There are some myths about promoting anything on Facebook these. With the platform being so over saturated thanks to the money hungry individuals who wanted to profit on "How To Market On Facebook" tutorials as if Facebook was some sort of science. The Facebook platform has cracked down on some people trying to "cheat" the system and thus have made it a little difficult for you to get your ads approved when paying for advertisement or ban people's account for spamming. Therefore, there are three major myths concerning the subject that people need to be aware of.

  • Ease Of Use
There isn't any such thing as ease of use anymore. Facebook has been on top of things for the past couple of years and have applied a zero tolerance policy when monitoring the activity on Facebook. The bottom line here is that you either have to pay for advertising or you have to build your way towards a mass following on your page and even then, it can take a hell of a long time to gain a respectable number of people and it has become a little more difficult for people to get ads approved if you are using an external website. 

  • Facebook Loves Affiliate Sites
I think this is one of the biggest myths on the internet right now. Facebook doesn't so much as love Affiliate Marketing. It's just the fact that the approval team feel like the splash page or blog you are submitting has some respectable content and is related enough to the ad you are trying to promote. Just slapping your link on the ad isn't going to help your chances to get approved immediately. There are plenty of sties and blogs out there telling you that you can easily get approved by Facebook with you Affiliate links and that is just not true. 

  • Just Add Friends And Talk To People 
This is another one of those tactics that tell you that you have to add a bunch of friends and just "talk" to them as if they were your friends. If people who are just using Facebook casually get banned or get their accounts frozen, then what do you expect with a "marketer." The new Facebook "Nazi" situation is geared towards stopping marketers from going on there to spam or take advantage like a vampire. 

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