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Natural Headache Remedies

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Does anyone have a natural headache remedy that works for them? I have heard of these, but I haven't tried them all yet.

Mix 1 teaspoon of water with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply to forehead....I don't know how long...I imagine until the headache goes away. lol.

A wash cloth soaked in cold water and applied to forehead is nice.

And my favorite ..just laying down in a dark room for 30 or so minutes.

Whats works for you?

Dec 10th 2007 14:27

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Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hi Lynn,
a beer or two usually works for me. Monika drinks a glass of chilled water and
has a lie down. Apparently most headaches are caused by slight dehydration. So my opinion is that beer has water in it. Which reminds me of something that WC Fields
used to say:
"Water,water everywhere. But not a drop to drink"
Dec 10th 2007 15:01   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
I have also heard that sometiems eating a banana may work.
Not all, but some headaches are also caused by low potassium levels, which can also cause some pretty annoying muscle cramps.

the cinnamon thing sounds easy enough, I'll try it.
I once tried it to see if it plumps up your lips, yes..it works! temporarily though, mixed with clove..lol.
I was just curious if I could get the Jolie look..ha..ha.
Dec 10th 2007 15:16   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Monika and Wayne,

True lack of hydration can cause them. Also if you stop coffee cold turkey you will get them from caffiene withdrawls. Hmmmm beer or water....I will have to go with the water. I drink alot of that and none of the other...lol

Dec 10th 2007 16:18   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

Oh, I love bananas. They are part of my daily diet. I do have a question though....did the cinnamon make your lips burn? And did you mix it with water also? And how much clove...oil or..?

Okay this is a little off topic...but you started it..lol


Dec 10th 2007 18:16   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hey Lisa,
we would like to know also. Well me, Monika's lips are perfect.
Why do you think i have to have the fuzz on my lip? Or should i just drink
more beer?

Dec 10th 2007 18:24   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Drink a litre of water within 10 minutes of taking your first sip. Works for me every time...
Dec 10th 2007 19:13   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

Another vote for water. Seems to be a favorite so far.

Dec 10th 2007 20:56   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Yes, but don't forget beer has some water properties. So we can't come to any finite
conclusions, can we ?
Dec 10th 2007 21:13   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
True..lol....we won't knock beer off the list quite yet...

Dec 10th 2007 21:14   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Logic at last.
Dec 10th 2007 21:21   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Dec 10th 2007 21:26   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Lynn
I use a Lemon peel, just peel the lemon and apply to your forhead with a cloth and wah lah,
head ache is gone in about 15 mins

Dec 11th 2007 09:12   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Suffering, as I do, from a severe headache that has lasted for nearly 43 years, 24/7, I think I can safely say that there is only one cure for a head ache and it relates to the cause not the head ache itself.

If you know why your head aches, treat the why - not the ache. The vast majority of head aches require only time and rest to cure them but those caused by dehydration (usually known as a hang over) are best prevented by drinking half a pint of water for every pint of beer or unit of alcohol before trying to sleep. If that is too much of an ordeal, drink less water and drink less alcohol next time.

Some head aches are caused by inflamation of nerves in the neck (a particular risk of those of us who spend many hours looking at a monitor) or back through bad posture. An adjustment to the posture we use can prevent many of these head aches occuring.

Migraines are also best prevented than cured. Most migraine sufferers know what will cause an attack and can avoid exposure to it.

Left alone, most head aches do not last long but, being human, we love to suffer and so, cause more pain by inappropriate remedies (the hair of the dog immediately springs to mind).

Head aches caused by stress can be very debilitating but the main reason for this is that the sufferer does not always know where the stress is coming from and is prevented from taking effective measures against it.

The best cure of all is sleep. Even my chronic head ache seems to ease as I try to go to sleep.
Dec 11th 2007 10:39   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

That is the first time that I have read about a lemon peel being used for this. Thank you! We are finding out some unique ways.

Dec 11th 2007 14:13   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Yeah i agree with that Arthur,

Whether its eye strain from staring at a computer screen too long, poor sleeping position, bad posture, working in a noisy environment (repetitive use of musical ear pieces) and the like...

Find whats causing the head ache and limit the cause then u won't need a cure...

Great reply Arthur.
Dec 11th 2007 14:30   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I must agree that preventative medicine is good too :)

Dec 11th 2007 14:35   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
A natural cure that works for me is lavender oil.

Just rub a little on your forehead and temples when the headache strikes.
The aroma is very soothing, and lavender oil is well known for its healing

I've heard that peppermint oil has the same effect, but haven't tried it
Dec 12th 2007 19:22   
Adrianna Cooper Advanced   
Mmy sister swears by essence of rosemary. She rubs a little oil on her temples, forehead and behind her ears and the headache should be gone in 15/30min
Feb 7th 2008 19:12   
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