's not too much techo stuff
involved. Technologically challenged here. :-)
Jan 7th 2008 17:25   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hey you bet buddy! Traffic me!
Jan 7th 2008 18:15   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
If Jean is technologically challenged - then I am just a computer Klutz and am now totally discouraged! I think your stuff is incredibly computer literate lady!

Dave, If you think I have enough knowledge I'll join up to test
Jan 7th 2008 18:39   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
I'm in bro!
Jan 7th 2008 18:43   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well I'm a lost cause so any help I can get I'll take
Jan 7th 2008 19:16   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hmmm...The way this is going I'm starting to think we all need to get together and create a product for the 'technologically challenged'

Jenny if your a Klutz WHAT THE HECK AM I???? Good God!!
Jan 8th 2008 18:53   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Do you think we would need to include screen captures and pictures of the mouse with an arrow pointing to the right mouse button when letting the readers know they need to 'Right Click"?
Or do most of the know the difference between a Right Click and a Wrong Click? LOL
Jan 9th 2008 05:53   
David Schupbach Senior   
Well Mark I think I've got the 'wrong click' down ok, could you send me a screen shot of the 'right click"? lol
Jan 9th 2008 06:00   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Those are some great tools Dave, and the price is definitely right! There are plenty of software packages out there that won't do what these three together do for you, and the GooRoos will charge you $47 or $67 or even $97 for them!
Jan 9th 2008 06:09   
David Schupbach Senior   
Glad you liked them Mark, I was really glad to run across them. I had known about the Google tool for a long time, but the IM Buzz tools I just got around Christmas. Putting them togather has given me this Idea, plus a keyword search using this method has shown that there Is a niche in 'blog ranking' (optimization) that is not being filled!

Now, back to the 2nd half of the system. :-)
Jan 10th 2008 03:25   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Dave,

Got started yesterday and am working on reworking everything to get all the right keywords in and the density right. and then do a rewrite to avoid duplication. They are great tools that you passed on.

Then, once it is blogged here - I guess it is off to the blog sites to see how it goes.

I am glad you didnt do this in a day, because it is sure going to take me some time to get my brain round this one!
Jan 10th 2008 16:34   
David Schupbach Senior   
That's all right Jenny, it took me a while to get my brain around it too! However, if I had been doing all these things from the beginning, I would be a lot further along.... Yes the tools are great, and they even come with master resell rights, rebranding and all, you can give them away, or resell them if you purchase the resell. Something to think about...
Jan 10th 2008 17:47   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
OMG! Just what we needed!!! I am printing this blog as the information is just too important and I want to do everything in the proper order. This informational blog is a MUST HAVE! I wish we had a favorites section and not just a "watchlist" (The printer is going as I write this!)
Jan 10th 2008 18:06   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Be careful when you ping. Make sure you get a plugin that will allow you to ping only when you have updated a post and not just when you save it. Here is a great one that I like (and some other good tools too!)

The Plugin you want is the Smart Ping
Jan 10th 2008 18:24   
David Schupbach Senior   
Wow! Thank you Rae!
And thanks Mark, for clarifying that. I forgot to add that, ou can ping when you update your blog, but just once for every update.

Jan 11th 2008 04:55   
David Schupbach Senior   
just a quick note...
doing research for the top 9 keywords related to this project reveals there were 18,888,930 searches in the last month between the big 3 search engines, and very little advertiser competition. That tells me there are a lot of people searching for a product, and there isn't much out there to meet the need!

This is a product that if put togather in software form, would sell for a minimum of $47. If we figure the basic figures, 1 in a hundred will check out the product you are offering, that's 188,889 potential buyers. OF those, maybe 3 in 10 will buy. That's 62,333 sales. Or: $2,929,673.04!!

Sound like something you want to be a part of?

Jan 12th 2008 13:55   
Wendy Senior   
Ok I have read and re-read that times 3

Now I am going to pull a Mizrae trick and print it out

Wow Where have you been all my life LOL

Very vital information contained therein.

Now to put it to use

Jan 14th 2008 14:43   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks Wendy,
It's 6am, and I have just discovered some more relevant info I am going to include in the final version.
I still have to do some beta testing on the new info, so I will bring it in later on.

Jan 15th 2008 06:22   
David Schupbach Senior   
Jan 20th-----

Still working on some of the details, how is everyone doing with the system?

If you want some more info to chew on, you might want to download the free report at:

I hope you learn as much from this one as I did!

Jan 20th 2008 07:11   
David Schupbach Senior   
Ran a Copy of the system by Tim Junck (GIG blogging by Tim) who is a friend of Chuck Bartok's in Malaysia. Here is what he had to say:

Hey David,

I did open and read. Seems to include some of the same sound fundamentals
available from various sources. Didn't see anything that looked to be incorrect.

Will make a point of looking at it again this weekend - and try to give more
constructive feedback.


So there is My first feedback!

Hope everyone here is experiencing some success with it.

PS for an updated copy, try
Jan 20th 2008 12:46   
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