A common myth is that you will need a lot of money initially in order to succeed as

an affiliate. Actually, if you look at the story of many of the super affiliates

you will hear many of them say that they started with a small budget and didn't

have a clue of what to do. Actually, starting out you can use all free resources.

For free traffic you can rely on submitting articles to directories and creating

videos for YouTube. It doesn't take a capital to get to ball rolling in affiliate

marketing. Free traffic is very versatile and allows you to get creative with the



 For example, Youtube allows you to upload videos and post a link that will take

visitors back to your site, this is an excellent way of getting massive amounts of

traffic to your site. You may come to realize that you need to do something to

increase your income, at this point you can start to outsource your content or you

can really speed things up by shifting your focus to paid traffic. Your business

will see tremendous growth if you outsource or do paid traffic. What's really

important for you as an affiliate marketer is that you have to keep moving ahead no

matter what. In this business it is not hard to succeed because most of the

competition aren't goal oriented, like you are.


The huge traffic myth is completely untrue. When your primary focus is on getting

traffic you forget about relevancy and converting your traffic into buyers. The

visitors that you get to your site don't have to be a lot if you're able to drive

targeted traffic. Put your efforts into targeted traffic and watch how your

conversion rates soar. For example, if you are promoting a weight loss product then

what are your potential customers for something like this. You can make a lot of

sales with low levels of relevant traffic.


Too many people still believe that all affiliates do is spam. There are going to be

spammers no matter what but most affiliate marketing don't use spam tactics because

there are far better ways to advertise. The vast majority of affiliate marketers

will not stand to even be in the presence of a spammer.

Remember, as long as you keep these myths out of your business and out of your

head; you will prosper in this business.





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