Don't tell me you hate spam. Show me. Write a blog where you say why, or what we can do about it.

Don't tell me you hate spam in comments. Show me, by clicking the "report abuse" link.

Don't tell me you report abuse. Show me, by saying it openly in comments that you reported all the spammers. By naming them by saying what they did that was a spam or abuse comment.

Don't tell me spammers can't learn. Show me you sent a PM to some of them, asking them to stop, that from now on, when you see him/her comment on blog while looking in the activity area, you'll jump in the blog to report the abuse, if he/she did it again.

Don't tell me you're careful when talking to them. Show me, by not using name calling, like idiot, or others, the exception being using the word "spammer".

Don't tell me you're serious about making ApSense the best site to get rid of spam. Show me, by doing all of the above.

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