Why Overweight Men Have a Hard Time Losing Weight

Posted by Lucy Jones
Aug 19, 2022

When it comes to weight loss, men and women often have different challenges. In general, men tend to struggle more when trying to lose weight. But why is this? Is there any unfair advantage that women have when it comes to weight loss? Does the scale somehow not measure their fat correctly? Fortunately, no—there are physiological reasons for why men struggle with weight loss more than women. Understanding these reasons can make it easier for men to reach their health and fitness goals.

Losing weight can be challenging for anyone. But as a man you may face added difficulties in achieving your goal of losing weight and keeping it off. There are some physiological reasons for why overweight men have a hard time losing pounds that you should know about before starting your diet and exercise plan.

Testosterone and Weight Loss

There is a common misconception that men have an advantage over women when it comes to weight loss. The reasoning behind this is that men have higher levels of testosterone, which is a hormone that helps the body build muscle. This theory is flawed for a couple of reasons. First, the amount of testosterone in a man’s bloodstream does not fluctuate based on his weight. In other words, having more or less testosterone as you gain or lose weight will not make it any easier to reach your goals. In fact, men with higher levels of testosterone may actually have a harder time losing weight than others. Testosterone actually increases appetite, and some research suggests that men with higher levels of testosterone might be genetically programmed to eat more.

Prescription Medications

Some medications can actually make it harder to lose weight. If you are taking any drugs that speed up how quickly your body processes food, like insulin or steroids, you will likely have a harder time losing weight.

A variety of different medications can have this effect, including birth control pills, blood pressure and heart medications, antidepressants, and even some antibiotics. If you are taking any of these medicines, talk to your doctor about how your diet and exercise plan can help you lose weight. He or she may be able to suggest alternatives that won’t interfere with your diet efforts. If you are taking any of these medications, diet and exercise may be your only option to lose weight.


Many dieters make the mistake of assuming that their metabolism is too slow. If you believe low metabolism is causing you to gain weight, you might try to speed up your metabolism with herbs and supplements. Unfortunately, trying to speed up your metabolism won’t help you lose weight. In fact, if you force your body to operate above its natural metabolic rate, you could actually gain weight. Your body has a natural metabolic rate based on your genetics, sex, age, and physical condition.

Changing this rate is nearly impossible. If you’re struggling to lose weight, first focus on healthy eating habits. Avoid fad diets; they rarely work and can even be dangerous. Eating healthy foods will help your body operate at its natural metabolic rate. If you’re still struggling to lose weight, visit your doctor. A blood test may reveal that you’re not eating enough calories to maintain your weight.

Dieting Mistakes

While many diets claim that you can lose weight quickly, this is often not the case. Most fad diets fail to take into account your body’s natural metabolism. If you try to lose weight too quickly, you risk gaining it back even faster. Achieving long-term weight loss requires a slower, more realistic approach. Aim to lose about one to two pounds per week. Even if you reach your ideal weight, you’ll need to continue with a healthy diet and exercise plan. Otherwise, your weight will start creeping back up.


As a man, you may face added difficulties in achieving your goal of losing weight and keeping it off. There are some physiological reasons for why overweight men have a hard time losing pounds that you should know about before starting your diet and exercise plan. If you are struggling to achieve your weight loss goals, don’t despair! By understanding these challenges, you can work to overcome them and meet your goals.

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