Your Short Guide to Finding the Best Mentor Coaching Course
Coach training includes multiple
options these days.
So many options, however, confuse coaches to the
extent that they’re unable to decide which training program will give them the
best results. As a coach, your options include online courses and many onsite
training programs as well.
Indeed, while there is nothing like the experience
gathered by coaching real clients, an accredited mentor coaching program is
just as important. More so because you receive the guidance, wisdom and support
of a master coach. These programs have easily digestible modules, which will
help equip you with countless hours of training in a fully structured format.
That means when you go through these training modules, you’ll be able to deal
with different personalities and situations easily.
But how do you know which mentor coaching program is
the best for you?
Finding the best mentor coaching program
Factor in accreditation
If you are looking to apply for or renew your ICF
ACC, PCC or MCC, your mentor coaching program will require accreditation. But
even if you’re not, rest assured that an accredited program has the rigor and
structure that will add skills and confidence to your coaching.
Moreover, accreditation introduces a level of
uniformity to the overall program. On top of that, it’s easy to measure the
capability of an accredited coach. For instance, go with a coach who’s
accredited by the International Coaching Federation or ICF and you can be
certain that your mentor is amply qualified.
Get access to top-class resources
When you enrol in an accredited mentor training
program, you’ll become a member of an ever-growing community. Besides, signing
up for an accredited program will also help you access top-class coaching
resources and publications. A professional mentor carefully compiles these
resources to make sure you’re able to grow your practice.
The question is, where can you find a top
professional mentor who will help you build your coaching skills while giving
you real hands-on experience?
ICF MCC Jennifer Powers is among the top mentor
coaches in the world
ICF Master Certified Coach Jennifer Powers has been
training coaches for well over a decade. She specializes in offering 10-hour group mentor coaching classes to coaches
looking to apply for or renew their ICF ACC, PCC, or MCC credentialing.
Jennifer has trained over 2,000 coaches worldwide. Thanks to her no-nonsense
approach, Jennifer cuts through the fluff and focuses on building the
confidence of her mentees.
Jennifer Powers is also a best-selling author and an
international keynote speaker who has delivered keynote addresses to more than
250,000 people worldwide. Visit
and take the first step toward being a better and more successful coach.