What Types of Drug Charges are the Most Severe in Pennsylvania?

Posted by Alva Firm
Apr 7, 2021

If you are caught with drugs in Pennsylvania, then you will have a tough time for obvious reasons, it is a fact that drugs cannot be a part of life and anyone found selling, possessing, and manufacturing will have to face the legal music.

That means you have to find a good criminal defense attorney in Philadelphia if you are charged with drug-related offenses but then before that, you must know the laws.

Ø  Drug charges in Pennsylvania:

The first thing is that there are different laws in different schedule drugs, and Good lawyers in Philadelphia can help with that to make you understand but here are few things that would also, give you a fair idea about what you should know.

Cocaine, marijuana, and heroin are considered schedule 1 drugs, which means these drugs are highly addictive and habit forming without any medical purposes.

Schedule 2 to Schedule 5 drugs have been potently used for abuse, however often they are also used for medical purposes.

Depending on the potential of abuse and therapeutic value of drugs, the charges may vary from schedule to schedule, and a smart Philadelphia law firm can help you with that.

There are three felony charges, which include possession of drugs for delivery, manufacturing, and felony possession for trafficking and these things would attract maximum sentences, in such cases, only Philly criminal lawyers can help you to deal with the charges

The sentences of these offenses can bring a minimum one year sentence to 15 years sentence and fine up to $25,000 depending upon the severity of the charge and a drug defense lawyer should be your first pick

The drug charges in pa can be extremely severe and for that, you have to make certain that you are finding a good law firm that can help you in dealing with charges and set you free from the clutches of the law.

You have to make sure that you are working with the best Philadelphia law firm that is experienced and is specialized in dealing with these charges and here at this point, you have to look for their track record.

Ø  How a law firm can help you:

A smart law firm will help you in finding out the types of drug charges and make sure that you are convicted rightfully; they will make sure that you are not wrongfully convicted for something that you did not do.

A smart criminal defense attorney in Philadelphia can take forward a better and logical argument, which might help you to lessen the charges, for instance, a minor might just be sent to a juvenile correctional facility for rehab and get a better life going further.

Ø  What you should do?

Finding Good lawyers in Philadelphia is not the end of things, you have to talk to them and explain how things took place and your stance on the charges.

You also need to make sure that you talk to Philly criminal lawyers and inform them about everything and give them the right info that they need for trials.

If you find yourself with drug charges, then you should not panic, and all you have to do is to talk to the drug defense lawyer who can give you better legal solutions.

Ø  Key takeaways:

The types of drug charges in PA differ from one another, for a schedule 5 drug possession, you might have to pay fewer fines and get lesser sentences and for schedule 1 drug charges, you might get more severe sentences.

That means you have to know the severity of the drug charges and a good lawyer can get you the solutions for all the drug charges in pa, so, find a better law firm today.

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