Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Project ----(Updated)

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  
Since Garnet reminded me that I have been falling behind on my own guidelines.....

Heh, well let'd just say that I can't enforce what I can't do!

My original intention in creating this group had several components, one of which was to create a group that the members of QCWG who actually contribute could benefit from each other's expertise.

Another component, and one I didn't mention at the time, was to find ways to reward those who have been loyal to the group, worked hard, and have stayed through thick and thin!

You know who you are, you're all here!

This time of year is crazy to say the least, so I have decided to give everyone a break from the guidelines until at least mid-january.  Myself included!!!


OK! that's the news, now for the project!!

I would like to give every member of this group a Christmas Gift, although it may not be ready in time for Christmas!  And NO, you can't open it early.... WHAT did I tell you about staying out of that closet!! :-)

How about a time-tested tool that, if used properly, would allow you to:

Bring more hits to your blogs, ABC, websites,etc.

Generate additional revenue

recruit members into your apsense downline

create a proper mindset in your new recruits that would help them avoid mistakes like spamming, post and run, etc

Improve the overall quality of APSense

be in a format that could be converted for use at any site, not just APSense

be a 'stand-alone' product you could market anywhere on the web


Sound ambitious?  It is!  I thought for a while I might have bitten off more than I could chew!  However, it is starting to take shape (a little) so I thought I would bring it up for you to consider.

Also, I have tentative approval for the project from bj, but I won't release it, until it is fully approved by APSense

This post is to give you a 'heads up' and gauge your interest.  I will keep updating this post if I see this is something you would all be interested in.  David
12/14/07 Update
     Ok, let's go into a little more detail here...

 a time-tested tool that, if used properly, would allow you to:

     e-books and reports have been around for a long time.  There must be literally millions of the things out there!!  More are being created every day!!  So why create another one?  Well, because it is a proven format that works!  People are still paying for them, and people are still creating them.  They are especially useful to newbies like me who are trying to find direction!

Bring more hits to your blogs, ABC, websites,etc.

     e-books are the ultimate traffic generator and advertising on 'auto pilot'.  No one wants to read another advertisement, but most people are searching for information that will help them reach their objectives.

     So the question becomes: How do you present them with the solution, or a possible solution to their problem without advertising to them?  You have to get them in front of your solution, right?  It may not be the solution they are searching for, but neither of you will know, until they have a chance to look at it.

     This is where the e-book comes in.  It's not an advertisement in the traditional sense of the word, it's a source of information!  A source that leads directly to your solution by way of a 'hotlink'.  Also, your writing gives you the chance to show that you know a little about your subject. (credibility)

     Ultimately, it's about avoiding 'sales resistance' long enough for the prospective client to understand that you MAY have a solution that is better suited to their needs than than the competition's, without advertising to them.

Generate additional revenue

     With the project I am working on, 'Business Social Networking 101', there are several factors 'designed in' that should generate additional income.  Non-APSense members will be directed to the links to your APSense site.  It's really hard for most of us to go out and recruit members into APSense, at least in enough volume to see significant income from APSense alone.  However, if used properly this e-book should become a automatic recruitment tool for you.

     Then there is the increased number of views to your ABC.  Products you have there will see increased traffic.

     Thirdly,  I am this designing this report so you can offer it for sale, or free, but I suggest marketing it simply because it will look less like an advert.  Kinda like buying an online tool, which it is.

create a proper mindset in your new recruits that would help them avoid mistakes like spamming, post and run, etc

     Includes an educational section, giving examples of what to avoid, and what to use to succeed at APSense.

Improve the overall quality of APSense

     I have noticed a definite decline in the number of spam posts over the last few days since we joined forces and began educating spammers!  This tells me a lot of them were just following some 'gooroo', but were willing to learn...  In fact I have noticed a few of the less blatant spammers have really cleaned up their act and are actually writing some content!  This e-book is just an educational effort on a larger scale!  Working togather, we could get a lot of copies of this thing out there!

be in a format that could be converted for use at any site, not just APSense

     Could be converted just by changing some of the content, and hotlinks...

be a 'stand-alone' product you could market anywhere on the web

     By now, I am sure you get the picture... By the way I don't mean for this update to sound like I thought I was 'educating' you or anything, I am sure most of you understand this information better than I do.  That's why I welcome any tips, thoughts, or help on this project.

