March 3, 2014

Marketing is a key word that we all hope, we can accomplish. Why you joined this site, would you not agree?

Marketing is an element that many never figure out, for a simple reason to busy promoting your shit. I call it that, for what it is shit, copy, then you paste it and hope for what will never materialize, an ROI... Means return on your effort.

No l am not being a dick, or whatever it is going through your mind at the moment. Marketing takes an effort, it is not an overnight success story, stop doing what you hate doing right now!

Understanding your weakness, is the first step, god we all have them since the odds of failure indicate that wisely. just look at your bank account. Not healthy at all, is it? Exactly!!! Now, what?

Not sure exactly, what it is you want. Can l take a wild guess, success, more money, live the dream. Did l cover them?

If l did, perhaps you can read more on this topic... All you have to do is do the research yourself. NOPE, this is not an  overnight success story or some magical dust that will change your overall status, none of that.

All the Best,

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