You're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about by the title, its

simple, its just another in my Mind Shift Marketing series. I call this the Kansas

City Shuffle method, what's the Kansas City Shuffle Method? Well its a system of

when everybody is looking right, you go left. Below are a few things I've learned

about spam and why I make spam sandwiches whenever possible.


1. All spam isn't spam


2. Spammers know they have just 5 seconds at the most to get your attention


3. Don't click on all spam but some spam copy is great to learn from


4. Some spam titles are actually pretty good


5. You can learn from anything if you know what you're looking for


6. Don't just automatically block spam out of your mind and click off it


7. Test my theory and take a minute to actually read the spam titles


8. Some spammers hire the best copywriters in the business


Of course I don't condone spam in any way, all I'm saying is that there are nuggets

hidden in the spam you're automatically clicking off such as great attention

getting titles and copy.


If you're a beginner or an online vet and you're looking for legit minty fresh e-

book Marketing education and can spare only $2 a month feel free to stop by my site

and join up for a test run, I keep things really simple, if you don't like it just

go to paypal and delete the payment but $2 a month for this boatload of new updated

information aint a bad deal. Besides you can make a few bucks with it as well.

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