The Weather Map Syndrome

Posted by faii acy
Jan 26, 2012
Image This little article neither asks you to buy anything nor to join anything. For a refreshing change I am just going to share a few thoughts.

This is written from a Canadian point of view, but a similar situation exists for many other countries.

Those of you in the US, and for those of us in Canada and (probably) in Mexico close enough to the border to watch American TV have all seen the typical weather map shown and discussed by your local meteorologist. And in many cases the weather, as well as often the map itself, STOPS at the US border. Everything above or below the border is blank, grey, or simply absent. Basically....we don't matter.

But this weather map syndrome is not limited to weather. In the world of GPT where I make most of my online money, there are very very few offers for Canada. For the US, there are literally THOUSANDS of offers, with hundreds more added every day. For Canada? Maybe 1, on a good day.

Is it because there are so few of us? Well 30 million is not a lot compared to the 300 million in the US, but I know of few advertisers who would turn their nose up at reaching 30 million potential new customers. And guess what? Most of us live within relatively easy driving distance of the US border. I myself am only 20 minutes north of the Vermont border. My wife is an American citizen and works on the other side so drives it almost daily. We buy most of our food, and ALL of our electronics in the US. We also did our Christmas shopping this year from my PayPal account, from US sites, shipped to our mailbox in Vermont.

And yet, we are inconsequential to advertisers. Above that border, where there is no weather, or in the words of old-time explorer maps, "Here there be tygers"

We live in a world economy now. Advertisers, whether on GPT sites, PTC sites, other types of affiliate marketing, or even good old fashioned radio and television, can no longer ignore those huge grey spaces on their maps. Money, like weather, transverses borders.

So next time you feel a cold north wind remember where it's coming from, and thinkn to yourself, "Gee, maybe those people up there might be interested in our parkas, our mitts, our chocolate."

Just don't try to sell us your beer

Comments (1)
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

No one ever comments on my artivles, lol!

Jan 27, 2012 Like it
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