What do you want from me?

Most of those I ignore, for several reasons:
1) I am already a member
2) I have seen the program in the past and decided already it's not for me
3) It makes unrealistic/unsustainable claims.
4) Smells scammish
5) Blatant salespitches from people I have never exchanged even a hello with annoy me.
Let's look at point #5 for a moment. Please do not C&P the company's website's official blurb into my inbox. If you can't take the time to actually type to me, I will NOT take the time to sign up to anything you promote, even if it will put a new Ferrari in my driveway (would have said garage but I don't have a garage).
I also get messages saying such things as, "Hi, how are you" and similar opening lines. Guess what? THOSE I always respond to. And in more than one case these simple and inauspicious beginnings have led to lasting and mutually beneficial relationships/partnerships of the you-joined-mine-so-I'll-join-yours type.
So what am I saying here? Am I asking everyone to send me "Howdy" messages? Well no, that was just an example. What I am suggesting is you get to know your potential referral/partner before turning your full powers of sellability on them. Learn who they are, find out what types of things they do online and get a feel for what they will be willing to try.
And when you have done all that, suggest programs to them that you honestly believe they will be successful with, even if you yourself would be better served if they joined a different one. And reciprocate by joining or seriously considering the ones they are offering to you.
It's all about building long-term working business relationships, after all.
Comments (6)
Carmen Anca Rus
Social Media Marketer
nice, I enjoyed reading your article, Lyle!! I feel about the same way ;)
Pat Fryer
Independent Distributor for ViSalus Sciences
Great article. In order to get people into your business you NEED to make a friendship, have that communication, earn some trust with each other, etc. That is what having a business is all about!!!
Vishwajeet Kumar
Very Nicely Written article.
Jephita Otuke
Internet Markerting
Hi Faiiacy, I like the way you are looking at how people tend to approach others to do things. I agree that some of the ways are not appealing thus end no where. We should approach others in a better way, if we expect results.
faii acy
GPT Site Owner/Operator
Haha! Use anything you want, but I'm not a "her" :Þ
Vps Malhotra
Free Lancer
It is tremendous article an sanest piece of internet advice pearled in simplest of words for furthering ones interests on internet nay in all walks of life that I have come accross I am tempted to put the essense this post on my blog no doubt with credits to 'faiiacy' and with her kind permission Well done
Here I would do C&P
"It's all about building long-term working business relationships, after all".WHAT DO YOU WANT ?