I had a little discussion with a member in the last few days.

After accepting her contact request, she sent me a Private Message ( PM ) with a link.

As usual, I responded that an unsolicited link is spam.

For a few days, there were some messages back and forth. She wanted to know why I considered her PM to be spam. She thought spam was sending the same message to many people.

In each of my responses to her, I took the time to explain to her that the minute you send a link in a PM, and it is unsolicited, it is considered illegal in many countries.

I told her the proper way to make a link known was to write articles and RevPages and spend credits to promote them.

Here was her last response, sent this morning :

"thank you, please accept my apology, I will delete your contact, I ask you to delete mine"

She now blocks me.

I never used name calling. I explained patiently why her practice is not welcome. At APSense anyway. Maybe I should have given her the name of a site where spam is most welcome.

You may have heard the expression : "A rose, whatever the name you call it, is still a rose".

Well, spam takes many forms, but it doesn't change a thing. For serious marketers, and serious customers, spam won't ever be considered nice.

Blocking me won't change a thing. It won't make me change my mind. I'm not at APSense to beg people to "please, I need your business, let's be friends, I won't do it again."

Some people might find my approach harsh, even though I stay polite and always talk about the deeds, not the person.

What can I say ? Those who block me because I don't like spam, in  my opinion, you are hurting your business, not mine.

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