is a site with not much activity.

Thinking it's possible to get rid of spam 100 % of the time is thinking there will be no more bombings if the NATO countries ever stop the best known terrorist group on the planet.

Or, it's hoping against hope there won't ever be cockroaches on the planet. It's possible to keep your house clean, but if you open a restaurant, there will be all kinds of people in there, and that's not counting the little creatures that find their way travelling in the multitude of boxes delivered to the restaurant every week.

Yes, there might be a hair in your plate. Chances are, there won't be if you pay $100 for your meal, cause the restaurant owner will be able to afford the personnel and the means to keep his restaurant totally clean.

Of course, a McDonalds restaurant is clean too, but it's not that much fun to have the employees sweep the floor under your feet while you eat. :(

APSense has great tools to get rid of spam. There are a lot of members who take their IM efforts seriously.

At the same time, APSense is getting more popular every day. How many times a day are you asked to click YES or NO in your dashboard where you see a picture with the question "Is this picture personal ?" When you are level 3, you see that many times a day. And I'm not looking at my dashboard all day long. In total, it's probably less than 30 minutes a day. I'm not saying it's the same for every member, this is just me.

What I'm getting at is, of all those new members, probably a big percentage is pretty new to Internet Marketing,. They don't know much of the precise rules regarding what APSense calls abuse.

"Yeah, but they should read the APSense Terms of Service". I agree. The thing is, a site TOS is written in law mumbo jumbo. Any site owner will tell you he wants to protect his site and reputation. That's perfectly understandable.

Most of the time, I find myself befuddled by the sites' TOS, any site, not just APSense. My understanding of English is very good, although I'm no law expert by any stretch of the imagination, so I'm not very patient. I prefer to register to a site recommended by friends. Even then, it's impossible to predict if the site won't turn out to be a scam in the future.

Regarding English, why should we expect people from every country in the world to read and write it perfectly ?

IMO, we can give the new members the benefit of the doubt when they abuse. Please do report the abuses you see. That way, they will get a warning and be more careful next time. If they refuse to comply, they get banned and that's the end of it.

One last note : a few months ago, I asked an admin here at APSense why the spammers do their thing in some articles but not others. The response was, the spammers won't spam articles that are not good, cause the spammers know they won't get attention to their  opportunities.

Thus, the biggest mistake they make is thinking members will click on the links they put in comments. If the stubborn spammers cared at all for the content of the articles they "visit", they would notice that nice little message in the other spammers' comments :

*** link hidden***

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