
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

I have been in sales, and management for over 30 years. I finally decided to work for myself from home. My on-line business Income has also allowed me the freedom and the funds to open my own Health Store here in Lima Ohio! I am here to help those that ask for it! Just request that you be added to my contacts then send me an email.
My store front is located at :
1209 Allentown Road, Lima Ohio 45805


  • Owner/operator
    Oct 2004 to Present

    I make all natural Candies using only REAL Cane Sugar, Butter, Natural Flavor Extracts, NON high fructose corn syrups, and all natural food based colorings. The chocolate I use is REAL waxes, margarine or other nasty stuff!

  • Owner/operator
    Oct 2005 to Present

    Small Homeopathic & Health store. I sell Herbs, spices and AMERCIAN made Vitamins and Health Juices and Organic Therapeutic grade Essential oils. I also make my own brand of all natural Lotions & Creams using Organic and Wild crafted ingredients.

  • Fan Page Admin
    Sep 2012 to Present

    I created and also Administrate our Fan page. This company has many small business people plus the other half of the building is a consignment shop. We are growing and restructuring our building so each Vendor inside has their own actual store front.

  • Independent Rep
    Oct 2013 to Present

    JIC is the ONLY company that lets you pick your jewelry (earrings, necklace or ring & ring size) !! We are a USA Family owned and operated Business! 100 percent Soy candles w/Lead Free wicks, Soy melts and coming soon: Aroma Beads!

  • Consultant
    Jan 2014 to Present

    All Natural Dessert, Dip, Cheeseball, Bread mixes and Spices. We also have Meal solutions that contain everything you need for a quick easy meal using your favorite meat! Coming in March of 2014, we will also have Gluten Free products !!

  • Joined
    May 2007
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  • I really see your talent for marketing your self here and keep up the excellence Rocky P

  • Hi Collette, Your ABC is VERY Nice. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement you left at my site. Thanks.

  • Absolutely outstanding Collette. Well done. Now I know why you are so successful. 10 is not enough my dear friend. David

  • Hi Collette, You have done a great job on your ABC. It is well layed out and visually appealing. You go girl! Beautiful work.

  • avatarWendy

    Very impressive Exactly what I was expecting Love the rotating cube I do Truly I do Excellent work, graphics are great, layot is awesome Wen...