The Home Based Business industry is loaded with myths, and what this article is seeking to do is to expose the most common myths so the newbie marketer can avoid the initial pit holes that cost a lot of people a lot of money. By understanding the industry before getting seriously involved, many of the "newbie" marketing mistakes can be easily avoided.

Home Based Business Myths:

1. "You won't have to work hard to make money." This is the most common myth surrounding online business. You will ALWAYS work to make money, and if the goal is to make serious money, you will need to put in a serious effort. This is true in both online business and offline.

2. "You won't have to spend any money." Even if you pick up a free affiliate program you are still going to spend money to promote it. Period. Nowhere on the internet are you going to find super high quality advertising in the massive amounts required to make sales without some type of investment. So expect to spend at least a little bit of money.

3. "We do all the work for you!" There are a lot of companies out that automate many parts of the overall process, but you will be required to do something. Think about it, if EVERYTHING was 100% automated, what would be the use of you? Common sense will tell you, some work will be required.

4. "You don't even need a website!" Most companies that offer this illusion are providing the affiliates with a 'affiliate website.' Which is basically a website you have no control over, and can't edit. Not to mention any of the prospects that are generated belong to the COMPANY. Not the affiliate. Matter of fact it's when the company actually shares prospect contacts with affiliates because they want the prospect to have access ONLY to the companies products or services. This actually hurts the affiliate, because the affiliate cannot cross sell.

5. "You don't have to pay for advertising!" Again, common sense. A company may provide a degree of advertising, but when it comes to business trying to sell a product, you can never have too much advertising. Just because a company might pay for 'some' of the advertising costs it's a guarantee you will ultimately need more. And yes, you will be dealing with customers. People only buy from people that they like, in order for people to LIKE you they are going to have to KNOW you

As you can see many of the myths associated with home based business can be easily dispelled. However, common sense must be used in business to see beyond the dales print. There is a lot of money to be made on the internet and in home based business, but knowledge is power when it comes to this industry.

Steven Lanier is an online marketer, and professional list builder. Steven has grown large downlines in several MLM's and is a top affiliate in many companies and opportunities. Visit his website here

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