Rosacea Just Ain't Fair

Posted by Lucy Jones
Jun 2, 2021
While some people waltz through life without knowing the redness and embarrassment, those it affects know that rosacea sucks, with a face that looks like a tomato and a dry, prickling pain that, frankly, really hurts!

Well, if you can relate, you can take some solace in knowing that an estimated 14 million Americans alone suffer from rosacea. Some of them may ring a bell - Mariah Carey, Rosie O'Donnell and Bill Clinton have all struggled with this debilitating condition and that's just to name but a few.

Heck, even JP Morgan, one of the most prominent Americans in history, had rosacea. So much so, in fact, that he hated having his picture taken and rarely appeared in photographs.

We hope that isn't you. But if it is, there's hope. Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum reduces the redness and pain of rosacea and even prevents outbreaks before they start. How does it work? We'll get to that. But first, let's learn more about rosacea, and what you can do to minimize the effects it has on your life.

What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic redness of the face. Most often it hits along the forehead, nose, under the eyes and the chin. In extreme cases, it can spread to the neck, ears and scalp.

Rosacea usually affects Caucasians of north European descent, but can strike peoples of other ethnicities. Women are three times more likely to suffer from rosacea than men, and most often between the ages of 30 and 50.

Symptoms of rosacea include:

  • facial redness, seen as bumps and non-acne pimples
  • red lines along the face
  • dry, prickly sensations
  • a swollen nose that has that slight redness to it
  • and you're more vulnerable to rosacea if you're fair-skinned and/or easily blush

Common causes of rosacea outbreaks include stress, hot weather, exposure to the wind and spicy foods. Among the latter, Mexican food, hot peppers, garlic and paprika rank among the most problematic foods for those with rosacea.

How Can I Treat Rosacea?

Sadly there is no permanent cure for rosacea.

That said, most doctors agree that it's vital to identify rosacea as soon as possible, and take precautions to reduce outbreaks. And that's a good idea, because repeated inflammation of the facial skin can damage the integrity of the blood vessels under the skin. Among other things, rosacea can damage collagen, cause blood pools and visible, prominent veins.

And therefore, it's a wise idea to use Rosacea Relief Serum. The sooner, the better.

Rosacea Relief Serum is a comprehensive and natural therapy for your skin. Among its benefits, a reduction in symptoms and prevention of future outbreaks.

In a recent clinical study, Renovage®, an active ingredient in Rosacea Relief Serum, reduced redness in rosacea patients by up to 90%. Barrier function improved by 75%, and skin roughness improved in at least 75% of study participants.

What does that mean? Well, with less redness there's less embarrassment. You're more likely to feel confident in your appearance with normal complexion.

Improved skin barrier means your body can absorb vital nutrients like vitamin C, while locking out trigger ingredients found in many common skin products. In other words, you're less vulnerable to breakouts.

And less skin roughness? Your skin will be smoother, with less bumps and fewer pimples. You'll look better, and you'll experience something that most rosacea patients seek but rarely find and that's relief.

Fortunately, with Rosacea Relief Serum, there's plenty of that!
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Kumar swamy

EmployAstar | Applicant Tracking System

Thank you for sharing this good information

Jun 2, 2021 2 Likes Like it
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