     Also, any blogs you have or know of, or think should be included in this project, please send me the links, with a short explanation.

     When I release this for distribution, I intend for all of you to have a free copy with full rights to change, modify, or distribute in any way you like, with the exception of changing the author information.  That's something you would HAVE to pay me for!!! :-)

Dec 12th 2007 04:10

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'm the worst person in the world to do this to. I'm the one that always GOT IN the closet. Now I'm going to be on pins and needles waiting!
Dec 12th 2007 07:59   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
All I can say is that there is a world of difference between guide lines and tram lines.

As my Dad would have said - you know what you want to do - you can find out how to do it - nothing will stop you doing it as long as the tram does not run you over.

Not a bad philosophy for a blind man.
Dec 12th 2007 08:13   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Count me in! Can always use another great product to promote!
And most of you here know that I don't promote what I don't use myself!
Dec 12th 2007 11:55   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
If you see any eyes staring back at you in the dark from the closet.... it won't be me... promise... ;o) (Would i lie to you :o)
Dec 12th 2007 13:14   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
That's right you can trust Eric! We'll be too busy fighting over who gets to peek in the closet first! Meanwhile Mark will probably slip past us both!
Dec 12th 2007 13:52   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
But I wanna look in the closet right now! :-)
Please, can I, huh?
Dec 12th 2007 14:43   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Sounds like a bunch of children at Christmas time around here! :-)
Dec 12th 2007 14:50   
David Schupbach Senior   
Ok, Ok, maybe just a peek in the closet....

My Skype ID is MoRambler!

I will be on a short time tonight, maybe more 12/13/2007!
Dec 12th 2007 21:15   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted

Seriously it has just been so bloody crazy lately....

Anyways D....Got me Very interested, think you may have just saved me a whole crapload of

Can't skype though :(

Guess I'll just have to wait, lol
Dec 12th 2007 22:45   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Patience children!!! All good things come to those who wait!

Dec 13th 2007 07:33   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hey Guys, I got my peek in the closet on Skype yesterday.
Still got to read it all through, but it's looking good so far........ :-)

Dec 13th 2007 16:45   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
:o( Skypes still not working for me...
Dec 14th 2007 15:25   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
I didnt even see this today - as I am only just getting properly back on line - so I missed the Skype part! WAAAAAH

Sounds intriging!!! It has to be good Whether I understand it or not is another thing! lol

But either way I I can't wait!!!!!!!
Dec 14th 2007 16:25   
David Schupbach Senior   
Eric, earlier you mentioned Skype was turning phone numbers into clickable links. I discovered, that is a function of the Skype toolbar button. by clicking on the button, it will leave the numbers on the page normal. What other problems are you having?

Jenny, you can catch me anytime I am online at Skype id MoRambler, and I will send you the file.
Dec 14th 2007 18:47   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Hi David,

When i reinstalled it on Thursday it almost installed and stopped. i thought it was my AV software but it done the same thing with it turned off...

i'll get it sorted out soon... i'm hopefully getting a new computer in a month or so. if i can't get it before then i'll do it on the new one as priority...
Dec 14th 2007 19:31   
Theresa Advanced   
I seriously need to dump vista on this machine....or maybe it is just high time for me to go back to imac me thinks ;)

Dec 14th 2007 19:44   
David Schupbach Senior   
Anyone who has trouble with Skype can just send me an email at
Dec 15th 2007 05:51   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
How did I miss this post? Too much holiday time I think. Not sure what I can offer, but I think your idea has some merit! There are a few "social networking 101" reports starting to pop out on the net, so if you are going to do this, the time is ripe! There are so many new social networking sites opening up that I think those that want to cash in need to start developing their style and knowledge now.
Jan 11th 2008 06:36   
David Schupbach Senior   
Guess I should have updated this sooner Rae, project is kinda on hold right now as I have had a disagreement w/admin about the whole purpose of BSN. It's really not that big of a deal, probably just some rewrite, but I have set it aside for a little bit. The blog optimization project may become a part of this, or I may have 2 seperate products. I will know more when everyone gets more testing done.
Jan 11th 2008 18:00   
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