What is the cost of company registration, proprietorship for LLP Pvt ltd and Ltd?
There are 9 types of business entities you can register your business as and their names and costs are as follows:
- Sole Proprietorship Registration: Suited for a solo business man who doesn’t want to be governed under the company’s law, a Sole proprietorship is not a legal business entity. Hence, there is no registration required except for GST registration.
- Cost of Sole Proprietorship Registration: INR 2,999/-
- Partnership Firm Registration: It’s the traditional partnership ship in which 2 or more partners are required to run a business. It’s suited for those who want a simple form of partnership. It’s governed under the partnership act.
- Cost of Partnership firm registration: INR 2,999/-
- LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) Registration: An LLP is an evolved form of partnership bearing the infrastructure of a partnership and perks of a company. It’s suited for those who are looking for expansion.
- Cost of LLP registration: INR 7,499/-
Rest Of The 6 Are Company Registrations.
- Private Limited Company registration: A private limited company registration is the most popular business entity in India. It’s suited for entrepreneurs, established business individuals and others. It provides many venues to gain funds and can be the key to your business’ success.
- Cost of private limited company registration: INR 7,999/-
- One Person Company Registration: One Person is the most basic form of company. It only requires a single director to run a business. It’s suited for sole entrepreneurs looking for a proper structure to add to their business activities.
- Cost of One Person Company Registration: INR 6,999/-
- Public Limited Company: A public limited company has a base structure of a private limited company with one difference: there is no limit to the number of members that can be added to it. It’s suited for those businessmen who have a lot of capital at the start and want to reach throughout the globe.
- Cost of a public limited company registration: INR 35,000/-
- Nidhi Company registration: A Nidhi company has the structure of a private limited company and is for those who want to do a thrift and savings business within its members.
- Cost of Nidhi Company Registration: INR 29,999/-
- Section 8 Company: Section 8 company is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with the structure of a private limited company. The profits are not used as dividends among members but as an investment into the primary objective of the Section 8 Company, which is to help people.
- Cost of Section 8 Company registration: INR 29,999/-
- Producer Company: A producer company deals with primary produce. It’s structured as a limited company.
- Cost of Producer company registration: INR 49,999/-
That’s all the information I can divulge for you at this moment. For more information in this regard, contact our Business registration experts at Regalguru.